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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Dred

  1. This post has been moved to the correct thread.
  2. Dred

    Victory road

    Ghosts can be battled whenever you feel like it. There is nothing that I can think of that can be missed. https://discord.gg/rebornevo
  3. Dred

    Save Files

    Google drive is a good place to put it.
  4. You have to rename the backup save to Game.rxdata
  5. Don't debug the variables. You're going to have to wait. Additionally, you need to buy all the mons on 7th street if you haven't done that already.
  6. That's one way to do it. The issue was being on an older version of the map, thus warping you to the wrong area in Calcenon.
  7. I believe this is a known bug with just this fight.
  8. Evs, IVs, perfect natures and abilities are not a requirement to finish the game, it will be easier, but it's certainly not impossible. Breeding is not required either. Changing members of your team is intended, you aren't meant to sweep through the game with one team. Passwords outside of a password pack already exist for a few of the listed things as well.
  9. 19.5 is planned, which is a script overhaul, and bug fixes. Nothing known for story changes/additions.
  10. Send the save file that is softlocked, or revert the save to an older one to fix.
  11. Could you send a screenshot of your EVs, or a copy of the savefile?
  12. Dred

    Old Map

    No. Zorua is missable, but it's evolution is in Victory road. Emolga is an encounter in Neo Jasper Ward Helioptile evo is in the desert.
  13. It does, I labeled it as Pokedex quest
  14. New Game+ only allows you to skip puzzles, things such as dex progress, Pokemon, etc, cannot be transferred over, Pokemon are able to with the use of mods however. New Game+ is automatically applied to new save files once you have completed a specific quest that is available for it. It does not skip important bits of dialogue, or story however. The following puzzles can be skipped if you have previously completed them before, or have a save file that has: In the end, it falls under your choice if you want to skip the puzzles, generally it is recommended you do them, but you won't be missing out on too much if you decide to skip them.
  15. If you're in the Reborn Discord server, there is a guide for installation on Joiplay, ensure that you are using that guide for it, as Playstore version's of Joiplay will not work. If you are using the guide, attempt an earlier version of the Patreon build for Joiplay.
  16. The installer may take some time, how long did you leave it running? Additionally, you could also just install the Windows 7 version.
  17. Hello! I've decided to go ahead and share my Reborn Completion Save File, which to what I know, has completed the Main and Postgame story, side quests, and anything else, below you can find what the save file includes! This save is intended for users who want to have access to everything available in the game, without the use of debugging, or other methods. SharedPC mod can be used to transfer from savefiles. Download: The save file can be downloaded Here What's available?: Additional Information: How to load a Save File: - Download the Save File from the Google Drive link above. - Open your Save Folder Shortcut, which is located in your main Pokemon Reborn folder. - Rename the downloaded Save File to an available save slot, I'd recommend setting it to a slot that you won't use, for example, Game_100. - Ensure the file is still a .rxdata file, and that the spelling is correct, Save Files are case sensitive, and will not work if the file name is inputted incorrectly. - Run Pokemon Reborn, and check your save files, load the save for NG+ features. Incompatibilities: - This Save File will NOT work on any older version of Pokemon Reborn, it is only intended for Episode 19 (E19), and any other future version of the game) - Anything else should work fine. If anything is missing, or if any issues occur, please let me know, and I will fix it as soon as possible!
  18. If I recall correctly, it's the first memory you receive when you talk to Venam's dad after evolving Type:Null into Silvally
  19. They are scattered around the map, usually in hidden area's, some places like Chrysolia Woods have them hidden, additionally you would receive one from Ace earlier in the game. You can also change your pokemons nature on 7th street. Once you reach post game, nature mints can be purchased.
  20. I'll post this here for anyone who stumbles upon this post looking for the same thing. Throw this in your scripts folder and load the game, should be good to go. PokeBattle_Battler.rb
  21. As long as you don't flat out delete sprites without replacing them, you can edit them to however you want.
  22. You could never obtain it, just battle it, and rescue Amber.
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