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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dred

  1. We have a Discord server now! Join here: https://discord.gg/69pSkRFKH7 16/12/2023 Dev Blog Welcome to our first Dev Blog for the mod! It has been one week since we officially announced the mod, and opened team submissions, and, uh, boy was there a LOT more input, and submissions than we thought there would be. So, paint this scenario in your head, we post the team submission thread, thinking that there would be maybe, I don't know, 20-40 submissions? Until one lovely Monday morning I wake up, take a look, and oh boy. That is uh, not 40 submissions. What the hell. So, it has been a long week of organizing, rating, contacting users about team changes, and deciding whos team is in, and whos is not. I am happy to say that we have finished wave 1 of submissions, and in total, have accepted a total of 76 teams. Yikes, this is going to suck to put into the game, why did we do this? So, anyways! You can find all of the accepted teams here! Don't see your team here? Don't worry, you can submit another team on wave 2, which will be discussed a little later in the blog. It was pretty difficult at times figuring out whos team we wanted to accept, as there were a lot of really good teams. Also, fun fact! There were a total of 15 Big Top Field teams submitted, and we had to ban the field after day 2, nice job guys! Okay, enough of team discussion, lets get onto the good stuff. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New additions to the Dev Team Not only did we get a lot of people submitting their teams into the mod, but we also had a good hand full of people interested in contributing their skills as well. Since the last post, we brought on 4 new spriters / artists! IronicOmens Candii JohnZth CeriseCrescent If you see them around in chat, make sure to give them a warm welcome to the team. Additionally, we will be showing off some of their custom Aevian forms that they have made for the mod in this post, and future blog posts. We are still looking for Scripters and Map Developers, so if you are interested, shoot me a message on Discord. If you are a spriter/artist that is interested, feel free to message me as well, however we are not actively looking for anymore at this time. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New Aevian Form Showcase Alrighty, Aevian forms! We have more to showcase this week. Also, fun fact, with the team having 6 artists now, we are probably making more then 10 Aevian forms. It has kinda gone out of control. But anyways, here they are! And with those new reveals, comes one more thing involving the forms. We are letting you, the community, vote on our next Aevian form. Which will be a defensive Water-Type Aevian Pokemon. You can cast your vote here! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Team Submission: Wave 2 For wave 2, we are only accepting the most creative teams this time, rather than the strongest ones. This means teams should be taking full advantage of field effects on every team member. Team effects will now be banned for Wave 2 submissions, and the only legendaries available are the ones that are not banned on the new Team Guidelines. You can use some of the teams that we accepted in Wave 1 for reference when designing your team. Wave 2 will last 1 week, and will be closed once the next Dev Blog is posted. Submit your teams here. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Discord Server As you can see at the top of the post, we now have a Discord server! We have evolved from our single-chat thread in the Reborn Discord, and now have the privilege of having more then 1 text chat. No longer will it be more chaotic than Rejuv-Gen! In the server, we will be showcasing and announcing mod updates, helping with teambuilding, and sprite suggestions, as well as some other stuff not mentioned. Feel free to join if you're interested! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That's all for this weeks post! We hope you're satisfied with what we have revealed this week. The next Dev Blog will go over Wave 2 teams, Aevian vote results, possible new forms and characters, and some other things. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. The main reason it's limited to 1 per person is because we've had people submit up to 10+ teams. Not only would it be extremely unfair (since our goal is to have a max of 3 teams per field, but that isn't working out very well), but it also creates a LOT more work for me and the other devs, since we need to go through every team, evaluate it, make changes and recommendations, code and event it into the game, and test it. And with the current 100+ submissions, I feel that it would be more like 250+ if we allowed multiple from what I've seen in our modding thread tbh.
  3. There has been 10 new submissions that we haven't gone over yet since last night, so you will find out when we check over them again. I pray for sanity that there are none.
  4. Big Top Field is now banned from further team submissions, due to there being a total of 12 teams with it, out of a current total of 73.
  5. There is a google form at the top of the thread that will let you submit your team
  6. Hi everyone, it appears I forgot to include things like Trainer Name, and Trainer Class in the form. If you submitted a team, PM me on Discord with this information. Additionally, if I don't have this information, I will PM you for it if your team is selected. Sorry for the hassle!
  7. Yeah, we don't plan on adding any custom submitted forms / moves, but there are plenty of options for a mono dark themed team
  8. Yes. There will be a unique event, and item used to evolve a regular Sycther into Aevian Scizor.
  9. Send me a PM on discord with some of your art. I'd love to see some of your work.
  10. Anything that fits the theme of Pokemon Battle Music, and is free to use. Preferably licensed by the creator.
  11. We have a Discord server now! Join here: https://discord.gg/69pSkRFKH7 Submit your teams Here Overseer Files Story Expansion & Community Battles Mod Welcome, Interceptors. You have been invited to the Pinnacle. A realm built deep within the confines of the Core. Here, you will have the opportunity to meet other Interceptors from across space, and time. Explore the Pinnacle, take on excursions, battle other Interceptors, and unlock the secrets of the Overseer Files. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ About the Mod Hello! Thank you for taking interest in our story expansion project. What started out as a simple Rejuv-gen meme, quickly got out of hand, and turned into the full development of a fan made story telling project. Additionally, the mod heavily involves you, the community. 70% of the NPCs in this mod, or as we will be calling them, cNPCs (Community NPCs), are designed and submitted by the community. We're giving everyone the opportunity to design their own characters, and submit it into the mod. Additionally, each character added will have their own battle, which will also be designed by you, and thrown into a Battle Pavilion-style format. The goal is to have a custom trainer for each field (Although multiple trainers on the same field are allowed), as well as having custom made maps for each field. About the Story On top of all this, the writing team has made a custom, non-canon story line for this mod, which we project will be around the length of a full chapter, showing our ideas, designs, and other neat things that was brainstormed. The story will bring the player to a place called the Zeight Pinnacle. A hub built for Interceptors from failed, or completed timelines. Upon entry, you will immediately meet two of our new characters, who will show you around, and get you familiar with how things work in the Pinnacle. We will be revealing them later once character art is done. Additionally, the mod will have alternate story routes for both Paragon, and Renegade, each being unique, and offering a different ending to the story. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New Forms The Overseer Files will introduce brand new Aevian Forms, Almost every form introduced in this mod will be obtainable at some point. Each form has their own unique move pools, and stats. Below, you will find just a few of the Aevian forms that are fully designed, and ready to be shared. And yes, it has the Scizor I've been teasing for ages. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dev Team Finally, I will introduce the dev team for this mod! Each and every person listed has played a key role in getting this mod working, from art and sprite design, writing the story, to mapping and eventing. Some Developers have chosen to remain anonymous at this time. Please respect this, and do not harass any other devs to find out who they are. Lead Devs Dred IronicOmens Anonymous Spriters / Artists Halcy Nym Chrysanthemum MoonPaw Scripters jz (Special thanks to Soulja, Ace_Stryfe, and Lab102 for additional sprites used in this mod). Interested in joining the team? Shoot me a message on Discord @Dred1125, with your skills, and reference. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As of the current moment, we are still in early/mid development, and have no estimated time of release, however, we hope that we can release the mod before the release of Version 14. (Ps: Jan, please don't release v14 tomorrow.)
  12. You need to refresh the map. Hold L while selecting your save to refresh everything.
  13. Princess quest completion is not required for Mareep, only the Lighthouse quest needs to be finished.
  14. You only need 1 Prism to unlock his contracts, as its an introduction to what the Prisms are for. Difficulty change is free.
  15. Aevian Litwick can be found in Axis Factory, which is right before Badge 15. Aevian Feebas can be found on Route Z, which can be accessed by
  16. While activate, Pokemon caught will receive any move at random from its Level Up, TM, Tutor, and Egg move pool.
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