Grab yourself a Sudowoodo, and give it a Rock Incense, and then breed it with a ditto, you will be able to breed Bonsly that way.
Sudowoodo is found in Obsidia Ward grass, Rock Incense can be purchased in Beryl Ward.
Ariados Crest breaks upon trying to attack an opponent.
edit1: doing anything with Ariados out will cause this error.
edit 1.5: This happens even when not holding the crest.
Cherrim crest at the Sweet Scent Flower Shop also crashes upon interaction with the shop dealer.
Also for future reference, I'd recommend just putting files you've edited into its respective folder, rather than the entire game file, saves you, and others time, and you don't need to wait on Google to upload, and over all is just a lot better for navigation on bugs and such
EDIT: Fixed the Cherrim Crest too, damn comma's...
(FIXED) Map322.rxdata
Got it installed, it looks awesome so far!
Figured I'd bring this to you as soon as possible however, set four of the crests crashes upon clicking it, item "EMPKCREST" is not valid. I assume the K is not supposed to be there, and is probably just as simple fix!
Also you included your mods folder in the download for it, not sure if that was intended or not.
EDIT: Fixed the error with the crest shop, two crest's had typo's, and were crashing due to it not detecting. Map update is linked below.
(FIXED) Map007.rxdata
I can breed you one if you'd like. I've been needing one for my breeding bin. Is there anything in specific, like egg moves that you need? And do you want it shiny?
I do apologize for the confusion. What I had been suggesting was having the Aevian Mons/Crests be a file on their own, excluding the Gen 8 Content, customs moves/abilities, etc. Sorry!!! (essentially what you did but reversed)
Is there a possibility to have content such as Aevian mons, and crests (up to gen 7) separate, rather then having it all together in one mod? Understandable if that's no possible as it would probably mean changing a lot, figured I'd just toss that out there.
Chrome is just bad at detecting things, mainly because the download contains nothing but a .exe that downloads the reborn files, it sets off red-flags. It does it for .rxdata map files as well, when it only contains map contents.
And then there will be times where chrome will let you download things that are well known viruses. Its hit or miss with chromes detection.
The points were with Blake actually, not Cal. If you re-enter that room, and exit, it should start the scene, if not, then you've skipped, and lost it.
Checked out this mod, and it looks really awesome!
Only issue I've seen with it so far is that the models appear to be blurry/low quality.
Edit: Also Spacial Strike causes critical hits 100% of the time.
Edit 2: Upon further testing, Protect also no longer works with this mod (somehow), and will allow the user to be hit regardless of protect being used or not.
Use this guide for reference on location, and their teams. Your screen will flash white upon entering a room with a spirit present.
I could give you a copy of my Anna Route living dex save. It's right before the final battle (so don't lose the 3rd fight or it reverts to Lin route)
My team is mediocre, but you have almost every mon available to make setups for. You'll miss a bit of important dialogue, but I can find a save before Victory Road, as there are some quite important differences.
Lmk and I'll see what I can do (also the save will have all NG+ skips for it)