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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by RPGirl

  1. Given that v13.5 has been in development for quite a while and Legends of Arceus only came out super recently, I find it very unlikely that any of the Hisuian pokemon will be included. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they never added any of the new mons/forms given how late we are into the development of pokemon rejuvenation as a whole and how difficult adding new pokemon to the game must be and how much has still yet to be added from previous games. That's not to say it won't ever happen, but I don't see it happening any time soon, and I wouldn't be surprised if the devs just decided not to. It's all up to them and we just have to wait and see. With that in mind, I'd recommend just starting your run now. Any huge changes to the game or new pokemon will likely only be added in v14, and we have no idea when that's going to be coming, so you might as well just do it.
  2. This isn't the biggest deal in the world, but I've just reached the end of a playthrough and I really don't wanna have to replay the game from the start again, but there's one minor choice that I kinda regret, specifically not saving the officer when you're given the option to in chapter 9. It probably doesn't matter and won't effect the game much going forward, but I still wanna change it if possible and I was wondering if this can be done via the debug menu, since it can be used to change switches and variables and stuff. If it's not possible or risks messing up my game somehow, then don't worry about it, but if anyone knows how I could do this, I'd really appriciate it!
  3. It's doable, you just need the debug version of the game which you should be able to find just by googling around, but I can probz find a link if you need one. It's pretty easy to do yourself and there's very little risk of messing anything up (just keep a backup of your saves just in case). All you've got to do is open the game, go into the menu, select debug, variables (should be the second option from the top) and then scroll down to variable 0228, which will be labeled as "mysteryegg." Select it and then amend the number to 20, which I believe is the number for Rookidee. Of course, if you want to do this the easier way, you can just use the debug menu to add Rookidee directly. Just open up the debug menu, scroll down until you find Rookidee, select it and then set its level as 1. It'll give you the option to put it in your PC or send a pokemon to the PC to make space for it, so there's nothing to worry about. It's super easy!
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