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Pokemon HTML Trainer Info for Server! *-*


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Hi guys! :]

So lately I have been really bored with the lack of activity in Reborn. ):

Honestly, there wasn't much for me to even do. So one day, I had been making custom Trainer Infos for my alts/ammusement/boredom.
So now to actually say something worth a damn, I present to you, OP Pokemon Trainer Infos for yourself! *-*

Yeah, I want to make TI's for people who have blank Trainer Infos who don't have the time, or people who just don't want to put in the energy to make a awesome TI. :[

But there is a catch for this "service". I require that each TI shall be 100 rupees each. :]

If for whatever reason you seem to be interested, please answer the following.

1. What kind of colors would you prefer on it?

2. What kind of Pokemon would you like on it?

3. What kind of quote/words would you want on it?

Also, this might take some time, since school gets in the way. But besides that, I hope this will be fun for everyone!

Here are some of the Trainer Infos that I made myself :]

Something to note for auths/Mods: If this is not the right place to put this in, can someone please move it to the corresponding section in the forums? Thanks. :]

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Ah nice and powerful TI's guys. c:

I'll edit this post with other TI's later

Edit: Four more other TI's that are awesome :D

You have to click on the link though :[

I can't post images now for whatever reason, but I hope these four will draw you in :]





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