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chippy last won the day on January 15 2024

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  1. I'm curious about how many quests are "reset." Sounds like that means they were removed. I appreciate the responses, and hope for more insights as more and more people play the update.
  2. I think they claimed that they won't be doing "revamps" or quest changes to old areas anymore, just polish/QoL here and there, supposedly. I imagine that will stay true, though I admit I wouldn't be surprised if they do another overhaul. Worth considering.
  3. Hi! I recall a devblog or two mentioning that there will be full questlines starting in older chapters that will continue throughout the game, and other older quests / maps being fully changed as well. Map changes / the way certain events play out isn't anything particularly new with Rejuv updates, but the way some of those devblogs were worded cause me to be concerned about missing or suboptimally experiencing the update's juice. I am more than willing to start a new playthrough, I just want to be informed before I do. I want to know: 1. If the new questing system causes any potential issues with completed content. 2. Any quests / events that are "time sensetive," aka they are missable and unable to be completed with a save from an older version. 3. How exactly older saves interact with these revamped events / quests (are you able to play/replay through any missable quests without making a new save) 4. If these new events include story changes to existing information, or story additions that introduce known / new ideas at an early time. I personally am cool with spoilers for the purpose of figuring out what I will or won't be missing. A more verbose changelog may be too laborious, but not unappreciated. Whether I continue my old save first, or I go ahead and start my Renegade Route save; either way I look forward to playing 13.5. Thank you so much to the devs for continuing to build upon my favorite RPG of the last 4 years. This post is just me figuring out if I wanna do a new playthrough for both routes or not, if my current Paragon Route save is worth keeping for future versions.
  4. A good reason I can think of is balance concerns. A lot of the new mons from S/V are really, really strong Pokemon. New game altering abilities, new game busting moves with high BP, min/maxed base stat combos, potentially setting breaking designs --it will probably be more work to integrate Gen 9 Pokemon into the game than the Gen 8 Pokemon, considering the difference in power level between even weaker Gen 9 Pokemon and rest of Rejuvenation's roster. Players wouldn't have access to most of the new mons until relatively late, lest the early game be made trivial, and editing enemy rosters to incorporate new mons will take a more fine touch than the Gen 8 roster updates, which were themselves hard to do too, as I understand. I don't see current Rejuvenation being improved with the S/V additions. Maybe including S/V concepts as a central part of the post game would work well enough to justify including them.
  5. HI! I'm thinking about doing another playthrough of the game with Magician Fenniken as my starter. Is there a resource with information on enemy trainer held items? Does the player keep items stolen from enemy trainers with Magician / Thief after battles?
  6. Hi! Whenever a turn starts or ends while my Aevium Milotic holding a Waterium-Z is in battle, the game gives the attached error message, skipping the enemy's turn (including sending a Pokemon in after fainting). Issue is not present with any other Pokemon; I can just switch out my Milotic to continue the battle, but I would like to use Z-moves without breaking the battle system. This issue does not occur when using Erin's Staraptor during the Diamond Route. I am playing on 13.0.5, but the error message says 13.0.4. I tried using a fresh install, but that didn't fix the issue. I hope it's not my save --I usually play with mods, but this issue occurs whether or not mods are loaded.
  7. Hi! Just battled Risa Rider for the first time on my game, and after beating her, she said she'll start counting my wins against her, but the number of wins displayed is "0". I tried beating her on a couple of saves, but no matter how many times I do, she always says I have 0 wins against her. I was wondering if this would affect my playthrough at all. Does Risa's win count do anything later on? Feel free to spoil, just want to make sure I am okay to continue my playthrough.
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