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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Same with Danielle, the bully. .-.

OMG! Henry has a bug too. If Alvin pushes him enough, Zuko will burn his Combee right out of the sky.

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eh, who here doesn't have a partner yet?

Colin, James, Slade, Lana, Claude, Evan and Alvin (the last two are probably going to fight if I find a battle theme that I like)

I think the rest is settled / already fighting.

Edited by Chimchain
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I think that i'll be having two matches today, then.

I prefer if you kept that second battle on hold for now. I want everyone to have at least one battle first. After that you can have as many battles as you want.

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We could fight, roommate Vs roommate

well, I was kinda thinking about having him challenge Lana, but we could duke it out if you want. I'll just do it later if Chimchain allows it.

Go on, make your challenge...this'll be interesting.

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I just want to see everyone to battle someone first, after that I'll allow some more battles as I'm waiting for what happens in RoG.

And so many opportunities to get everyone in detention xD Along with Evan who already has detention but just doesn't know it.

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And so many opportunities to get everyone in detention xD Along with Evan who already has detention but just doesn't know it.

Yeah, I bet Henry is going to be in for detention as well. He did break one of Redwood's biggest beliefs on the first day of school. (It'd be pretty awesome seeing how Henry and Evan react as they have somewhat similar backstories, but different personalities).

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Yeah, I bet Henry is going to be in for detention as well. He did break one of Redwood's biggest beliefs on the first day of school. (It'd be pretty awesome seeing how Henry and Evan react as they have somewhat similar backstories, but different personalities).

I was planning to give the entire group involved with Evan detention xD But yes, Kenny and Henry will receive some punishment as well.

Humn, guess I'll challenge Lana then. James already challenged Claude right?

Just give me some time, I have to go out for a while.

Alright and take your time. I'm going to bed anyway.

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I have the feeling that Slade's probably gonna have one of his partners launch an attack and start their battle anyway.

Watch, and when he probably does, just remember, I called it.

Henry, Alvin, Kenny, Evan are going to be in detention. There's already going to be enough hell with Henry and Evan in the same room with Alvin making it worse. Now you want to add Slade to the mix.

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Have I gone overboard with Shun's awesomeness? :3 There are ways for Robert's Pokemon to release themselves from the shadows, but I'll just leave Robert to try and figure that out ~

Eh, I can come up with pretty good 'Real Physics' strategies, so as long as you don't just decide "One Hit K.O.," it's fine. I assume that only Special moves would be able to hit that kind of distance.

Edited by TurboAura
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Henry, Alvin, Kenny, Evan are going to be in detention. There's already going to be enough hell with Henry and Evan in the same room with Alvin making it worse. Now you want to add Slade to the mix.

it would be kinda ironic if that happened actually; given the fact that he didn't get Detention, or any punishment for that matter, after burning the Dorm and fleeing into the woods last night. seems a bit ridiculous when you think about it actually...

"Oh, you burned your living quarters and then fled into the woods afterwards. Alright no detention for you."

then they turn right around and say:

"Oh... you got impatient and started a battle somewhere you weren't supposed to; Detention for you, young lad!"

EDIT: Nevermind... seems Exlink has surprised me with Slade.

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it would be kinda ironic if that happened actually; given the fact that he didn't get Detention, or any punishment for that matter, after burning the Dorm and fleeing into the woods last night. seems a bit ridiculous when you think about it actually...

"Oh, you burned your living quarters and then fled into the woods afterwards. Alright no detention for you."

then they turn right around and say:

"Oh... you got impatient and started a battle somewhere you weren't supposed to; Detention for you, young lad!"

All I have to say is

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