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Everything posted by Alemi

  1. Updated with an additional mod: Added ItemReplaceRestore and Options_MasterMod. Updated 0000.ModularInit. ItemReplaceRestore requires Options_MasterMod and 0000.ModularInit. Options_MasterMod requires 0000.ModularInit. Thanks to @Anddy in discord for the original mods used to create this.
  2. Even with the password, you must go to options to activate unreal time. The passworld activates the option in the Options Menu, but you have to turn it on manually.
  3. The place of the box is different on each savefile, so on the backup it can be 50 without issues as it has never been affected, but that won't fix the main save. This is just allowing you to continue from the backup, but you certainly lose lots of progess depending from when that backup is.
  4. It makes no sense. Let's try this. With the game closed, delete the Rejuv SharecPc folder and the sharectpc script from the mods folder. Open the game, rename the boxes to their default names and have the box you want fully empty, and move to a different box that is unrelated in this whole issue. Save. Close the game. Put the mod again, start the game. This should be enough. If this doesn't work either, most likely you need to load a backup save before you started using the mod having the mod out and use it for the first time in the save while having that box empty.
  5. There is nothing on the sharedpc script with a 47... I don't even know what you re doing. Edit: you mustn't touch things while your game is open. Game must close and open for changes to take effect. Being fully closed, not soft-reset. In fact, just have everything closed when touching things. The delete must be done with the game closed, you are just recreating the same otherwise...
  6. You should be able to find a folder called "Rejuv Shared PC" on the saved games forlder where the saves of games go. That is the save for the shared pc of rejuv.
  7. Did you empty the box you wanted to be? OTherwise it won't ever be chosen. Same as if any other box is already named SharedBox. At worst. empty the box you want to be, rename the current SharedBox to something else, delete the rejuc sharedbox savefile while being sure the shared box is empty, start the game again (close the game, not soft reset).
  8. The thing both mods check is the same, whether the name of the events it HiddenItem, so if one works the other also works. The difference is on how they show up. The old one used a bitmap updated on everystep, which can persist on some events being quite annoying. The new one changes the graphic of such events to the ball on the graphics folder included in the pack (if you don't add that, you won't see anything, which may be your issue). This is done on sprite creation, which is done each time you change maps or open the game, so it should always show correctly (you may need to change maps or close and open the game just after getting the Itemfinder though). The shared box uses the last empty box, or the one named SharedBox like your 46 should be right now. Just rename another box to that name and should work, but be sure to only have one box names like that. Empty the box first and save and restart.
  9. I have just tested, and the hiddenitems are showing perfecly on Terajuma for me with the current mod.
  10. Added a new cheat. Activate the Debug Menu in your party and ONLY in your party. I heavily advertise against duplicate mons and using forms that aren't meant to be used by players. This has been added because one of the things that Haru's GBA cheats do is activate it, but the party debug activated by that script isn't compatible witht he qol Modpack, so it doesn't activate, and I don't want to have people having to choose between the two functions. All other functions of Haru's cheat should be compatible with both the modpack and the cheats of this post. Note that this requires the last version of 0000.ModularInit and PartyCommand_MasterMod from the QoL Modpack.
  11. Updated the modpack: Completed compatibility with the cheats of (updated files ModularInit and PartyCommandMaster):
  12. Yes, they didn't break. They are made to be as update-proof as possible, so luckly they all survived the update. I have it written on the main post that they work with 13.5.6 though.
  13. Don't worry, but yes, this game isn't compatible with joiplay, so unexpected error like that may happen. Probably anythign related to day/nigh isn't working there.
  14. Cheat Series Pack updated: Fixed Z.2.0.Cheat_PC_AddPkmEgg to allow add Hisuian form eggs.
  15. I actually forgot to enable Hisuian forms... updated the pack with the fix. Fixed SWM - Choose Starter to allow choosing Hisuian forms.
  16. If no error and the menu shows the change in the time displayed, the change in time IS happening and there is no issue with the mod. Debug alone shouldn't be the cause for this either, although I hevaily discourage using unfiltered debug due to the unseen thigns that got activated and may cause troubles. Usually mods activated it only trigger some parts of it like menus, but no idea of what are you using. It is more likely that is a joiplay compatibility issue since the base game isn't supported for joiplay, and clearly, the mods aren't either. I have never used joiplay nor I plan to, so I can't help with issues that happen there. No one reported any issues with the mods on joiplay until now though.
  17. Do you get any error message? Is the time showing in the menu/CyberNav showing change in time? Are you on any point of the story that forces the time? What other mods do you have installed? Do you have the 0000.ModularInit on your Mods folder? It is fully required or the mod won't work.
  18. It requires having the unrealtime password active, and then you have to go to options and activate the Unreal Time there too.
  19. I am not sure. I guess you need to somehow refresh the dex for it to stop looking for those, but I don't know if it is really possible to fix your save now. Do you have both the password active and the option turned on on the options menu?
  20. This happens only if you used mods that addds mons to the dex at some moment since that affects the save. Nothing on the modpack does this though.
  21. Cheat Series Pack updated. Fixed an error shown when not adding any item despite having opened AddItem.
  22. An initial check on 13.5.6 shows the modpack working in general, but I won't be able to do an in-deph check until tomorrow. Edit: The Small Bug Fixes are updated for 13.5.6.
  23. Updated for a mispelling in namefile (nothing important but once I noticed I had to fix it) Checked with 13.5.6 and seems to work well.
  24. As some of you might know, I made the Cheat Series some time ago but was asked to not release it yet. I have been given permission now so I am realeasin it. Please be aware that using this is cheating, so whatever happens when you use them, it is your own responsibility. The Cheat Series shouldn't provoke any bugs but it can break your game balance depending on you use it, making it too easy or boring, but this is a tool. You don't have to use it and you can restrain how you use it. The purpose of creating this was to give a way to cheat in the game without having to use dev tools which have a high likeability to let you break something by touching thigns you don't understant. I undertand that some people wishes to use cheats in this game, and as it is a single player game, I don't have any personal issue with it as long as you don't brag of it as something you managed to to legit, but using dev tools to cheat is too risky, so I want to provide a safe way to cheat for those that wish it. The Rejuv 13.5 Cheat Series Pack adds an option in your PC or Remote PC called Cheat Menu where you can select from a list of cheats. If you want a new option on the Add Item Menu to use instead of having to rely on the general one, you can ask me for it and I will add it as long as it is something that won't break the game. Changelog: Download the Pack: Rejuv 13.5 Cheat Series Pack.rar Individual Cheats: These are cheats that aren't put into the pack due to them being something always on effect when you put them in the Mods folder. They are fully strandalone and don't require any other file to work. MeliaLikeShinyLuck makes your luck with shinies comparable to Melia's. I have yet to see a single non-shiny mon in the wild while using it. MeliaLikeShinyLuck.rb Activate the Debug Menu in your party and ONLY in your party. I heavily advertise against duplicate mons and using forms that aren't meant to be used by players. This has been added because one of the things that Haru's GBA cheats do is activate it, but the party debug activated by that script isn't compatible witht he qol Modpack, so it doesn't activate, and I don't want to have people having to choose between the two functions. All other functions of Haru's cheat should be compatible with both the modpack and the cheats of this post. Note that this requires the last version of 0000.ModularInit and PartyCommand_MasterMod from the QoL Modpack. 0001.DebugOn.rb April 22nd Update: Created new option for the Cheat Menu: Mining. This allows you to use the cheat menu to mine whenever you want. It is a cheat so it lacks other requeriments. This requires having the Cheat Menu Added. Z.5.0.Cheat_PC_Mining.rb
  25. It has no meaning anymore, it isn't even needed for Reborn anymore. Magnetic Lure let's you find only mons you haven't found in the area while Mirror Lure will make the same as your lead if you have it equipped as long as that mon is available. In fact, I have a mod to make Magnetic Lure effect always active by default (except when using Mirror Lure), so you don't even need to wait until having the item.
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