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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by DyNO

  1. @RebornFan7 Yo thank you so much, I finally beat him and Escavalier absolutely carried wiping out 4 of his pokemon. Thanks so much!
  2. @RebornFan7 Thanks for the suggestion, I was thinking of getting an Escavalier after reading some other posts about Radomus's gym...but I'm on the fence about who to replace I was thinking pyroar but still not too sure. What do you think? Thanks
  3. Hey Guys, this is my first playthrough of this game and I am having some real trouble with Radomus, I always get really close but either his Gardevoir or Metagross just destroy my last few pokemon. My team is: Zoroark/Dread Plate/Illusion/Scary Face - Punishment - Foul Play - Taunt Yanmega/Wide Lens/Speed Boost/Bug Buzz - Air Slash - Quick Attack - Hypnosis Swampert/Sea Incense/Damp/Muddy Water - Earthquake - Bide - Rock Slide Manectric/Synthetic Seed or Magnet/ Minus/Quick Attack - Thunder - Wild Charge - Ice Fang Pyroar/Charcoal/Moxie/Crunch - Endeavor - Incinerate - Flamethrower Lurantis/Meadow Plate/Leaf Guard/Leaf Blade - Solar Blade - Sunny Day - Synthesis Pokemon in Box (ones that im willing to train or already at same level as team) : Gothitelle/Twisted Spoon/Shadow Tag/Psychic - Dark Pulse - Future Sight - Telekinesis Mightyena/None/Moxie/Crunch - Assurance - Embargo - Howl Kabutops/Wave Incense/Weak Armor/Mega Drain - Aqua Jet - Ancient Power - Slash Kricketune/None/Technician/Fury Cutter - X-Scissor - False Swipe - Sing Swinub/None/Thick Fat/Mud Bomb - Icy Wind - Ice Shard - Take Down Growlithe/None/Justified/Reversal - Fire Fang - Take Down - Close Combat Alolan Golem/None/Galvanize/Heavy Slam - Smack Down - Stealth Rock - Double Edge Those are the main ones I'm thinking of right now. I am willing to train any new mon if necessary Thank you
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