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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Let her destroy the Pokéball afterwards. And if people go complain about shinies I can take them easily away...

I don't get all this science crap but keep in mind that Magneton is only level 5. It already knocked out an opponent and it's a bit much to let it keep dodging / reflecting / whatever it's doing. If it doesn't go down soon I'm going to have to interfere and let it overload. This will result in being forced to pick another Pokémon.

I'm willing to let everyone come up with unique battle strategies and find new ways, but this situation is just too much.

Then an idea rushed through Slade's head, "101, use magnet bomb on yourself!" TX confused at his trainers command but he did it anyways then the bombs then floated around 101, far enough to where the explosion wouldn't damage it, (Explosion reach on magnet bomb is low.) but close enough to where it created a shield around TX. "Now use thunder shock on those metal orbs!" The electricity conducted between the orbs creating an electric fence, literally. "Now, use a lock on spark on the Porygon!"

TX- 23%


Spinning Magnets- Can only be hurt by physical and can only use special steel and electric type moves.

Bomb Shield- magnet bomb connected by an electrical current that ups the power. (Steel type 60 + 20 for charge)

Moves used:

Magnet bomb

Thunder shock

Lock On


Yeah...Chimchain, I think this has indeed gone too far now. The sciencey/physics stuff Slade was using at first was kinda cool, but now it's just becoming a bit Overpowered and kinda unfair...

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Yeah...Chimchain, I think this has indeed gone too far now. The sciencey/physics stuff Slade was using at first was kinda cool, but now it's just becoming a bit Overpowered and kinda unfair...

sorry, i kinda go i little overborad with things :unsure:. I was going to change due to chimchain's request from before anyways.

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I just saw it.

I'm going to give him a chance to change it before I take away that Magneton. It's friggin level 5 that you just received. After 2 battles it's still +20%, reflecting every move Stratos is using AND now you use 4 attacks in one turn?

I got Ninja'd again. If it changes you can keep it.

Edited by Chimchain
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I just saw it.

I'm going to give him a chance to change it before I take away that Magneton. It's friggin level 5 that you just received. After 2 battles it's still +20%, reflecting every move Stratos is using AND now you use 4 attacks in one turn?

I got Ninja'd again. If it changes you can keep it.

Sorry I went too in depth but forgot about the basics. Hopefully this won't happen again, I'll stay away from science. :unsure:

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Sorry I went too in depth but forgot about the basics. Hopefully this won't happen again, I'll stay away from science. :unsure:

I don't have any problems if you use a bit of science as long as you don't go overboard and overpower your opponent.

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Ok, so with all the uncontrolled 'fights' and slips in judgement, I think the question is going to go from 'Who gets detention next?' to 'Who isn't going to be pulled into detention?' Let's just say that unless someone causes Robert to HAVE TO have Voltage attack, which would either be looked as 'unauthorized battle' or 'shocked a person', I'm staying outta there.

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Ok, so with all the uncontrolled 'fights' and slips in judgement, I think the question is going to go from 'Who gets detention next?' to 'Who isn't going to be pulled into detention?' Let's just say that unless someone causes Robert to HAVE TO have Voltage attack, which would either be looked as 'unauthorized battle' or 'shocked a person', I'm staying outta there.

I feel like, once we all get much more to focus on, ain't nobody gunna have time to start fights.

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Poor Jacob. He tries so hard to get Danielle's attention but always gets interrupted and now even ignored. I would almost change to Team Jacob.

Edit: @Turbo: No one is going to get detention aside from those that already have it. To be honest even Henry and Kenny wouldn't be in there if it wasn't for that first battle. I only needed Evan to get in there to get him alone so I can get a little of the plot started.

Edited by Chimchain
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I'm willing to let everyone come up with unique battle strategies and find new ways, but this situation is just too much.

If you people are trying to follow Henry's example, please don't. He's able to pull of these strategies because he has battle experience (probably the only one with Double Battle experience as well). I'm fine with people using strategies because they look and sound impressive, but try giving orders to do that. Henry's a bit of a special case because he's done a bit of the vigorous training with Zuko in Orre (again, it fits his backstory).

@Exlink: I'm more of a fan of using moves to weaken the damage blown than dodging. My Pokemon only dodged moves that were illegal or were used in an unjustifiable way (though I did leave some exceptions). It makes the fight a bit more fun and challenging that way.

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If you people are trying to follow Henry's example, please don't. He's able to pull of these strategies because he has battle experience (probably the only one with Double Battle experience as well). I'm fine with people using strategies because they look and sound impressive, but try giving orders to do that. Henry's a bit of a special case because he's done a bit of the vigorous training with Zuko in Orre (again, it fits his backstory).

@Exlink: I'm more of a fan of using moves to weaken the damage blown than dodging. My Pokemon only dodged moves that were illegal or were used in an unjustifiable way (though I did leave some exceptions). It makes the fight a bit more fun and challenging that way.

Dude, all the coordinators can use stupid strategies most others couldn't use. It's why they are Coordinators, thay have to be creative. Also, stupidly named moves XD

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If you people are trying to follow Henry's example, please don't. He's able to pull of these strategies because he has battle experience (probably the only one with Double Battle experience as well). I'm fine with people using strategies because they look and sound impressive, but try giving orders to do that. Henry's a bit of a special case because he's done a bit of the vigorous training with Zuko in Orre (again, it fits his backstory).

@Exlink: I'm more of a fan of using moves to weaken the damage blown than dodging. My Pokemon only dodged moves that were illegal or were used in an unjustifiable way (though I did leave some exceptions). It makes the fight a bit more fun and challenging that way.

you do realize this screams sue, right?

"guys im special you can't be good like me"

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Actually, shit yeah, Henry is a bit sueish O.o

...dammit. Now I know what was bothering me about his character. Well, thank god he knows nothing about contests otherwise I'd be in a hellhole right now.

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If you people are trying to follow Henry's example, please don't. He's able to pull of these strategies because he has battle experience (probably the only one with Double Battle experience as well). I'm fine with people using strategies because they look and sound impressive, but try giving orders to do that. Henry's a bit of a special case because he's done a bit of the vigorous training with Zuko in Orre (again, it fits his backstory).

@Exlink: I'm more of a fan of using moves to weaken the damage blown than dodging. My Pokemon only dodged moves that were illegal or were used in an unjustifiable way (though I did leave some exceptions). It makes the fight a bit more fun and challenging that way.

Oh, you hadn't even seen anything yet...

"Shun, use 'Blazing Moon PsyBlade' combo, and you, Shauntal, use 'Frozen Storm'! Combine your combos to create the 'Meteor Shower Ice Blade'!"

Edited by Bfroger6
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Comes from a dark past... Is supposedly more talented or experienced than the other pcs... rather perceptive... huh. Why not give him an arbritrary trait like Claudes Rock fear? it'd at least help a bit and hash out his character a bit more.

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i'll point out where you went wrong

acceptable: "Henry has more experience with complex doubles strategies due to his experiences in the Orre region"

sue: "You had better not try to do what Henry does because he is special and anyone else would fail"

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If you people are trying to follow Henry's example, please don't. He's able to pull of these strategies because he has battle experience (probably the only one with Double Battle experience as well). I'm fine with people using strategies because they look and sound impressive, but try giving orders to do that. Henry's a bit of a special case because he's done a bit of the vigorous training with Zuko in Orre (again, it fits his backstory).

@Exlink: I'm more of a fan of using moves to weaken the damage blown than dodging. My Pokemon only dodged moves that were illegal or were used in an unjustifiable way (though I did leave some exceptions). It makes the fight a bit more fun and challenging that way.

Mareek has had that friggin scyther of his for seven years now, so there's my justification right there, plain and simple.

And in regrads to henry coming off as a sue because of that statement, Murdoc pretty much summed it up already

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i'll point out where you went wrong

acceptable: "Henry has more experience with complex doubles strategies due to his experiences in the Orre region"

sue: "You had better not try to do what Henry does because he is special and anyone else would fail"

Yeah, that's a bit arrogant on my part. Really need to learn when to hold my tongue. (I was trying to say don't make your second pokemon fight like you've had it for 7 years like Mareeks Scyther). But yeah, Henry is sueish despite that comment.

@Dobby: I'll figure something out soon. It might actually end up being Ice types or heights (which would make him terrified of one of his future Pokemon)

Edit: I know it's probably just me, but Larvesta's B/W Sprite looks as if it's going to stab you.

Edited by commander218
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Can't Type: Next time you battle someone MENTION if the attacks hit or not. Because right now I have no clue if I"m even close to beating one of them. That said; Lana doesn't have much confidence and her Pokémon mean everthing to her. You win because she doesn't want them to get hurt too much.

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Flare was sent back having received a discharge though not as powerful as before and he now has 2 times speed. "Quickly use roar on the tri attack to send it back at him then use flame wheel to finish it!" Flare roared the tri attack back at Java sending it back as fast as it was before and then began to roll him self into a flaming ball and went right after he roared having him hit Java just after the tri attack if it were to hit. the x2 speed increase made his spinning x2 faster leaving a trail of dust behind him as he zoomed right for Java with more force than a regular flame wheel.

Flare 42%


Roar (used to reflect tri attack back at Java. Tri Attack 80)

Flame Wheel 60 x 1.5 stab = 90 x 1.2 (speed increase = more force) = 108

I'm sorry, but I honestly have no idea what kind of logic is in play right here.

How the hell is Roar capable of sending a Category:Special Move back to it's sender, or even affect it at all unless it's sound based? Now, I could understand if Tri Attack were a physical move, but...

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I'm sorry, but I honestly have no idea what kind of logic is in play right here.

How the hell is Roar capable of sending a Category:Special Move back to it's sender, or even affect it at all unless it's sound based?

honestly I though since it has enough strength to switch out any pokemon it could at least stop a projectile. I'll change it now.

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honestly I though since it has enough strength to switch out any pokemon it could at least stop a projectile. I'll change it now.

They switch out due to fright >.>

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