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Everything posted by Dred

  1. Hi! I got your save converted. Interact with your bed to get E6 started. Game.rxdata
  2. The NPC blocking the path is blocking access to Celeste Labyrinth, which is opened once you defeat Aderyn's gym. There are no Ranger's Quests that mess with your access to Weeping Hill, which is located on Route 2.
  3. Here is a guide showing the games current passwords, encounters, and a bunch of other stuff, with more to come. As well as a side quest guide, listing all currently available side quests in Episode 6 Enjoy! Encounters, Passwords, Etc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ERjTR_1Q1w0BUIpfrz6jGdX9QAE0EqKAw5GAbBPlknU/edit?usp=sharing Side Quests: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17FAy9hj7rPdWdZIykIJopCNBkh0bPx2IpWoP_KVD4sE/edit
  4. I don't believe there is a part in the story that requires you to find a specific Pokemon?
  5. I believe you have a chance of getting a Leek as a held item on a regular Farfetch'd.
  6. Sweet Apple is available in Cellia Central, and Tart Apple in Old Woodland
  7. Last one is on the roof of the Blackview High Rise.
  8. Send your save file. Additionally, are you on the latest patch? And are you using any modified files, or debug?
  9. Yes. A lot changed. QoL, and story changes.
  10. All available encounters, including Gen 8 mons can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ERjTR_1Q1w0BUIpfrz6jGdX9QAE0EqKAw5GAbBPlknU/edit#gid=1099750979
  11. It sounds like your game is from an older version where the Quest Log did not exist. Try starting a Side quest, or story quest, and see if that prompts it there. If not, I'll leave it to the devs to answer.
  12. Yes! Nothing is shiny locked in this game.
  13. In the rock puzzle, there is a cave entrance to the left, and right. Where you battled Lucas, there will be 1 pillar to rock smash. There should be 3 or 4 in the main room, and 3 in the left room. Once you rock smashed all pillars, go to the center cave in the main room.
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