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    Mister Ecks

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  1. These were done by users in the official discord, but there are runs currently ongoing on twitch as well. https://www.twitch.tv/mchine is going through v13 atm with a semi-blind nuzlocke challenge, and if you'd like some tips/strats then feel free to ask either of us on twitch or here.
  2. Re: Field effects Just input them as multipliers in showdown, it is the same effect. Re: Shadow moves I'm not sure what you mean by this, but you can change move bp on the showdown calculator. Re: Unique moves same thing Re: AI Quirks The ai becomes more and more predictable with experience, but even without prediction a 6-slot team can have all the tools it needs to defeat a gym. Ie. contingencies for if and when a threat switches in. For example, doubles ai doesn't like to switch. A good strategy for keta is to charm one side and focus down the other. The risk of crits ending the run is mitigated by a team of resists to his STAB signature move, or alternatively (if the player encountered fearow) mitigated by simply doubling down the side that isn't charmed.
  3. Could you offer a few examples of what a good plan for a battle would be?
  4. You'll lose a mon or two to crits, it happens. But one part of good planning is that you'll have the worst situation in mind- a crit or two should not kill the entire run.
  5. Just have a good plan for each fight and there won't be an issue!
  6. More than possible, many people have done it even counting optional fights like shadow mewtwo.
  7. iron head -> brick break is good yes, but I'd also change its ability to rough skin if you haven't already
  8. Swords dance isn't available and stealth rocks may not be either. Now, since EQ isn't actually available, I'd suggest everyone to look at a special niche that Garchomp still has. Rough skin lets garchomp switch in on contact moves to heavily punish AI (If you switch in on a double slap the opponent will literally just explode), and with garchomp's offenses, this can easily result in free KOs. Run Rocky Helmet as your item, either 252 attack 252 speed or 252 hp 252 defense, and keep Stone Edge/Dig/Outrage as your "permanent" moves. The last move is filler for special situations, ie, a levitating steel type'd need to hit with brick break.
  9. Item wise Aevian lapras appreciates recovery, especially leftovers, so it can survive priority attacks and status. Various berries may also work depending on the battle. I would go full speed on this with a jolly nature as Aevian Lapras can simply put tougher enemies to sleep whenever necessary.
  10. Now those sets are fine, but Aevian Lapras only really gets good with No Guard Sing / Dragon Dance / Stone Edge / Zen Headbutt (Or Substitute) This set allows you to set up on every single pokemon that you aren't oneshot by, and due to no guard sing, you can ignore focus sashes/sturdies/rampardos crests by putting the opponent to sleep before attacking. This is by far the best Aevian Lapras set and makes even intense mode super easy with proper support.
  11. Grassy terrain, in both overlay and field form, boosts the power of grass moves by 1.5x.
  12. To put it into perspective, Rillaboom essentially gains Adaptability from Grassy Surge!
  13. The balancing team is well aware of Truant's flaws, thus, Slaking's given fairly early on to the player. Though it is most effective with a partner weezing, Slaking is quite usable regardless. It is especially good against Adam's fight as the seed effect of inverse field allows Slaking to replace Truant with Normalize. Aside from that, the Final Gambit shadow slakoth can easily take another problematic pokemon out with it. Due to the nature of AI, giga impact slaking would also often go unpunished.
  14. The best pokemon for angie period is alolan sandslash. That is a 50/50 whether you got the ice stone from kecleon dungeon. After that, things get much more complicated. Crustle is a popular pick for sturdy shell smash but you'll need to change hail and also wide guard. The best pokemon after sandslash might be throh for angie. Of course, there are also nicher picks that'll win you the fight. Instead of looking for a weather setter, pair Oranguru from Terajuma with Throh from sheridan and use trick room + wide guard. Immediately angie loses all of her speed advantage and you can begin slapping her mons silly with SE moves.
  15. Very well said. This sums up the totality of most complaints thrown around against Intense mode as needlessly oppressive, though there are some interrelated issues that I would like to quickly address. Rejuvenation has truly shined a light upon the untouched potential of the Pokemon system, and it's unfortunate that many choose to reject these additions instead of searching for help wherever needed. Many people in these forums or the official rejuv/reborn discord would be more than happy to assist lost players with anything concerning their experience. Indeed, I would like to encourage anyone struggling with Rejuvenation to ask for help instead of manipulating your experience with crutches like Debug. Rejuv never gets easier, and sooner than you think, one will find these crutches pushing them down a slippery spiral. Fortunately, if you have someone willing to teach you, Rejuv will soon seem like a breeze! Muster the courage and ask others before you how they got through the same problems- that's the single best thing you can do to improve your Rejuv experience!
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