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  1. I noticed that with the release of 19.5 (possibly since the testing phase) we got a new password allowing us to control team mates pokemon as tho they were our own (or just about) I got really curious, because I like multi battles quite a bit, and started a new playthrough to get a feel of how the story segments that feature multi battles play now that your team mate isn't a wild card anymore. What are your thoughts? Edit: I forgot to include my early thoughts on the mosswater segment with fern as my ally. My bad Because I was able to control fern's team I found myself enjoying the ability to pick on obvious weaknesses such as fern's budew vs an opposing roggenrola. But I also found myself trying to go for less immediately obvious choices such as trying to match fern's sandile agaisnt that one aron for that 4x weakness, something I'm sure the ai would have waited budew to be ko'd to attempt
  2. To be fair, I didn't notice the "this patch" button, which, as you say, is not too obvious. I guess that's my bad. Is that patch good regardless of what OS you use on account of the files format?
  3. Good sir! Where is this at? TIA Edit. Neuron activation. I found out where it is, but for the sake of clarification: Is that patch universal for any OS?
  4. So uh...is there a reason why an alternative patch download should not be an option, that I'm missing? I think it reasonably fair if people don't want to dismiss their AV's warnings as just a mere false positive.
  5. Would totally spend another 3 days trying in the new save I'm starting to play e19 proper :) Thank you!
  6. Do we know where it is? Do we care about finding it now that we have a password giving it to us? Are we allowed to mine the data for its location? Thanks in advance.
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