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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dred

  1. For future reference, you can find the entire soundtrack, with links directing you to the original uploads on this wiki link: https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Soundtrack
  2. It is located in the 4th Gem Logic Puzzle room, there will be a small path leading behind the puzzle, which is where it is located.
  3. NG+ is only applied to previous puzzles you have completed on prior save files, completing the post game does not unlock all NG+ features. Once you have fully completed a puzzle that is eligible for NG+, it will automatically spawn a white shard in the area of the puzzle, allowing you to skip the puzzle.
  4. Firstly, I wouldn't recommend messing with switches, or no clipping out, that will just soft lock you further, and break your game. You can attempt to re install the game, and re enter the map, and see if that will fix the issue, usually it does. By re enter, I mean fully exit the cave, and re enter, and trigger the event.
  5. Are you using any mods on your game? And are you on the latest patch?
  6. Did you fully finish the parts for Groudon/Kyogre, and Yveltal/Xerneas? You might of missed something, or didn't fully finish it.
  7. You probably set it back to default, try fn + esc again and see if it works.
  8. Okay, try FN + ESC (this will make it so that the volume down key will require the FN key to be pressed at the same time, usually recommended for games that use the F# keys). And then try F12.
  9. If you really want the game to be harder, you can use a data chip, and raise npc level caps by your desired amount. That being said, the game does get quite harder, early game is a bit of a warm up.
  10. Where'd you get 2 starters from? Also it does get harder.
  11. There is no second magnetic lure available.
  12. Through Celestine via the Cascade.
  13. Go through the mountain, and exit via the other end of Route 2.
  14. When you say test fights, do you mean you're battling him via the debug menu? Or actually going through the scripted events and battling him legit? I ask this due to the fact that not all listed battles in the debug menu are the same as scripted fights.
  15. Yes, deconstructing doesn't duplicate cells, it just changes the value of cells you have and haven't used. Meaning you have 10 more that can be used.
  16. Exit that area and check over near the west area of the train wall, there should be a separate entrance that allows you to push that train to the right.
  17. Dred

    Patch 19.6

    The games current version is 19.16. Also are you on Mac, Windows, or Linux? Typically manually patching is just placing the new files in your game folder, and replacing the old files.
  18. No, Venusaur cannot learn Weather Ball in Pokemon Reborn. There is no TM for it, as Reborn goes off of Gen 7 USUM movesets/TMs.
  19. Hi, next time please post this in the troubleshooting thread, so it can be seen by people who usually handle things like this. If this is still an issue, try refreshing the map, by re entering (going into a building, different route/city, etc). If that does not work, try reinstalling your game. Any mods that edit the games battles should be excluded when reinstalling.
  20. Files must be converted to .ogg files, otherwise your game will crash.
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