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Everything posted by Dred

  1. 09/11/2024 Dev Blog This weeks post is going to be a little shorter than normal. This isn't due to lack of progress to show, but rather it's quite a big announcement, and I don't really want to bloat this post. Over all development has been going well. As mentioned in the Discord server, there are only 2 main maps left to design and add, and 1 other that needs to be overhauled, once that's done, it's on to interiors, and other smaller maps, then eventing and finishing up writing, and sorting out anything left over. Hopefully we can get this done in a reasonable timeframe! Speaking of map overhauls, I have a map overhaul to show. I've teased and shown the Highlands before, but to be honest, it wasn't that great, the map itself was somewhere around 150 x 180 in size, which, is a little bit too big. I also didn't really utilize that space very well, and it felt very flat and boring, so, I went ahead and redid it entirely. Here is the old map teaser for example: I'll be honest, I didn't really know what I was doing when I made that map. It was the first tileset I had made, as well as the first giant mountain map too, so of course, it wasn't great. With that beside us however, the overhauled map, in my opinion at least, looks a lot better. So, introducing Silverlein Highlands The original idea of this map is still there; it's a big mountain range that has you traversing through caves and windy pathing to reach a destination, this time it's not just a straight path though! Silverlein is the main location for Renegades, Outcasts, and sometimes even Exiles, with the village being located to the north of the main location. From here, you will be able to traverse to the Silverlein Swamps, or hike up to the Silverlein Summit. Who knows what's all the way up there... I managed to get this one done is a reasonable amount of time, which is surprising, since the original map took almost 3 weeks to finish, so that's a plus. Mapping hell is almost over! Additionally, we finished clearing up the inactive teams, which opened 4 new slots, all of which have already been filled with some great new members. So, all of the slots are full, right? Well... for now, maybe, this might change with what's coming next. Ayrien Ralts, and its evolutions come from the Ayrei region, and is the signature Pokemon of Nephele. Both Gardevoir and Gallade are Flying types. Gardevoirs Abilities: Gale Wings, Lightning Rod, Telepathy Gallades Abilities: Gale Wings, Sharpness, Justified As for Vanguard, in version 4.0, you will be able to find and obtain 4 of our Aevian forms! Aevian Scolipede, Sawsbuck, Gogoat, and Pyroar Movesets and Abilities are subject to change per Vanguard balancing standards obviously. Depending on how this collaboration goes, we may end up opening a 4th slot for each field. We will monitor activity and demand, and if its deemed necessary, we will do so. So stay tuned! That's it for this post, I'm sorry it was a short one, but hopefully the announcement justifies it! We will continue to work hard, and feature more exciting content down the line! Check out Project Vanguards Discord server as well! Overseer Files Project Vanguard
  2. Rejuv is not built to work on JoiPlay, and as such, there is currently no support for it on this side. Check the JoiPlay Discord server for support.
  3. 08/17/2024 Dev Blog I am finally back, and working on the mod again, thank goodness. As mentioned on the last post, we're revealing some pretty interesting things to reveal for this months post, and it's going to be a long one. As for overall development, we've been very active with finalizing the remaining form sprites/art, and continuing working on custom assets, and maps. Anyways, with that out of the way, let's get into the first topic. Crest Event We hosted a community event a few weeks ago allowing the community to design some custom crests for the mod. This went... alright I suppose. There were some interesting submissions, but in the end we finished off with three new crests. Mightyena Crest Biting moves are given a 50% boost and speed is increased by 20%. Ninetales Crest Ghost STAB and Resistances, disables opponent's move upon hit." - Note: Applicable to BOTH forms of Ninetales. Runerigus Crest Once per battle, curses opponent upon hit, has a passive leftovers effect at the end of the turn cNPC Arena / Zeight Matrix Introducing: The Zeight Matrix. This is where you will find all of the trainers in the mod, as well as a variety of other custom made content, which has been developed by Jz. Currently the lobby map, and arena are placeholders, and will have a fresh coat of custom mapping down the line. This location will offer the following content: - All 140+ cNPC battles. - And endless rouge-like/mystery dungeon styled game mode. - The MP shop, which can be used to obtain exclusive battle items, crests, and various other items. - Exclusive Pokemon with special movesets. - The Overseer Files developer room, offering extremely difficult developer made battles. cNPC Battles Alrighty, starting off with the main purpose of this location, the cNPCs. As you probably know, each cNPC is given a tier between 1 to 3. This tier will determine when you can battle the trainers. Tier 1 will be available as soon as you gain access to the Pinnacle, and progress past the intro events of the story. Tier 2 will be available at the start of Chapter 2 of the main story. Tier 3 will be available at the start of Chapter 3 of the main story. Defeating cNPCs will reward you with MP points, which as mentioned previously, can be exchanged for various rewards. Defeating a certain number of cNPCs will unlock a milestone reward, and defeating every single cNPC will give you a surprise :) Rogue-like / Mystery Dungeon Additionally, for those who want to challenge themselves, JZ has implemented a new rogue-like gamemode. Upon entering, your bag will be cleared, and you will enter with only the 6 Pokemon in your party. As you progress, you will battle boss Pokemon, and of course, cNPCs, which will get harder as you progress through the floors. Bosses and cNPCs will drop Pokeballs, Held items, and various other new items that will help you progress. The higher the floor you're on, the better rewards you will receive at the end of the run. But do note; you cannot save in the rogue-like gamemode, once you lose, you're out. After a certain amount of floors, there will be a Legendary Boss fight that you will have to battle in order to progress. This boss will give you boosted rewards. Aevian Forms Two more forms for this post. We have one from the old Aevian Form contest that was never revealed, and a brand new form set. We have one last thing to share. Custom Music That's right, we have a custom music piece. I made the amazing financial decision, and commissioned Zumi for a track, which will be used in the mod. The full song won't be available until we release the mod to the public, however, here's the intro to it for now! OverseerFilesTrack.mp3 You get no other info, just take it, and enjoy. I would highly recommend checking out Zumi's commission sheet if you're ever interested in custom art, or music. Her work is incredible, and I'm glad I got to commission something like this for the project. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all for this post. We had a lot to share for this one, and I hope you all enjoy it. Just a reminder that cNPC sprites, lore, and dialogue are due by September First. If you're missing all 3, your team may be removed. Check out our Discord for more details on the mod, teasers, and various announcements. https://discord.gg/OverseerFiles
  4. 07/28/2024 Dev Blog We're back with another post. This last month has primarily been us focusing on organization, implementation of any missing cNPC assets, and clearing up the backlog of old things that needed to be done, as well as chipping away at the regions layout. Over all, this has been going alright, working a full time job is definitely slowing this down however, and unfortunately, it's going to be even slower for the month of August, as I have been pushed into taking a vacation for 2 weeks, so the new post after this probably wont have too much going for it. Now, with all the life crap aside, I'll start off with our latest announcement in the Discord server. cNPC Roll Call A few days ago, I made a fairly lengthy announcement in the public server, going over cNPC that are missing things from their original submission, such as dialogue, lore, sprites, etc. There was probably around 50+ people that I ended up pinging, so if you haven't checked the announcements yet, or the team list, I'd recommend doing so as soon as possible. As of right now, there is no deadline for finishing your cNPCs, this will most likely change when I return from vacation. I also do not plan to be removing any cNPCs, however, if your submission is missing sprites, dialogue, and lore, and you fail to contact me, or make notice of it in the server, I will then be opening up your slot to someone else. The team list can be found here Map Reveal I have two maps to show off on this post, the first one has already been revealed in the public server, and the second one is entirely new. First off, let me introduce the rest of you to the second settlement located in the region, Aspenelle Town Located North of the Pinnacle, Aspenelle Town rests on the boarder of the Highlands, and the Outskirts, and is home to a majority of the Paragon Interceptors. The town is built upon the community working together, and you will often find several community events taking place, fresh crops being distributed amongst the locals, and an over all welcoming environment, that is, if you aren't there to cause issues... Here, you will be able to meet a small group of Interceptors who call themselves the "Snack Squad". These group of unique Interceptors will help you settle into the new environment, give you some lore about the Pinnacle, and maybe even team up with you from time to time, who knows! Aspenelle Canyon Located west of Aspenelle Town, the canyon acts as the boarder between the Highlands, and Aspenelle. The environment is built up of large cliffs and mountains surrounding the environment, and several natural lakes and waterfalls throughout the area. Oh, and it's home to several Outcasts, and a few Exiles too... Thankfully, there's someone living there to keep the chaos at a minimum. (yeah I know there's a tile error with the tent, I already fixed it) Aevian Form As usual, I am closing off this post with a new Aevian form. This month, we are revealing another one designed by Chrysanthemum. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This concludes the post for this month. As I mentioned at the start of the post, I will be on vacation for a good bit of August, so the next post won't be too big. But who knows, maybe I'll give a decent spoiler next time... We shall see. And remember, to make changes to your cNPC, or include anything that is missing, or to just hang out and do whatever, make sure you join our Discord server. https://discord.gg/OverseerFiles
  5. If your save file hasn't finished chapter 15, then yes. It is usually recommended to restart anyways, as a majority of the early game has been reworked.
  6. You do know you're playing on an outdated version of the game, right? This puzzle was removed in v13.5
  7. This happens on save file conversion sometime, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just something that isn't really fixable from what I know.
  8. 06/29/2024 Dev Blog Hi, we're back showcasing more cool things that have been in the works since our last post. A lot of things are still heavy spoilers, so there isn't too much on characters, or story, yet. This post will primarily focus on some art/sprites, forms, and another map showcase, so here we go. The Forest Bordering between the Pinnacle, and the next larger settlement is the Outskirts, and the Forest, where the outskirts is more open and well kept, the forest is a path of foliage, trees, and water. Trekking through the forest will lead to multiple routes, each of which will showcase their own unique story locations, and rewards. Here's a showcase of the Forest. I wonder where that cave could lead, hmmmmmm. The map shown may have some slight changes upon release, but for now, this is what we have! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Battle Graphics We decided to spicen up some of the battles for the mod, and have made a custom battle background! Where is this place? Well, wouldn't you like to know! We'll reveal that later. There are plans for multiple custom made battle backgrounds in the future, but for now, we have this one to show, which was made by Omens. Pretty cool looking. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Form Reveals We're showing off two new forms for this post, both from Gen 5! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That's all for this post! We will see you all (again) in the foreseeable future. https://discord.gg/OverseerFiles
  9. This issue was fixed on a recent 19.5 patch. Update your game, and I will fix this when I'm available.
  10. 06/01/2024 Dev Blog Happy pride month Interceptors! It's been a minute. Time certainly flies. Like seriously what the hell. Okay, so we have stuff today, a lot of it. so lets get started. To start off, in the Discord we held a pretty big event for reaching 500 members. This involved new team submissions, Aevian form raffles, and a event for one of the forms we revealed in the server, Aevian Meowstic. During that event, we added 4 new teams to the mod, and had an opening for the Dragon's Den field, so submissions for that field are currently open. Additionally, Iron Moth is now available to be adopted to your team, or submitted for your Dragon's Den team. Also, for those who haven't seen the Meowstic Aevian form, here it is! So, event stuff done. We will probably host some more maybe sometime possibly in the future, I don't know yet. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now, trainer sprites! We revealed Ari's sprites awhile ago, and now, we're going ahead and revealing everyone's favourite goober, Solus! You will fight this goober a few times throughout the Overseer story, although you will certainly see them a lot more in the Paragon route. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It's been awhile since I've done a map revealed. As of recently, I've been reworking some of the original maps I made when we first started the mod, as the originals were.... not great... So I've been reworking the intro map, and the Pinnacle. Today I will be showing some snippets of the intro map. This will be the very first location you visit in the mod, and will definitely not have any other importance after what so ever! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ And finally, the Aevian forms. We have two forms to reveal today! One of them is totally not themed around anything at all, nooo. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That's all for this post! We will see you all in the foreseeable future. https://discord.gg/OverseerFiles
  11. Locked due to casino bots posting malicious links.
  12. Check your deleted bin, if you cleared that then it can't be recovered unless you had backups stored somewhere else.
  13. Can you please provide your code as well.
  14. 05/04/2024 Dev Blog To start off this post, I will be sharing some pretty big news. In terms of team submissions, we have finally filled out all slots team slots for every field in the game (excluding the forbidden three). With that, we have over 130 custom community submitted teams added into the mod! As of right now, we are hosting the final team update phase in the Discord server, which will last until May 9th. With this team update wave, you will be eligible to change one Pokemon on your team, as long as it is not a Legendary, Mythical, Ultra Beast, Paradox, or Silvally Form. After the 1 week is up, submissions and team updates will be closed for good, with Lore and Sprite changes remaining open for the foreseeable future. Thank you to everyone who submitted their teams! In total we received over 300 unique submissions to the mod. I am finally glad to say that Wave 3 is done! I can finally focus on something that isn't adding in new teams. And with that aside, on to the of the post. As of like, 3 days ago, we kidnapped recruited a new spriter from the community Discord server. With people being busy and stuff, we kinda needed some help with the work load. So, with that, please welcome Chrysanthemum to the Overseer team. They've already produced a handful of sprites for the mod, and we will be showcasing a few in a moment. And now, for your bi-weekly Aevian form. This one was designed by Omens, and sprited by Chrysanthemum! Aevian Skiddo & Gogoat Water Type Aevian Skiddo - Amicable and excitable beings, Aevian Skiddo will often frolic along the shorelines with people and Pokemon alike. Aevian Gogoat - Living completely on the ocean's surface, Aevian Gogoats will trot along the waves and are revered by sailors for their ability to calm the sea itself. And finally, something that has also been revealed in the public server already. We will be hosting our next community event once the public server reaches 500 members. As of posting, we are currently at around 455 members. This event will allow you to obtain the exclusive Overseer Aevian forms for your team, as well as participate with other community members! We will provide more information on this event once we are closer to the event goal! As for future posts like this one, I will no longer be guaranteeing a bi-weekly posting schedule. A lot of content that we have been working on contains major spoilers that I really can't showcase too much, without giving away major hints, so! Future posts may contain less information, while still containing Aevian form reveals, and some other general community updates. Additionally, the teasers channel in the public Discord server will be used to showcase snippets of content that doesn't require a full paragraph of text to describe, so stay tuned there as well. As for the next guaranteed post, we have one planned for June 1st, and I am unsure if there will be another one for May, but I will keep you all updated! Until next time! https://discord.gg/OverseerFiles
  15. Can you please provide a screenshot of the error, and your save file?
  16. The base game doesn't increase IVs for Shiny Pokemon, so you're already going against your "principles".
  17. 20/04/2024 Dev Blog We're back to the forums! The last two posts were done through Google Docs, however, I believe that its safe to return back to the forums, and continue here. I will link the last two Dev Blogs at the end of this post for anyone who missed them. So, what has been going on lately? Well, we're down to 4 cNPC slots left. Once those are filled, submissions will finally be closed for good (unless someone pulls their team from the mod, or other unstated reasons) And for this weeks post, I will be going over some unnamed map teasers, the remaining legendaries, paradox's, and Silvally forms, a new character reveal, and of course, another Aevian form. So let's get to it. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Map Teasers So, I posted two images in the Discord server, showcasing a snippet of some maps I'm working on, and now I'm sharing them here, and not giving any other context! yet More info on this map, and teasers will be given at a later date, it is a pretty important spot in the story however. Now, for actual stuff I haven't revealed yet. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Legendary Adoption Phase Okay, so we're doing this a bit early. Starting today, members with accepted teams will be able to submit a request for a legendary, ultra beast, paradox, or Silvally form, that is not in current use for their team. There will be a specific applications that will need to be filled out in the Discord server. It also should go without saying that new members submitting a team to the mod will have priority over the remaining legendaries. The application will consist of the following question: - cNPC Name - Field & Format (Singles or Doubles) - Previous Team - New Team (With the requested mon) - Why you should have the mon, and how does it synergize with the team/field. Teams that already have a Legendary, or any other the other forms will likely not receive a second one on their team, so keep that in mind. This adoption period will end once all remaining forms have been sent to a cNPC team. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Character Reveal Introducing, the goober, Solus. More often found during Excursions than within the Pinnacle's cities itself, Solus is quite amicable with Pinnacle life and is usually seen going from one task to another. That, or smuggling obscene amounts of GourmetTreats across the Pinnacle... A fair contributor to Pinnacle society they may be, Solus prefers to live in the outskirts and thus when not on the job you may find them in more peculiar places than other story NPCs like Vincent and Melody! They will be more prominent during the Paragon route but will show up a fair few times throughout Renegade as well. Le goob. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Form Reveal I'm starting to run out of forms that I can reveal without major spoilers, so here's one that isn't fully finished yet, but has artwork made for it. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That's all for this weeks post! The next post will be on May 4th https://discord.gg/OverseerFiles
  18. The game isn't done yet, so who knows what the consequences will be outside of Renegade.
  19. No, if you messed around with debug, walked through walls, or skipped events, then there is a chance you messed up the events. You will need to send your save file for further diagnosis.
  20. This sounds like a sequence break more than anything. Are you using any mods or debug?
  21. Try compiling all, and also send the error if it happens again.
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