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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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@Huk: Here's how it went. Jory ordered an attack expecting it to hit Darklight's Larvesta. This part is okay. In ordered to bring out some of her character's backstory I believe, Darklight had her PC jump into the field ready to take the attack. Chim already gave me a warning about a move attacking a human so I assume it's no different here. Jory is not in the wrong, but by the Ruleset we don't know what would happen. The real question is should Darklight's PC intervention be allowed or not.

Edit: Looks like we're rolling it back to Darklight's post so that Jory gets a say. Before anyone does anything, I suggest we wait for Chim to get back on.

Edited by commander218
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I'll be putting up a post shortly.

EDIT: I'd like to thank everyone for a prompt reaction and resolution. I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh. I felt very strongly about this from day one, and to see it culminate in a move as unnecessary as that really irked me. This was a particularly sore subject because I'd been working diligently for several hours while managing a post every now and again, and when I did work for longer so I could finish it and give the RP my full attention I found that the events that had been carefully pieced together had been knocked over like a Jenga tower haha

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Well, the bulk of that was avoided........anyway, I think the posting should be held for the night, let CHim get back on and see what is going on, afterall, this is his RP, I don't want to go around making decisions that effect the flow of his RP without his consent to often. I only did here to prevent people from going at each other.

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Well, the bulk of that was avoided........anyway, I think the posting should be held for the night, let CHim get back on and see what is going on, afterall, this is his RP, I don't want to go around making decisions that effect the flow of his RP without his consent to often. I only did here to prevent people from going at each other.


@Everyone Else: Can we all make a promise not to drag the PCs into the battle and let the pokemon do the fighting from now on?

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I am going to say, this doesn't seem to be the type of RP where the Pokes should be attacking the people. Aftermath, one of the other Pokemon RPs here, is made to be a dark version of Pokemon, where pokemon and trainer are likely to straight up die etc. So until Chim comments on this, it is safe to assume this is the case. Hopefully, this is solved now.

((this RP kinda exploded quickly, as it has more than double the pages of replies in the OOC, than Graterras does, which has been running sometime. I am going to advise that Chim gets somebody he trusts to co-host asap, so there is less chance I have to stick my head in here.))

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@Darklight: The only thing I can think of that would reach Danielle fast enough and survive would be Henry's Venonat. I could have that block the attack so that Chim doesn't have another freak attack (unless you have a plan).

I know it's a hyperbole and I'm not one to talk because I was part of the conflict, but I think we need someone else as well as chimchain to be spectating these battles and have authority (preferably on the west coast) over them.

I remember chim saying that if this were to occur again (after my Kenny vs Henry BS battle) he'd have a teacher or forest protector intervene (and cause serious injury). Let's say I was in charge probably not a good idea, I would've been able to call out K_H for the Dark Pulse way earlier leaving it (let's just pretend I'm two different people) less likely for Commander's PC to just go with it and base their post around that because they wouldn't have to wait 5 or 6 additional hours for Chim to resolve it.

Edit: I guess I could do it because I've taken physics and statistics as well as know quite a bit about competitive battling, but I'm new to RPing so I don't think I'd be the best option.

Edited by commander218
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OK Hukuna PM'ed me about a little problem. The posts in the IC were deleted so I just read everything in here to see what exactly happened and I think I have the complete picture.

Basically Jory is right about this. In a battle only the people involved have the right to react first. (I can also interfere but I only do that if it helps the story or I have another reason). If anyone else interferes it gives (especially in this case) an image of someone else's PC that isn't correct. Jacob isn't the type of person to just stand there and watch. I interfered with him and Danielle earlier to see how he would react if Danielle's attention went to another male PC (for obvious reasons), but this battle, just like the rest of you had, is completely one on one without any interference.

This was also a completely different situation than between Kenny and Henry earlier where you both ordered a direct attack on a trainer or punched a Pokémon. This was intentionally while Danielle had a good reason to run into that battle. Jacob didn't know she would react like that and has no intention of hurting her. See the difference?

This being said I clearly need a CO-HOST that lives in AMERICA. I prefer one of the more experienced members (for obvious reasons). The co-host can interfere as well. I'll talk with whoever wants to be co-host in private to see what needs to be done, but basically he (or she) has the same authority as me.

This may not be the best timing but essentially there were two spots open. Flux mentioned he wouldn't sign up after all and a new member PM'ed me if he could join. (female character + coordinator). I won't let him (I think) join until everything is resolved because I want everyone to enjoy this. (and not scar the new members for life)

Also Jory I'm going to PM you because something you said concerns me a little.

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@Chim: I think the bigger issue for me was that no one said anything (maybe they did in that ninja post line I completely missed). I think Jory has a right to be pissed at me and Exlink, but hopefully all of this will be water under the bridge. Seriously, don't be afraid to say if I'm doing something wrong because I don't get offended. (It may have looked like I was yelling or frustrated, but I really wasn't...more confused at the start if anything). Also, thanks for clearing that pokemon attacking thing up in my head (I was going to ask about it later down the line). All we can do is learn from our mistakes and laugh about them later.

Besides, I don't think anyone is holding any grudges. After all, Jory still gets the girl

Edit: By no one saying anything, I mean before I posted what I did in the RP (not here)

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I saw 'A Lucky Elf' and thought you were a new member xD

@Murdoc: I think I miss something seeing as you mentioned Redwood. I thought Kage and Ryan were still on their own.

Besides that I'm going to move it a bit forward after Jory and DarkLight reply. Devin will interfere right now (duh) and be sure to give Danielle and Jacob some time alone (not intended, he's concerned about Danielle's actions). So commander and K_H; be prepared to have some fun with Alvin soon xD

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Name: Sissy McLake

Age: 15

Birthday: 7 of May

Appearance: http://fc05.devianta...uka-d45iulu.png

Program: Coordinator

Pokemon:Misdreavus, Flaaffy, Slowpoke, Swablu

Hometown: Ecruteak City

Background: Sissy lived in little house in the country with her parents. Her house was next to a graveyard. She played all day with ghost pokemon with no fear of em. One day she found a misdreavus being bullied and attacked by some zoruas. She managed to save the hopeless pokemon by getting it, in time, to the pokemon center. After that day misdreavus and Sissy were always together. She learned about the academy in Ymora region and enrolled herself in it. Along with Misdreavus they started their journey.


Misdreavus - Miss - Female - Level 25

Moves - Psywave,Astonish,Hex,Icy wind,Confuse Ray,Mean Look.

Flaaffy - Miffy - Female - Level 25

Moves - Iron Tail,Thundershock,Electro ball,Tackle,Thunder Wave,Charge.

Slowking - Sherlock - Male - Level 25

Moves - Water Gun,Confusion,Power Gem,Hidden Power(Dark),Yawn,Disable

Swablu(Shiny) - Cotton - Female - Level 10

Moves - Growl,Peck,Astonish,Sing,Fury Attack,Safeguard

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@Tses Sign-Ups ended a while ago... Unless you asked Chimchain and he 'made an exception,' your outta luck.

Edit: Nevermind, Chimchain's latest post verifies is. As it were.

Edited by TurboAura
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Name: Sissy

Age: 15

Birthday: 25 of november

Appearance: http://fc05.devianta...uka-d45iulu.png

Program: Coordinator

Starter:Misdreavus (f) (lvl 8), Mareep (f)

Hometown: Ecruteak City

Background: Sissy lived in little house in the country with her parents. Her house was next to a graveyard. She played all day with ghost pokemon with no fear of em. One day she found a misdreavus being bullied and attacked by some zoruas. She managed to save the hopeless pokemon by getting it, in time, to the pokemon center. After that day misdreavus and Sissy were always together. She learned about the academy in Ymora region and enrolled herself in it. Along with Misdreavus they started their journey.

You forgot to mention the surname and new birthday xD (Just edit your post and fix it)

Aside from that: I'll probably introduce you when chapter 2 starts (as I already said via PM). And welcome to the madness RP

For those that can't tell: Mareep is the one she got from Redwood.

EDIT: Turbo ninja'd me: But I mentioned in the big red post above that there was a new member taking the spot I reserved for Flux.

Edited by Chimchain
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... That reminds me, I didn't set a birthday for Zeke.

Eh, I'll make it today. 6th of October. Cause I'm horrible with dates. |D

HEYYYYY finally another girl for the students to dote on

Welcome to the RP (even though you're not on our side...)! Hope you have fun here :3

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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... That reminds me, I didn't set a birthday for Zeke.

Eh, I'll make it today. 6th of October. Cause I'm horrible with dates. |D

HEYYYYY finally another girl for the students to dote on

Welcome to the RP (even though you're not on our side...)! Hope you have fun here :3

I didn't ask their birthday's because it's a student thingy for now. I might ask you when we get to something later down the road. And get inside that freaking house already

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