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Everything posted by Dred

  1. Trying to evolve an Eevee into Drekeon, I have it holding a Dragon Scale, like the spreadsheet says, however, it's only evolving into Umbreon, any advice for this? Edit: NVM it needed a link stone to evo.
  2. You don't actually need to get a Tauros for that. You just need to unlock the Grotto, where you battled Ace that one time, there will be a door, if its open, it will lead you to the path, if its not, you will need to unlock it by flicking all 5 of the tubes found across the wasteland.
  3. You are missing two actually Heracross sticker can be found by starting the quest at the Nature Center on Route 1, where the guy has lost his glasses, these can be found in South Adventurine Woods, I recommend googling a tutorial. The second missing one is the Chansey Sticker, obtained by finding the woman in Spinel Town that was teleported, giving her an Herbal Extract, and that's it.
  4. Understand that Reborn has a grand total of 1138 battles. Editing every single battle on their own would be next to near impossible in the time span since release of the mod.
  5. Online servers are down right now, they will be back up when they are restarted.
  6. Small little alleyway thing slightly right to where the lost cop was. Send your save file as well.
  7. As of right now, Honedge is not obtainable by any circumstances, and there is no event for it. The Sword and Shield there is just a little nod to some stuff you will find out later on.
  8. Ensure that you are on the latest patch of Reborn. Once you finish the drifloon part, go to Jasper, where you will find some Venipede surrounding the kid. Battle them, and then return to Lapis.
  9. They'll work in battle, but will revert after battle.
  10. Dred

    TM Sludge Bomb

    Sludge Bomb is found in the same location where Mirage Tower is, but before you find the 3 Oasis's to have it appear. You may be able to get it if you interact with a few Oasis's, but I'm not 100% sure.
  11. Some PULSEs can be "mega evolved" by the PULSE item, I've only seen Tangrowth able to use it. Some other PULSEs such as Abra are able to maintain its PULSE form permanently. But for certain PULSEs, they will revert, with no way of changing back unless you debug. They also don't have back sprites.
  12. This thread is 3 years old and not in use, why are you replying here?
  13. Dred

    Mystical fire TM?

    Unfortunately Sylveon only gets Mystical Fire by TR's in Gen 8. Reborn goes off of USUM Gen 7 movesets, which Sylveon does not learn Mystical Fire in that generation.
  14. Click your A key and read the dialogue before you go ahead and dis the devs.
  15. "How do I load a backup save?" First, find your save folder! Windows: C:/Users/[Your User Name]/Saved Games/Pokemon Reborn/Game.rxdata Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Pokemon Reborn/Game.rxdata Linux: ~/.local/share/Pokemon Reborn Then, remove Game.rxdata (or rename it to something else), find your most recent backup in the folder, and rename that file to be Game.rxdata instead. That's all! In any of the above cases, replace "Pokemon Reborn" with a different game name, like "Pokemon Rejuvenation" to find those files instead.
  16. Load a different save file, your save is corrupted.
  17. Talk to Shelly in the Agate Circus -> Agate City gate before starting the meteor battles.
  18. When you say your whole pc screen goes black, is this when you're in full screen, or is it any display size your game is on.
  19. To progress, you need to find a kid in the slums. If you cannot access the slums due to restoration, then I'm not sure if you can continue the quest.
  20. How far were you into the Magikarp quest? You can finish the main story fine, the side quest has no influence on the main stories events. For Taka, you need to find Titania's gym.
  21. If you're post restoration, and haven't reached a certain point in the Magikarp side quest, you cannot proceed. You can catch Magikarp at a later date in the game.
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