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Everything posted by Alemi

  1. Here my ideas for the new forms and evos. Hisuian Typhlosion: Evolving from Quilava at level 36. Since PLA states in the dex that the new form is probably due to the energy of the sacred mountain on Hisui’s center, I think it should evolve in an area that it is similar. I can think of Valor Mountain and Carotos Mountain as places that are mountains that can fit the criteria shown in the dex. Hisuian Samurott: Evolving from Dewott at level 36. I also think the Phasial Cave fits it well. The dex just says it is a rare variant found in Hisui without more details. Hisuian Decudieye: Evolving from Dartrix at level 36. The dex says the evolution is due to the extreme cold climate, so I think this one should apply to any really cold places instead of just one. Valor Mountain when it is on the Ice Mood seems to be the earliest place I remember with that characteristic, but my memory can be failing. Neverwinter also seems a good place once it is released. Hisuian Growlithe: As mentioned on a previous post an overworld encounter in Valor Mountain with Fire Mood seems to fit well. Hisuian Arcanine: Evolving from Hisuian Growlithe with Fire Stone. No reason to change it. Hisuian Voltorb: Kugearen Forest and/or other areas of the past. This form seems to be a difference based on time, so being an encounter on the past makes sense. It can be either overword encounter and/or falling from a tree. Hisuian Electrode: Evolving from Hisuian Voltorb with Leaf Stone. No reason to change it. Basculin White Stripe: Den of Souls with Super Rod. I don’t think it should live with other Basculin since their behaviors differ a lot based on the dex and it is one prone to dying, so I think the Den of Souls fits it well. Basculegion: Evolving from Basculin White Stripe with 294 HP lost from recoil damage should be the best, but it is hard unless you can keep the track of how much it was, maybe on a new variable that works shared for all Basculin and resets when one evolves (something similar may work for Overqwill and Wyrdeer but recoding moves used instead of HP). If 294 from recoil damage is too hard to program. Just make any type of damage work like with Galarian Yamask. If 294 is too high HP because doesn’t keep track if the HP has been healed, maybe making it level up once already defeated with a Rare Candy or Exp Candies may also fit the lore of Basculegion. Hisuian Qwilfish: Based on the dex it seems to be a pokemon that lives in open areas since it gets the fishers in trouble and in the game, it is also on open sea, so I guess this is a saltwater pokemon (and its evo is nicknamed “sea fiend”). I think route 11 fits it well, since the area on PLA also matched with Mantyke and Tentacool in the sea while Speal line is in the coasts, and these are all on Route 11 in Rejuvenation. Overqwill: Evolving from Hisuian Qwilfish. It would be best with tracking times a Qwilfish used an attack and just make it use 20 times Barb Barrage (maybe a variable recording how many times the attack was used by a Hisuian Qwilfish, even if it is shared by all Hisuan Qwilfish and resets after one evolves), as this would be the most direct from the official method. In case of being too hard due to being a new method, since Galarian Farfetch’d can evolve making 3 critical hits in one battle, I guess the Strong Style Barb Barrage can be changed to using Barb Barrage 3 times in one battle. 20 in one battle seems too difficult to accomplish. Wyrdeer: Evolving from Stantler. Same as Overqwil but with Psyshield Bash and Stantler using it. Hisuian Sneasel: It is originally a mountain pokemon, regardless of it being a snow mountain or not (based on the areas found in PLA), but not hot places based on evo’s description of being the best in frozen highlands. I think Valor Mountain on Calm Mood and Ice Mood should fit it well. Maybe making them overworld to not alter the rates of existing pokemon. It is also a good choice to add to Neverwinter whenever added. Sneasler: Razor Claw during the day. No reason to change it. Hisuian Zoura: Den of Souls. Maybe on overworld. The dex literally mentions it as a soul returned to life, so the Den of Souls seems the best choice. Hisuian Zoroark: Same place as Hisuian Zorua or just by evolving a Hisuian Zorua at 30. Hisuian Liligant: Evolving from Petilil with Sun Stone on Valor Mountain in Ice Mood and any other mountain with snow. Based on dex entry it spent a life on mountains covered in deep snow. There may also be good places for the evolution on Neverwinter once released. Hisuian Sliggoo: It seems that waters rich in metal are the reason for the evolution in this form. The Kingdom of Goomidra doesn’t make sense as the pokemon there would have taken this form instead of the ordinary one. If there is an area that is considered to have that type of water, then evo there. Otherwise, level up with Metal Coat, both methods can also work together in case an area that fits is added later, same as happens on recent games with Magneton and Nosepass which get their evolutions with either an area or an evolutionary item. Hisuian Goodra: Evolve Hisuian Siggloo level 50 + rain. No reason to change it. Hisuian Avalugg: Evolve at level 37 in Valor Mountain. I think the changes on mood of the Valor Mountain fits Avalugg’s Hisuian Form well. Hisuian Braviary: Evolve at 54 on the same places as Hisuian Thyplosion since it looks like the energies may also have effect give than type change to psychic, but there is no mention to the form difference on the dex. Kleavor: Use Black Augurite on Scyther. No reason to change it. Ursaluna: Use Peat Block on Ursaring at night. The only requirement in PLA is full moon night when using the item (despite what a lot of people believe due to misinformation on the net, place isn’t relevant at all as long as it is full moon), and since there is no moon phases here, just at night should be fine. As for the new items for Kleavor and Ursaluna, they may be added to buy somewhere, maybe on the same guy that sells the crests? Or just some new NPC selling them.
  2. Cherrim's stats are to compensate the lack of abilities on PLA, the boost is basically what Cherrim's ability does when in sunshine form and the change only applies to Sunshine Form too. I see no reason why those changes would be applied here or future official games where the abilities exist.
  3. I think the script has the wrong order in the stats: These are the current ones [105,160,135,55,30,55] and I think the 55 and 135 should be switched to work properly because speed should go AFTER defense not before. I think this file should fix it. I tested it and the speed now increases. I also leave the whole package of files in a rar with the new version of the script, but if you already ave the rest, you only need the PokemonMultipleForms.rb PD: I also noticed that Landorus Therian had 71 on speed instead of 91, so I also fixed it, but same as the Galarian Darmanitan line, it is not possible to obtain it by legit means, so I guess the devs will test it and fix it once it is released. PokemonMultipleForms.rb 00.Fixes for Toxtricity Line and Darumaka Line.rar
  4. Here is the main topic of one updated to the last version:
  5. You can just create a encounters.txt on the PBS folder and it will fill automatically if you open edit encounters on the debug menu even if you didn't change anything. The txt will be updated each time you touch something on that menu, so there is no need to compile everything each time. Still, the oficial PBS are here if you still want them:
  6. As Nocturne said it is on the Safari Zone on Kakori, but there is a method to get it easier given the 1%. All mons on the area 3 except Kangaskhan have a level cap of max 35, while Kangaskhan's has the cap at 39. If you have a level 36 mon on the head of your team and use repel, only Kangaskhans can appear as lower level mons can't appear. In fact, except for Wobbuffet, you can use this method for all the 1% mons of the safari, although it is likely that you will need to go out and in due to exhausting steps as it may take a while getting a mon to appear while using the repel.
  7. Well, you don't need to use it if you don't want, if someone really wants those moves, then they can use the debug for updating the learnset, and then erase it without touching anything else nor cheating after making that fix, I haven't applied those changes to the copy of the game I use either as I don't need them at all, I put them here just in case someone wants them, you or anyone else (it was literally five minutes at most to make it, no effort at all, so if it helps someone for mere five minutes, I am glad to help). I was replying to you personally just the first part, but I see that my way of expressing may be confusing as english plural is also you and I wanted to refer to anyone who was reading it... Not native speaker, sorry. I used this method with the debug to fix the bug of Toxtricity being unable to breed and to test fixes to other bugs that required touching scripts, so Debug doesn't need to be a tool for cheating nor changing things at will that weren't planned by the dev, I use it literally to debug, which is its original function, when I find something that doesn't work and I think I can fix it myself because it is easy to do. Although I bet those fixes will already be on next version anyway since they are mostly overlooks (understandable having a couple of overlooked mistakes given how many mons there are, not like I would have done it better myself if I had to make so much work myself. The issue of overlooks is not noticing them, not being especially hard to fix once noticed), official releases take a lot of time to release, so fan hotfixes are useful meanwhile (with this I am refering to any game that can be fixed this way, not this one only). That said, the previous file is more of a Mod than a fix as not having those moves isn't a bug at all, which is also a reason of why I pass from adding them to my game while I applied the bug fixes, but if someone wants the new moves, I don't see any problem with that either. Whether they will be applied or not, it is hard to say, although the changes aren't really relevant, just getting some moves a bit earlier/easier, which is great if implemented, but nothing important if not.
  8. As I said, it may be useful to get them earlier, cases like not having enough shards also apply here. It is just not game changing as mostly everything was already possible to get despite requiring more effort or reaching later parts of the game. You just need to recompile (you need to use the Debug mode mod for this, delete it later if you don't want it) while changing the default pokemon.txt on the PBS folder for this and you will get the new moves available on the relearner after restarting the game. pokemon.txt
  9. The changes in movesets on BDSP are really minimal. 10 mons get a Level 1 additional move that can be learned using the relearner, and most can be already obtained by other ways. Then, then Dialga and Palkia switched the levels of their exclusive moves to level 40 instead of the original ones far later and the rest of moves moved down on the list. Giratina has a similar change with its special move going from 77 to 49 and the rest going down but same levels for learning moves. Making those changes is easy since all the moves already exist in the game, but I don't know if the devs will consider making the additions due to how minimal they are. Except for Altaria's Hurricane, all the moves are already learnable by TM or tutor for those mons (Splash by Marill and Azurill is a move with which Azurill is born with so they can have it too if evolved from Azurill, useless move anyway), so no real game changers here as there is literally one new move for one pokemon. It may matter being able to get some moves earlier though. The changes of learning level of legendaries don't really mater since the legendaries themselves aren't even available and I doubt they will be until postgame anyway, a nd by that point, I doubt we get to fight and catch a legendary at such a low level that the learning order matters. In fact, if you want the new level 1 moves for those 10 mons anyway, you can get them all with an easy edit on the pokemon.txt PBS on the movesets of those 10 and recompiling. It shouldn't take more than five minutes to have it done.
  10. On the Debug Mod thread, someone mentioned an issue with Galarian Darumaka not having its Ice Type, and then I also noticed other issues like wrong evolution item and a bug on Galarian Darmanitan that made it become and ordinary one after battle, so I made fixes for all the issues on this line too. One file is also the PokemonMultipleForms.rb, but it has applies the changes of Toxtricity's one, so it will fix both issues at once. Here the original post Regarding the original post, I also found a error where Mega Toxtricity would always become Amped Form after Mega Evolution, so I also fixed it. Here is a rar with all the fixes together, just copy to your game folder and replace everything it asks (the pokémonEvolution.rb now goes to scripts so everything goes together, if you got a version of it on Mods folder delete it or it will be used, not that this one changed from the original post though). This will apply: Fixed Toxtricity Egg group Fixed Toxtricity evolution method to get the correct form Fixed Toxtricity's Low Key moveset (only two moves differ though) Fixed Galarian Darumaka so it is shown with its sprite and the proper Ice typing and moveset. Fixed Galarian Darumaka evolution method, the item wa sset wrongly, so Ice stone didn0t work Fixed Galarian Darmanitan bug where it always became a normal Darmanitan after a battle. Fixed the bug that made it impossible for Galarian Darmanitan to have Zen Mode Please note that Galarian Darumaka is not obteniable ingame yet without cheating using Debug Mode to cheat, but since someone pointed the error I decided to fix it anyway. 00.Fixes for Toxtricity Line and Darumaka Line.rar
  11. I created fixes for all the Toxtricity issues here: Although I belive the Toxtricity issues will be solved on the next version of the game, this allow us to evolve Toxel into the proper evolution form depending on the nature, teaching the right moves by leveling up and being able to breed them.
  12. Edit2: This isn't compatible nor needed for 13.5. the 13.5 version of Rejuvenation should have all of this work by defualt. Edit: There is a rar with all fixes on the next psot that jsut need to copy and replace on your game folder, adding some more fixes than the original ones put on the post. Original Post: I have seen that Toxtricity has several issues, so I tried to fix them, and it seems I succeeded. The known issues are: Wrong Egg Group making it impossible to breed, imposible to evolve to Low Key Form, and Low Key Form attacks being identical to Amped Form. You can easily fix the Egg Group issue yourself with the PBS Files and the Debug Mod, Official PBS files here: And the Debug Mod here: Steps to fix egg group: Go to the PBS folder and open pokemon.txt Search for Toxtricity Change "Undiscovered" for "Humanlike" Save the file without touching anything else Open the game Open the menu and go to "Debug" Go to "Compile Data (no map)" Wait until the compilation finished, it may take a while Close the game. Open it again and Toxtricity should be able to breed normally. The other two issues require touching scripts. Fortunately, I managed to make them work, so I will just share them. The changes are quite small though, so I will also leave them the changes made here in case someone is interested: Evolution Issue: Different form different moves: First is the PokemonEvolution.rb for fixing the evolution issue. You can either put it on the Mods folder or replace the existing one in the scripts forlder, is basically the same except that the evolve method of Toxtricity is added. (If you replace anything make always a backup of the original). Second is the PokemonMultipleForms.rb. This is where all the alternate forms are defined with their differences compared to the original forms on the PBS. In Toxtricity's case, there are two level up moves that change between Amped Form and Low Key Form, so this will make that difference to happen. There is also a single difference on non-level learned moves, which is the same as one of the lvel-up ones, but I saw that the base Toxtricity (Amped Form) on the PBS can learn both as long as it isn't via level-up, so I left that part unchanged for Low Key as it may seem to be the intention of the devs that they can learn both Venom Dranch and Venomshock regardless of the form as long as it is not by level. Please note that PokemonMultipleForms.rb must replace the original one on the Scripts folder (remember backing up original), it gives a stack error if put on the Mods folder. PokemonEvolution.rb PokemonMultipleForms.rb
  13. Sorry for posting on an old post despite having never posted before, but I haven't seen anyone posting the reason of this or how to solve it and it may be useful for others with the same issue. I hope I am not breaking any rules. Toxel is a baby Pokémon and as such, it has the egg group "Undiscovered". On evolving, the egg group sould change to "Human-like", which is Toxtricity egg group on the official games. However, I checked the PBS files and Toxtricity is also set as "Undiscovered" egg group, making it impossible to breed. Probably by an oversight the egg group was just copied from Toxel instead of changing it since usually the whole evilution line has the same egg group, with babies being a clare exception. There is a way to fix this, but you will need the PBS files that you can find here: The PBS folder must be extracted on the same folder as the game. And the Debug Mod that you can find here: Please be aware that you can break things if you fiddle with the Debug carelessly, so if you don't know what you are doing don't touch things just to try. How to solve Toxtricity's egg group problem: Go to the PBS folder and open pokemon.txt Search for Toxtricity Change "Undiscovered" for "Humanlike" Save the file without touching anything else Open the game Open the menu and go to "Debug" Go to "Compile Data (no map)" Wait until the compilation finished, it may take a while Close the game. Open it again and Toxtricity should be able to breed normally. As long as you don't touch anything beyond what is told to touch here, there shouldn't be any issue with this fix, but if you start to modify things carelessly on the PBS and use the option to compile, you may end up breaking things, so be careful. EDIT. I also made a couple of fixes for evolving properly into Low Key Form and allowing it to leanrn the right moves by leveling up.
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