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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dred

  1. It's probably not working due to it being outdated. Try reinstalling your game.
  2. Here is a guide with the tutor moves that are available, and where they are located. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZaS7Vs-CWfFojVxeii8D7S4GbZWlwcNspb7zQkqMmUk/edit#gid=0
  3. You obtain it after beating Charlotte, have you gotten that far yet?
  4. This mod simply adds an NPC will that allow you to convert your Keldeo into its Resolute form. It provides no competitive stats, and is only cosmetic changes. The NPC will also allow you to teach the move Secret Sword for free. The NPC can be found in the New World, just before you fight Keldeo. Installation: Download the available map file below, you may need to go into your browsers download settings to allow the download, Chrome likes to false flag map data for whatever reason. Once installed, navigate to your Pokemon Reborn file directory, and open the "Data" folder. Take Map839.rxdata, and proceed to drag and drop it into the Data folder, when prompted, replace the old, duplicate map file that was originally in your Data folder. Once this is done, close out of the files, and run Reborn. If you are loading into the map where you catch Keldeo, you will need to re-enter the map, so that it refreshes, and the NPC actually appears. The NPC can be found right before the Keldeo battle spot, as shown here. Map839.rxdata
  5. Dred

    PULSE dex

    Oh, so you haven't got past that part yet, alrighty, so for that one, you can get it by losing to the PULSE the first time (Have fun) Or get it after the fight.
  6. Dred

    PULSE dex

    9 can be found in the south west building in Labradorra City, below the door to LCCC 11 can be found in Citae Astrae, if you haven't finished main game, you will find it there, it's very hard to miss.
  7. There are three lighthouses, not two, there is the one on Terajuma Shore, North of Route 5, and through Aquamarine Cave. You need to visit all 3.
  8. Why are you trying to continue a thread that was made, and finished almost 9 years ago? Lmao.
  9. Try reinstalling the game.
  10. Plates of Arceus is currently in development for E19. Earlier versions are not compatible with E19.
  11. If you downloaded Sandbox for E19, it will not work, I highly recommend updating to E19 regardless however.
  12. Please provide your save file, as well as any mods you use, as well as if you are currently using debug, thanks.
  13. Well that is certainly interesting. Few things to try, as well as provide for troubleshooting purposes. Have you tried to reinstall the game? And ensure all contents are extracted properly. Running the game on the latest patch/version Ensure that your device meets minimum requires listed on the download page. Additionally, if you could provide your device spec list (Can be found by right clicking the Windows logo in the bottom left, and going to System) As well as your OS version. Ensure that Rejuvenation is running off of your devices graphics card as well, as this could be a cause of it. You can search up your graphics card in the start menu, and a menu will pop up prompting you to add a program. Find your Game.exe for Rejuvenation and make sure you select your graphics card. This may fix it.
  14. Send your save file and I'll just add it back onto your game.
  15. If you're on a lower end device, then yes, there is the possibility of things taking longer when using mods, but it shouldn't impact too much.
  16. The Black Belt doesn't give the TM anymore, HMs are not randomized by the randomizer, you will receive it from Victoria.
  17. Seems like a bug, there is no difference other then its Disguise probably is broken until you go into battle, you can try getting it back by bringing into battle.
  18. You may have sold it, or used it for the Spyce quest.
  19. Dred

    numbers missing

    This is usually a result of lower end devices not being able to render in the graphics for certain things, such as badges, field effect apps, or this.
  20. Go to the Jukebox and try turning it off.
  21. Partner sprites (so far only the sneasel) will be facing you, rather then the opponent.
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