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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Inklops

  1. I own RPG Maker XP on Steam, and I was wondering if there's a way to open RXDATA files. Honestly, I'm not even 100% sure I really need to get into these files, but if possible I want to be able to open them and see what's going on in there. I've tried opening them with RPG Maker XP, but it always gives me the error message "unexpected file format" and then closes. Is there a way to open these files?
  2. I'm trying to use the Rejuvenation V13 files to let me edit encounters and whatnot, but I can't get the edited PBS files to compile with the game's data and actually affect the game. I've tried editing encounters.txt and then running the game in Debug mode, but it doesn't change anything. How do I get the PBS files to compile so that the changes I make in the text files will affect the data of the game?
  3. Update: so I found the V13 PBS files and downloaded them. They're in the folder for Rejuvenation, but when I edit them and playtest the game in RPGXP, nothing changes :( is there something I'm still doing wrong?
  4. Wait ok so I think the problem is that I'm trying to use the Essentials PBS files, not the ones that go with Rejuvenation (took me way too long to figure that out). Are the PBS files for V13 available yet? If not, is there anywhere I can get the V12 PBS files?
  5. Sorry about that! Didn't mean to give you the wrong file, and I went straight to bed after posting that so I didn't realize anything was wrong until just now. Thanks Kyuu for taking care of that!
  6. I've tried that, but the encounters.txt just shows all the default encounters from Essentials rather than anything from Rejuvenation. Playtesting in RPGXP to recompile doesn't seem to do anything. Any ideas for how to get encounters.txt to show the Rejuvenation encounters instead of the default Essentials ones?
  7. All done! Hopefully that worked properly haha--all the Pokemon you asked for are in either box 2 or box 4. Lemme know if it didn't work properly, and I can give it another shot :) Game - 5960 - Manpil - 643h 37m - 15 badges.rxdata
  8. I've never actually done this before, but I can try for you. Just to make sure I'm clear on what you want though, I'm just getting you Torchic, Mudkip, Chimchar, Snivy, Scorbunny, Grookey, Turtwig, and Indeedee? Also I'm not sure if you've even uploaded your save file yet because you posted like three minutes ago haha but if you have already put it up, I can't see it :( if it just isn't up yet though I'll check back in a few minutes so I can get started :)
  9. I can't help much with actually beating the puzzle--it just kinda took me a whole bunch of tries until I eventually got it--but the good news is that
  10. this is gonna be a super cheap answer but uhhhh if you're cool with lowkey cheating there's always debug mode ~ (may or may not have used that to get my dream team without the pain of shiny hunting)
  11. This is my first time posting here, so sorry if this is the wrong place or something! Basically, I'd like to be able to mess with where Pokemon encounters happen and what Pokemon you encounter. I've searched through all the files in the game folder and I can't find anything. I do know how to use Debug mode to change encounters, but it's slow and can be kind of a pain sometimes, so if there's a way to edit a file to do it I'd rather try that out. In case it's relevant, I have RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials 19.1 with the Gen 8 additions.
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