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  1. Looks like what is being sold is different for me is there any other quests or something that would change what she sells?
  2. If I recall correctly you need to complete all of the ranger quests on route 2.
  3. Hey by chance does anyone know where i can get a razor fang want to evolve my gligar.
  4. Whoops sorry thanks for showing me this.
  5. Currently stuck I already fought the old lady and aqua boss. I also followed a guide on the order of people I need to talk to and when I enter then leave the watering hole nothing happens. If someone can help me out with this I would be grateful. Game.rxdata
  6. Just checked and I am truly speechless with this its people like yourself that truly make reborn even better than it already is.
  7. Once again thank you so much if you ever require anything feel free to ask.
  8. WOW was not expecting a shiny thank you a thousand times over! Also no worries i really hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night!
  9. I will be up for a lot longer than normal so i should be around to do the trade. Thank you again i really appreciate it!
  10. We must be on completely different sleep schedules XD sorry as well if the timing is a pain. No i don't need a specific nature.
  11. That would be awesome my name is the same as my profile name. Do you require anything in return?
  12. If anyone has an extra female ralts I would be quite glad to get my hands on it.
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