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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by glitchedcat

  1. because it was never intended to stay forever in the first place
  2. theres the decat series for reborn, found here, though it is an expansion of debug more than a lite debug, so be aware. decat is updated to 19.5 but the other stuff in the post are not.
  3. considering the last post from op was nearly 3 years ago, no
  4. use the updater.exe in your game folder as the red text says in the download page
  5. from zumi in the server: hi, if you're getting softlocked in a specific version of the voidal chasm, please put this [the file attached] in your data folder! (when loading back in at the voidal chasm on a save, make sure to hold L while selecting a save so the map will refresh upon loading your save.) Map520.rxdata
  6. from what others have said when i showed that, your only hope is finding a backup from before whatever fucked up happened
  7. i think you have to put the game folder in the application(?) folder? i had just read someone say what worked for them but i dont remember if its that
  8. the BEC variable only gets updated once you enter the mc's nightmare door, it adds up all decisions and other stuff you did that give BEC points at that exact moment
  9. saved right in front of rotom, you will need to talk to gabriel again for the appliance room Game_3.rxdata
  10. if you talked to gabriel the director, it advanced the quest variable and made rotom disappear, currently bugged. post your save file here, i know how to fix it
  11. restart, all of terajuma has been revamped (much better) plus some others
  12. 1. check your v13 saves (if you didnt delete them already...), see if you have an invisible follower there 2. if not: did you convert your save after beating saki and saved in the league administration? (just to be sure)
  13. we know the last 3 gym leaders (if everything goes according to plan, its allen, alice, and damien), and the e8 we know of are jolene, tesla, karen, dylan, and alexandra (she's the strongest one so thats why shes the stand-in champion rn), cairo might be one, so that leaves 2-3 we dont know of.
  14. its an oversight since i assume in the completed version of the game, you will be able to go back through the dojo. right now, only with debug walk through walls
  15. not devs but just a little tidbit for 2: the "crescent" at valor cliffside that pushed sharon and fights saki/val/adam is actually Clear
  16. just to answer number 3, we know the giratina we see along the way is griselda
  17. not gonna happen either way you need to input a password (preferably at the beginning) to play as ana
  18. also mr luck doesnt "rule 63" you, he gives you the legacy outfit, aero's (red hair) just happens to be fem-leaning
  19. its a bug that doesnt have a fix from the updater yet, put the file attached in your Scripts folder HiddenMoves.rb
  20. newest version (13.5.6) has a password (fullivs) so all your pkmn have perfect ivs. shiny mons will not have perfect ivs unless you also breed for those or use the password or use cell imprints to max each iv individually (gotten from certain zygarde cell thresholds and from mr. luck for some black prisms) unsure about the other question
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