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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Whattodo

  1. Honestly problems like this would be fixed by either having a password to let you set your m-eggs or having them not set at the start of the game so we could soft reset for them. Monotype runners or just those who like to plan their pokemon around a theme as I do get kinda screwed by the current setup.
  2. Completely understandable decision and while I sympathise with those who are disappointed this seems like a good choice overall. Hope everybody working on the game are doing well and I'm looking forward to what we see next!
  3. My idea for a Maractus crest was to give it fairy stab/resistances as well as the pixilate ability effect. I like your idea of applying spikes on hit with certain moves though, I considered a layer of spikes on send out but with how that would ruin focus sash with no risk, your idea seems better. My main reason for fairy type was to have it be a kind of counterpart to the other cactus pokemon, Cacturn's dark type. Pixilate ability or something like it would be needed as Maractus learns no fairy type moves, but does get return and hyper voice, allowing for physical or special sets.
  4. Hey! appreciate all the work you do. Any chance we will be getting the wild encounters list back? I completely understand not wanting to go through updating that, but even the old list still had some helpful stuff on it. Maybe it could just be posted as a comment? It helped point me in the right direction to certain items even if it's wasn't completely accurate.
  5. In 13.0.4 the trade should be in one of the rooms in the sheridan inn
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