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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Time zones are a bitch.

Time zones can't do shit against the combined writing force of us all.

now stop whinning, this thing has gotten a shit ton of activity ever since it started, and that's a lot more than a lot of RPs around here can say.

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Think of this way: It's a shorter wait than the next episode of Reborn.

By the way, in my characterization of Avis, I'm trying to base Murkrows off of... well, crows. They are known to be as smart as chimpanzees, and Avis' IV is, as you can probably guess, highly curious, so I find it suitable for Avis to know how to unlock doors. If it seems way to extraordinary, let me know.

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So, what are your timezones guys? (I see we're talking about them)

I'm GMT+1, so CET or Central European Time (I guess it's the full name)

We already have a thread discussing this. I'm not even going to hotlink to it because It's pinned at the top of these very forums; you can't miss it. really... you can't.

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CST here.

btw chim, if we get a timeskip to the next day, keep in mind that Kage will probably be awake by 5.

Ooh, another early Waker character. I'll probably have my PC be up 2 hours early for the class, or 1 hour if classes start at 6:00, just for some 'extra morning training.' "Wanna get some meditatition in before commotion starts."
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It takes a lot to make Ryan blush. He's gonna laugh most things off unless you directly reference a flaw of his or take a jab at his sexuality, (Not sure how Kage would be aware yet, but if things go as planned, some will know by the end of the night.)

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