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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dred

  1. Which downloads are you using? If you're on Windows, it either sends you to Google Drive, or Mega, which shouldn't be blocked, unless you're on a network connection that restricts what you can access, such as school wifi.
  2. Here's a general tip: Dont teleport. There are many events that are tied to specific tiles, timers, variables, and switches. If you miss any of these, or interact with the wrong event, you will sequence break your game, and be softlocked.
  3. I do not have a copy of E5 to test your save. If you've just updated to E6, you most likely will have to restart your game anyways, due to it being an incomplete run of the game.
  4. You need to interacts with the pedestals by the vendor stations, which will prompt you to purchase the vendors for credits.
  5. Have you purchased any of the other vendors that are available with credits?
  6. Is this savefile from an earlier version then Episode 6?
  7. There is no longer a mod for it, as the feature has been integrated into the game via passwords. The passwords is "easyhms"
  8. Provide your save file. You accessed an area that you weren't supposed to, causing a sequence break.
  9. Everyone has their own opinion, or favorites. But in terms of most used/popular, Torchic is by far on the top of the list.
  10. PBS files have changed with the recent update, and are no longer required. You can edit everything through the scripts now. File path \Desktop\Pokemon Desolation\Scripts\Pokemon Desolation
  11. Please refrain from re-opening posts that are from 2015. You are unlikely to get a response from the original poster.
  12. RKS System changes it's typing to ??? on the Glitch Field, however it should have reverted after. Try throwing it into battle, or throwing a memory on it, and see if it reverts back to normal.
  13. Check the notes on the spreadsheet. You are required to have spheal as your starter for the frost breath tutor.
  14. If I recall correctly, you need to use your arrow keys to cycle through the numbers, rather then typing them.
  15. Due to a numerous amount of bots posting on this thread, it has been locked.
  16. Latest version is Episode 19, but yes, you can shiny stones in mining.
  17. The story is not complete yet. There are a total of 12 gyms.
  18. This is most likely due to your save file not being converted to E6, if it was an save from E5, please follow the conversion process, shown on the download page.
  19. Please ensure that you are on the latest version of the game, as this has already been patched.
  20. All 3 are intended to be incompletable, and will be finished in later versions.
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