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Everything posted by Dred

  1. Try re-entering the map, and check your time to ensure it's not right before/after day time, additionally, you can few all locations here: https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Teddiursa_Sidequest?so=search
  2. You can try reinstalling the game, and Joiplay, and see if that works, but as far as I know when it comes to Rejuv/Reborn and Joiplay, they don't directly support emulation on Joiplay, and can cause issues such as this.
  3. I believe it only occurs when you are doing the Pyrous Mountain storyline, where you rescue Nim, you get the option to also rescue Amber. I know you can dive there later for something unrelated to Kyogre however.
  4. Please note, and read, that this is not the place to ask for Online Trades.
  5. The only other Dubious Disk is found on Floor 11 of the Department Store, you will need ten stickers.
  6. If you're trying to use EXP Candies to go over the level cap, that will not work, even if hard cap is disabled. Only XP from battles, and rare candies will over level you. Additionally, if you do some how have it on, grab a data chip, and enter the password at a PC.
  7. Dred

    Flame Orb

    Solar power is not boosted by burn, only sunlight. Flame Orb only burns, and is intended for mons that benefit from status conditions, such as Guts.
  8. If I recall correctly, if you grab Madelis's key from the Chamber of Awakening in Valor Mountain, and go back to where you rescued Crawli in the abandoned base, you can now use the train, which will transport you to the left side of the swamp, and allow you to also obtain Ralts, and Beldum. Hope that helps! If not, let me know and I will see what I can do to for you.
  9. The Devon Corp events, and the Glass Workshop events are quite far apart, soo by the looks of it, and since you've saved the City, your next plan should be battling Hardy's gym, and heading to Calcenon after.
  10. Sorry for the delay, here you go. Game_102.rxdata
  11. Hello, As the mod stats, it is intended to remove the incubator "hatching" animation, which originally just faded your screen to black for a few seconds, and played an annoying sound. This mod does not remove egg hatching animations. You can find that mod apart of this mod pack: https://github.com/alchemis/LMP-Mod-Pack
  12. If you can provide your Save File, I will see about either triggering the event to get you a Froakie, or just spawning one for you, I don't believe there is a way to get it in these circumstances however.
  13. Dred

    Darkrai help

    That is for Zygarde, which you cannot complete yet. Once you finish Tapu's, you will get the next set of quests.
  14. Reborn has custom shinies. Shiny rates are 1/93, and 1/33 with Shiny Charm.
  15. Alrighty, here it is, I will attempt to list out everything that this save has: Completed Shiny Living Dex, excluding legendary Pokemon, and one time unbreedable mons. All 100 TMs All Z Crystals and Mega Stones (Excluding VR Stones) All side quests completed, Passwords EasyHMs, HardCap, WeatherMod, Pinata, FreeRemotePC all Enabled. Online Play enabled Almost all held items, evolution items, memories, and 999 of each colored shard 6/31 IV Ditto, located in the Daycare, which also has the incubator active. NG+ enabled on all available quests (Does not include Postgame NG+) And probably more, have fun. Game.rxdata
  16. I'll see about grabbing you one of my living dex saves, what do you want your character name to be? as I can change it for you.
  17. If you're in the Reborn Discord server, go to the e19 help channels, and check the pins. There is a pinned map of Rhodochrine, and the Underroot.
  18. This is a thread that has been closed for 7 years..... The game automatically creates multiple save slots when you start a new game.
  19. You need to re-enter the map, as you are most likely still on the old map. Also. this only affects the incubator.
  20. Reborn goes off of the Gen 7 USUM movesets, therefore, no, you cannot obtain an Alolan Sandslash with Ice Shard, refer to here for its full Gen 7 set https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/sandslash/moves/7
  21. With a Data Chip, you can go to a PC, and enable the "FullIVs" password, this however, will disable online play, but will make all new wild pokemon have 31x6 IVs. EVs are easy to obtain, and Power Items (EV training items) provide +32 on whichever stat you're trying to train, regardless of the mon. As for shinies, they are a default rate of 1/93, and 1/33 with the Shiny Charm, which can be obtained early using a Data Chip, and inputting the "ShinyCharm" Password. Additionally, and I do not recommend, nor will I provide it do to the risks, there is the option of debug, but this presents major risks that can softlock your game, and potentially corrupt your save file, crash your game, etc, if used irresponsibly.
  22. https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Mega-Z_Ring_Sidequest?so=search
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