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About TayroWinters

  • Birthday 02/08/1992

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  1. Good evening! Not sure if this is the right place to put this; I considered Troubleshooting, but I presume that is more related to game bugs which is not what this is about. I'm not sure if anyone here in the board can help me, but I find myself stuck with what I presume is a small issue with modding the game and was hoping someone could give me a couple of pointers. After playing through V13, I was hoping to mod in a couple of moves from the Sword & Shield DLC. I succeeded... except for one particular point: the text. When I compile the data through the debug menu it works fine, yet after I turn the game off and on again, it recognizes the move yet not its name or description. A similar problem occurs if I try to create a Trainer Type -- the name of the class is not shown, even though everything else works. I presume (perhaps incorrectly) that this is some issue with the text not being saved in Message.dat, yet I haven't found a way to do so; I tried to Extract, edit and Compile the text, yet the intl.txt file obtained via the Extract Text option from the Debug Menu always gives an error when I use the Compile Text option, so I can't edit it to add the new text. Similarly, if I delete the message.dat from the Data folder to try and force a rewrite when I use the Compile Data option, it still does not contain the new text I added. I was hoping for some quick advice on how to proceed, if it's not too much of a bother. To anyone who took the time to read this, thank you for your time.
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