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  1. Hi! Sorry to bother, but I can't find the girl with the pink hair in Obsidia Park for the Rainbow Scent quest, I'm in the right phase of the story but I can't find her, any help?
  2. Hi, is it possible to convert my file? I saved in the right spot (I think) and I finished E5, thank you! Game.rxdata
  3. Hi! I'm kind of blocked, I finished the main game and catched the 3 legendary dogs in Alamissa Urben. Tough, I never found Karen, I'm sure I didn't kill her when I did the Hidden Library 3 Quest, as far as I remember she wanted to stay with Alice and Allen in the bit world. What am I missing? Eventually can I use the debug to trigger the event where I find her passed out at Alamissa? Thanks!
  4. Hello! I basically finished the game and I started doing the sidequests, the problem is that I came back in East Gearen when it was renovated and now I can't do the original sidequests anymore, that said, there are some sidequests in Sheridan that need the first part to be completed, is there any turnaround this problem? Thank you!
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