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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dred

  1. Save files are stored in the Saved Games folder, so try tossing it in there. Ensure it's the the Game.rxdata file.
  2. If you finished E5 content in the previous version, interact with your bed in the manor to complete the converting process.
  3. Load a backup save file from your save folder, do not use debug, it will only make it worse.
  4. If you're playing from a E5 save file, you need to convert it, which can only be done once the E5 story content is completed. If you haven't done that, you will need to restart. Additionally, check your version file, and ensure you're on 6.0.7.
  5. That is not your save file. Please attach your Error Log, and ensure you're on the latest patch. Additionally, ensure you've properly converted your save file.
  6. No longer available. There is an e6 guide pinned, which includes tm, mega stones, and z Crystal locations.
  7. Repels were replaced in E6 with jinx scent. You can sell those for a high price
  8. Are you using debug, and or is your save from E5?
  9. Online cannot be used with the PULSE2 password. There is no bypass. Your mons will break if you have PULSE2 without the password on.
  10. If you interact with your bed in the manor, it will start e6, and should also give you the log.
  11. Yep. please use your brain people. the work that blue made for the mod isn't owned by game-freak. his work was developed by him, and the PoA team, thus it falls under his ownership. Locked.
  12. Did you follow the instructions for properly converting your save file to E6?
  13. Is your save file from E5? And are you using debug?
  14. 1. Nothing, yet. 2. You missed it by the sounds of it. You needed to complete his missable sidequests awhile back. 3. Not yet no. 4. There are one of the sewer entrances that can be accessed by completing the construction worker sidequests, the one with the gulpin cannot be entered however. 5. It's just there. No quest or anything.
  15. The only tutors are the ones for the starters in Celeste. Move relearner is available in Blackview, and Odis Village.
  16. Some unimportant dialogue probably uses they to skip having to write the same dialogue 3 different times in the script. As for weather, ensure you enabled it. If you did, then it may be broken. I'll look into it later.
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