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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by TrainGhidoran

  1. I dont find the utilities.rb File. Did it have another name in a previous Version? Edith: thanks, I got it!
  2. It is especially about encountering a legendary in a random wild Battle (e.g. selecting a legendary AS a wild encounter in debug mode)
  3. Hey, I want to give the legendaries different Battle themes. I know that legendaries are defined in a group and have a different Battle music than regular encounters. How can i split this group for different music based on specific legendaries?
  4. The debug is broken, adding Pokemon from 1021 onwards results in a Crash Edit: after compiling it worked
  5. I dont know if it is a general reborn problem or tied with this Mod. But I cant change the type PBS. Well, I can change the text document, but I cant compile it. If I compile it in the debug menu, everything gets compiled but not the type Data. Is there anything I can do?
  6. My phone uses german autocorrect so some words like "not" are regarded as the german word "Not". The word "THATS" is intentionally written capitalized. I read similar things under official gamefreak posts when they decided to cut the dex. Some people were disappointed due to dex cut and people said "we don't deserve the whole dex". So if we complain about a decision regarding a game, a mod or anything, we don't deserve it anymore? It was never against his mental health. Why get this mad using assets from some freaking mods if I leave the forum forever? And I never cried. And I never screamed (how can you read any "scream" from my post? Or did you hear me?). It was a simple critique. I am disappointed because in the past many projects (not mods) were taken down or deleted because there was one person complaining about using their work they just provided. They made something, it was used and later they said "its mine! Dont use it! Take it down!" and the project was ruined. It happened too often and some really cool projects are now deleted and abandoned just because of this. I dont "cry" about a freaking mod, I "cry" about the mentality which prevents cool and innovative projects. (Please note the quotation marks around the word "cry") Complaining about a gen 8 asset being used before leaving the forum: Ok. Complaining abouth that decision: "Rearing like a damn horse before grabbing a hatchet and swinging".
  7. I know what mental health means. I tried to kill myself a few Times because of my situation. And its Not about stopping Work on own mods. Thats Something i can understand. Its about telling Others to Stop Work on their mods and then leaving the Forum so than you cant ask for approval ever again. THATS the Point! Leaving while telling Others they shall Stop working on Gen 8. Or Take it down.
  8. So Looks Like i have to Mod Gen 9 by myself because of Feelings. I was really excited for that Mod. But OK. It was a great Work and I want to thank you for that cool Mod. I am in very big crisis too. But I would never prevent any work of a Mod based on official Pokemon content because of my Situation. Call me asshole. I dont Care. Maybe I am selfish. But the prevention of Gen 9 mods and the dependance of one person giving approval while offline for A very long while (If not forever) is the Most selfish thing I ever saw...
  9. Well Bluetowel actually disabled all notifications and leaved. So there will never be any approval...
  10. Thats why the first gen 9 mod is taken down? Really? Because of "no proper credits"? Thats sad. And I am very disappointed! Everyone knew that Fervis used codes from bluetowel. Credits were given and it was never a secret! The first and only gen 9 mod so far is taken down, even the uranium mod is down! A unique mod with Pokemon from Tandor and the nuclear type! I cant describe my disappointment right know. Its just sad.
  11. Is there any list with Gen 8 moves interacting with the field effects?
  12. I used music from an older Version of Pokemon reborn (EP 18) which is an ogg file, but it doesnt Work... Still no music
  13. Hey! I got some trouble with adding (not replacing!) music for myself into the game. I want to add it to custom maps. But it does not play. I added it via RPG maker xp to my new map, but it stays quiet. Can anybody help?
  14. Can I Tell you that you are Just awesome? You have even implemented Game mechanics from legends Arceus which Made that Game awesome as f*CK! The drowsy Status, frostbite Status... And the new Forms! Thank you very much for this masterpiece!
  15. Well I got an awesome idea for new Forms: Cyrillic Unown!! That would bei awesome :D
  16. Where is the excell file mentioned in the first post?
  17. I tried every possible tile with the peak, but nothing happens... But I noticed that steelix flies by when I run into the far right corner of the hidden slopes. But I can't interact with it, it travels simply from right to left... Edit: I found the problem, I'm just stupid xD I got Metal Powder instead of Magnet Powder.... sorry :( But thank you very much for your support! Second Edit: I'm frozen inside the ancient shrine after the battle. I can't move or open the menu, nothing. What is this? I cant play the game anymore
  18. The tip is the location of the flower you pick up, right? I tried to stand there but nothing happens when trying to interact with something... Thank you for your effort!
  19. Thank you very mush :) I have got another question: those 8th Gen fossils are only obtainable one time (as I know). Is it possible to get all 4 fossil Pokémon from Gen 8 or will it be possible in future updates? Edit: I also have problems with steelix in thehidden slopes, because I dont know, where to place the requested items. There is no bowl or something similar...
  20. How do I get to the under ruins? I found something like a machine which asks for a code Edit: I talked to ser verity but he doesnt give any hints, just says that i shall contact him for support. Those notes I found dont tell anything that helps.
  21. Yes, it worked! Bouffalant is abel to push them back! Thank you very much :)
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