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  1. That's terrifying, there is definitely something deeply wrong in the Avieum region. I heard from someone that they said the devs aren't doing anymore revamps although I am not 100% sure about it.
  2. I agree someone is dying, especially after Aelita setup that deathflag during that event where Erin invites everyone to her Rose Theater
  3. Here is a doc with all the details for the Aveian mons https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-NFmXvUxYW8JREwXWXsjmq5RvDsahNSTS9O-_s-5QP0/edit To answer your question Sewaddle when it reaches level 20 evolves into Swadloon Swadloon evolves into Leavanny when it learns dragon claw
  4. No one knows but too give my own guess I'd say about 2 years maybe 1 if the dev team are just on fire when it comes to updating the game.
  5. Yeah this whole Madelis section is all pointless. Yeah pretty sure that whole thing was never brought up again, poor dude just got lied too. 90% of the important characters are, yes. Or because the writers didn't want her to say it out loud so she never realizes how stupid she is. Why is her fingerprints on it Actually true for once, apparently having max revives as your sole food lets Giratina never faint. The real question left is where did Geara get all those max revives from. Not to mention the long setup time Seems to me her sheer rage is overcoming any other emotion Funny you mention evil AI Almost everyone in your gang is a freakshow as well And the more I facepalm at some of craziness You can pounce like a cat as well Not as bad as Ren though, poor guy got it the roughest out of all the important characters literally just dips for pretty much the entirety of the mid game Good question, I never played any of the revamped content in v13.5 so maybe they changed something but I am pretty sure those new powers are not brought up again. Yeah shadow pokemon became irrelevant really fast specifically after your stealing device gets fried too, meaning the whole trip to Akuwa and getting captured was totally pointless. Hahahahaha (kill me). Ok have fun being shoved to the backlines like most of our allies. Honestly the only useful ones will be Crescent and Player Character and Melia will probably get a seat in the frontlines too not cause she is useful but cause MC power. Except masters 8 but I guess that wasn't a thing when you wrote that. Also you live on a Island archipelago like Alola where Ash won. I am glad I am not the only one who thought Blaziken was her ace and starter That's adorable She would probably be happy to hear that And that is somehow still the least craziest thing in this game This might be your best edit yet. Its that or But the worst is still the Veronica and Puma fusion. Nightmare fuel. Honestly fair. I don't feel like playing the new revamped content myself for how crazy everything has been, half of the stuff just feels so unnecessary like was their really any real purpose in making the mother of the orphanage a grafuan with magic power, so I totally get just not feeling up to playing this game. Better to stop now then forcefully drag your feet through the mud and have the your own mental health and content suffer greatly because of it. The only reason I am still going through this game is because the gameplay is still fun and I like being able to use so many Pokemon can pretty much recreate my dream team across all regions with how long this game is and how much content it has. Yeah the player character might as well be an actual character with some personality and not a bit of a blank slate, cause it doesn't really feel like a character that you are. Yeah I think you should just do the latter and maybe write some quick thoughts on the new stuff and continue on from there. This could also be a good time to start playing on the current version of 13.5 since your screenshots corrupted. Or just quit. Also I never said the curse was gone, truth is idk. I only got some info on this quest from another member on this forums, when it comes to v13.5 I pretty much only played the new story and didn't really touch the new revamped stuff for reasons I have already listed.
  6. I'd say this thread is more a bunch of idiots watching another idiot play a blind nuzlocke of pretty brutal unforgiving game, but that isn't very far off either.
  7. Krookadile is a favourite of mine. So I recommend him, also try out Rotom.
  8. Could just be another one of the game's "quirky" meta humor.
  9. Yeah I'd argue that base Volcarona is better if that really all there is
  10. Is A-Volcarona even that good to justify it only being a mystery egg exclusive? I never got one so idk how good it is.
  11. Yeah the whole give all characters spotlight thing feels like a sidequest and I think it would have worked better as one. Also by story split do you mean Paragon and Renegade?
  12. What's up with Melia Aegislash, why is the OT Tiempa
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