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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by purpL

  1. Greninja (Protean, Mystical Water, Hydro pump, slash n burn, gunk shot, dark pulse) Mawile(Intimidate, Mawilite, Iron head, play rough, sucker punch, Fire fang) Tyranitar(Sand stream, smooth rock, arenite wall, rock slide, crunch, thunder wave) alakazam(magic guard, life orb, psychic, shadow ball, calm mind, signal beam) volcarona(flame body, buginium z, bug buzz, psychic, heat wave, quiver dance) breloom(technician, muscle band, bullet seed, mach punch, rock tomb, spore) I've got way too many pokemon in rotation - incineroar, primarina, mega absol, lycanroc, venusaur, nidoking, talonflame, sylveon, heracross, garchomp, alolan-marowak, mega blastoise, vikavolt, And for the battles which I can't beat no matter how hard I try cuz intense is broken(Saki) - The classic endeavor + priority combo with donphan, togedemaru, and sawk with counter+reversal
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