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Haidere! I'm new here and i was told by a certain person to introduce myself here!

...Wait, is this even the right thread?- UH. OH ARCEUS PLEASE DON'T KILL ME IF I MAKE A MISTAKE! Y'all have to bear with me cause' i have problems sometimes! I'm slow.

So, yeah. I'm The unintelligent GamerGal but you can just call me Judy. Or Judee. Or Stupid. Whatever you want. I'm always nice and cheery, so don't hesitate to come and ask me things! I'm sure i can help ya! (I highly doubt that..)

Hope all of you senpais will help me with stuffs! ^w^)/

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As you have heard from another certain guy you should download Pokemon Online to chat with us.

If you have any questions, Hilda, Vinny and Sheep will happily answer them. Me too, but I don't have as much knowledge as them.

You'll probably fit right in because no sanity is needed here

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>The Radiant Aeon

Aayyy. Thanks dude/dudette/person! Oh, but i am stupid. It took me 20 minutes to do the BlackSteam Factory puzzle in Pkmn Reborn. Really, not lying.

Anyway, i'm glad to know that i'll fit in perfectly in this place!



:^o IT'S YOOOUUU! Thankies for the help earlier!

Yup. I'll go look it up right now. Vinny, Hilda and Sheep, (omfg, kawaii names) right, got it. Awh, don't say that. I'm the one without knowledge here! Look how slow i am to write this reply!

Is there a reply button?- Can't find it-

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Hey Judy, welcome to the forums.

Lets kick this off with how to get questions you may have answered. On good way is to make a topic about it, there are plenty of people here who want to help you. Another is to fire off a PM to me, Hilda, Vinny, or a guy called Sightless Avenger, we know lots of stuff, some of it's even useful, and you can bet we'll get you your answer. Finally, you can always just go on the reborn server, found on pokemon online, and throw it out into the main chat, depends on who's there as to what answer you'll get.

Speaking of the server, go check out the server. Faust and Mik have both already told you to do that, but it is a huge part of our community, so I'm telling you anyway.

If you're into competitive battling then you can also take a look at the Hall of Champions sub forum here. We host weekly theme tournaments, as well as a competition called pokenations. Nations is basically about getting sorted into a team, then playing off against a different team each week with certain restrictions. If you decide to sign up for it though, please stay active as we've had plenty of issues with inactivity already.

If you're at all interested in roleplaying, or just reading a good story, go check out the roleplaying sub forum. Hukuna's the guy to talk to about how to participate, and everyone over there is super friendly.

Finally, if you come across any bugs or glitches in your travels through the reborn region, we do have a sub forum for reporting those too, aptly named bug reporting. Every unknown bug that's reported helps improve the game, and at the end of the day I'm sure we all want it to be in the best shape possible. So yeah, it's really appreciated. If you encounter a game breaking bug that causes the game to become unplayable you can go to the troubleshooting section and post your save file, so that one of our very capable helpers can get you out of there.

Oh, and if you don't mind do make sure you have a quick read of this if you haven't already: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6807&page=1

That should be enough to orient you. Have fun.

Oh, and there is a reply button. Use the quote button in the bottom right of the post you want to reply to.

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...Hi, Judy!

Looks like the dust is settled here. I'm Hilda. You can pester me about stuff, along with Sheep and Vinny if you ever need anything.

.....For lack of my usual unique advice. Put the sanity down. You -really- don't want it here.

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Welcome to the madhouse Judy! It seems all the important things have already been said, so you're ready to go and explore what Reborn has to offer,and that's a lot of stuff. ^_^

One thing I should say is for you to not be afraid of asking help or simply talking to anyone here. One of the best things about this community is how open (and completely crazy ofc) everyone is to new people, so I guess you'll feel at home in no time. What is good, 'cause once you enter Reborn you can never leave (should have read the small letters in the contract!)!

Anywailmers, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Welcome to the madhouse Judy! It seems all the important things have already been said, so you're ready to go and explore what Reborn has to offer,and that's a lot of stuff. ^_^

One thing I should say is for you to not be afraid of asking help or simply talking to anyone here. One of the best things about this community is how open (and completely crazy ofc) everyone is to new people, so I guess you'll feel at home in no time. What is good, 'cause once you enter Reborn you can never leave (should have read the small letters in the contract!)!

Anywailmers, have fun and enjoy your stay!

Yes! I noticed! Everyone here's REALLY nice! And that's good!

Anyway,(or should i say, anywailmers-nice pun there dude) thanks for the warm welcome!

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So, yeah. I'm The unintelligent GamerGal but you can just call me Judy. Or Judee. Or Stupid. Whatever you want.

...this again?

You're Person#5 ^^

Well, hello and welcome to Reborn. I don't have much to say, but i suggest you get comfortable... this will be a long stay.

See you o/

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Welcome to Reborn sweatheart, Nice name btw.

If you need any help just ask around like they say, everyone here is helpfull but remember not always on. Where not robot, where people

This is a nice communnity and a trolly one sometime, I hope you you will have a fun time here.

P.S. If you have a question but can't find the answer you can just message me.

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...this again?

You're Person#5 ^^

Well, hello and welcome to Reborn. I don't have much to say, but i suggest you get comfortable... this will be a long stay.

See you o/

I am? Oh- I'll try not to call myself stupid and other things much. Oops-

Thanks for welcoming!

Welcome to Reborn sweatheart, Nice name btw.

If you need any help just ask around like they say, everyone here is helpfull but remember not always on. Where not robot, where people

This is a nice communnity and a trolly one sometime, I hope you you will have a fun time here.

P.S. If you have a question but can't find the answer you can just message me.

Yes! Thank you!

I'm already having tons of fun here!

Yep, i'll keep that in mind. Thank you very much!

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