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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alemi

  1. Nothing in the modpack touches that. In fact, the modpack shouldn't replace a single thing unless you had things modded before. It adds things, but doesn't replace anything, so seeing you mention replace,it is clear where you made a mitake. You should just unzip the rar on the game folder and it will all end up where it is, but nothing will be replaced just added, and you shouldn't delete any content of the game folder either.
  2. Update 6 Fixed Leech Seed. Fixed Earth moves with airborne opponent. Fixed Wonder Guard.
  3. 19.16 is VERY outdated, you should download the last version of the game. 19.16 is actually 19.0.16. 19.5 is a newer version and a lot of things of the code changed, so mods here aren't likely to be comaptible with the old versions. Mod updated, now it is compatible with 19.5.6.
  4. Possible? Yes. I don't have time or motivation to make it now though. I will keep it in mind if I am motivated at a later date.
  5. Of course it doesn't work. The format is right in the rar. There is nothing that goes in the data folder and there is no such folder in the rar. Just uncompress the rar in the game folder and everything ends up in the correct place.
  6. Update 4. Fixed a bug in doubles (again, I used update 1 to make update 3 instead of using Update 2).
  7. Update 3. Fixed issue with some moves not showing correct effectiveness in certain circumstances.
  8. Update 9. Fixed issue with some moves not showing correct effectiveness in certain circumstances.
  9. The inspect function exists in base Reborn 19.5 and you can check the types there.
  10. No idea why the Updater wasn't working for you. The updater downlaods and unzips that automatically, and I just relased 0.79 and my updated worked perfeclty like always. Fixed on 0.79. Thank you for reporting.
  11. No idea, never played on joiplay. You can try.
  12. You need the ice badge for the option to appear since then it is when the npc is also unlocked.
  13. Without showing the errors and giving context about the error, there is no way to help. Discord should eb faster than the forum for this, though.
  14. There is no previous version. Everything is as it should be on the rar.
  15. It shouldn't be giving this error. Do you have your game updated? At worse delete the game, redownload, update it, and put the mods.
  16. They are not data-1 and graphics-1 they are just data and graphics. They are meant to merge with your existing folders.
  17. Update 21 released which fixes more vanilla issues with Hidden Items. The normal Item Finder now detects ones it didn't befroe too thanks to the mod.
  18. Don't report bugs to the devs if you are using mods. If you have issues with this mod use this thread to report it or contact me by Discord. The rar comes with the proper folder structure, just throw the contents into the game folder. You don't need the old versions unless the current one is giving you issues that an old one didn't. This mod is last updated for 19.5.6. If a newer update broke it, please tell me. Older versions may not work with last version of the mod. Ported from the version I made for Rejuv 13.5. This mod adds a QoL present in recent games, the one that shows the effectiveness of our moves. We can already check the types of the enemy, so this is saving us time from checking that fi you don't know the types and having to check what works better. Some people love this, others hate it, which is why I am providing it separate from everything else. Of course, bonus effects from the fields are also shown but that’s already available in non-modded Rejuv. The graphics to show the bonus of the fields differ with this mod to being able to show everything while looking good though. There are five indicators: Ineffective, 1/4, 1/2, x2, and x4, which is shown with colors and symbols very similar to how buffs and debuffs fields were shown on vanilla. Now fields are shown with a big + or - of green or red color on the left side instead. There is also a big brown X when a field make a move ineffective. On double battles you are shown both enemies, with the icons on left or right matching the opponent in question. If you think this mod can be improved further because something isn't being shown properly, please tell me. I know I can get more into specifics to get it better. Download Update 6: ShowMoveEffectiveness Mod Reborn Update 6.rar Old Versions:
  19. Update 7. Fixed another bug related to the previous updated and reworked the mod to be cleaner. Fields now show a different icon when the moves do no damage at all on them. Remember to have the image files on the rar on your folder for them to display.
  20. Update 6 released. Fixes an issue with Prankster and Dark Types. Big thanks to Pixel.
  21. Update 5 released. It fixed an issue with the effectiveness not beign updated when moves changed type because of a field or an ability.
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