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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Oh, for future reference, the team:
Glacien (Spheal)

lvl 20

Moves: Powder Snow, Water Pulse, Water Gun, Body Slam

Support: Defense Curl, Encore

Feroces (Luxio)

lvl 18

Moves: Fire Fang, Spark, Bite, Tackle

Support Moves: Howl, Charge

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Zuko (Vulpix) Lv 20


-Feint Attack

-Fire Spin (New)

-Quick Attack (New)

-Confuse Ray (Replaced Tail Whip)

-Baby-Doll Eyes

Gypsy (Venonat) Lv 17


-Bug Bite


-Leech Life (New)

-Poison Powder (Replaced Supersonic)


Still what would I'd consider weak, but a lot better than what I started with.

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Anyway to make this post relevant: I still need to figure out what I'm going to do with Kage's blindness. Because Devin should know / at least suspect something by now.

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Shun, (Ralts) - lvl 18

Attacks: Dazzling Gleam (can't use it yet), Confusion, Shadow Sneak

Support: Thunder Wave (Will o got replaced cuz of the injury, but will make a comeback in the future), Confuse Ray

Tal, (Snorunt) - lvl 19

Attacks: Bite, Icy Wind, Weather Ball, Ice Shard

Support: Disable

Welp, that's that, I suppose.

Oh, right

@Bfrogger You wanna just say that Robert and Shiro 'finished' preparing the group's lunches that night, and that we all had the stuff packed?

I'm a froger, it has nothing to do with frogs :P

And yup, sounds like a plan.

Do you want them to meet up or something?

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Flare (Growlithe) lvl 20

Fire Fang (Replaced Flame Charge)


Reversal (Replaced Flame Wheel)


Odor Sleuth (Replaced Roar)

Agility (Replaced Helping Hand)

TX 101 Zeta (Magnemite) lvl 17







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Heyo guys! First of all, sorry for the absence yesterday, I was completely wrapped with competition stuff (I'm in PRCL, Nations and PZA now XP).

Now, to the feedback!

What do you think of the RP so far? Did you enjoy it?

Chim, it was great! My only regret is not having more time to stay up to date with it, because it's honestly one of the best RPs in the Forums imo.

What about my writing? Where can I improve?

It's really good, you write very well and is able to keep up with the RP's pace. That's the most important.

Which NPCs feel real? Which need improvement?

Students are all pretty real, but the teachers need a little more time to develop.

Who is your favorite NPC and why?

Jeez, that's a hard one. I think Evan, mostly because the mystery caused by that scene in the detention... Though Alvin is great too, after all every Pokémon story needs a Fern right?

What do you think will happen plot-wise (first year)?

Evan's gonna turn in a spy of some sort &/or RoG invades the school and we are forced to fight for our lives XD.

What do you think of me as a host?

Man, you're doing reeeeeally good, I must admit that better than me in UtH. You put a lot of time in this, creates good scenes, a great world, and can keep up the pace. There's not much more we could ask of a host.

Is there anything you want to see as an event in this RP?

Gimme my Mega Swampy. XD

Is there anything else I can improve upon?

Mate, in all seriousness, just keep up the good job. Congrats!

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  • Veterans

Team currently

Shade,Duskull,Level 19
Night Shade

Tytaniell,Ferroseed,Level 18
Gyro Ball
Leech Seed
Metal Claw
Pin Misille

Also i have a cool strategy in mind for James when he gets Golett

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Shun, (Ralts) - lvl 18

Attacks: Dazzling Gleam (can't use it yet), Confusion, Shadow Sneak

Support: Thunder Wave (Will o got replaced cuz of the injury, but will make a comeback in the future), Confuse Ray

Tal, (Snorunt) - lvl 19

Attacks: Bite, Icy Wind, Weather Ball, Ice Shard

Support: Disable

Welp, that's that, I suppose.

Oh, right

@Bfrogger You wanna just say that Robert and Shiro 'finished' preparing the group's lunches that night, and that we all had the stuff packed?

I'm a froger, it has nothing to do with frogs :P

And yup, sounds like a plan.

Do you want them to meet up or something?

Robert's waiting outside the door right now, bags having been packed that morning. You can either say you have the ingredients ready in the fridge, or bunny him through the store to get ingredients. If it matters, Robert'll probably want ONE meal on the trip being Curry and Rice.
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Before you say 300 BP is an insane amount, you have to remember Henry doesn't necessarily pay for every meal. If you don't spend money, it'll eventually add up and Chim did say if you did good in school and didn't gamble it all in battles, you wouldn't struggle with any BP problems.

@Bfroger: Don't be afraid to decline Henry's offer if you think Turbo has it covered (3-4 people is still quite expensive). He'll simply just follow you and leave if he sees Kenny. (Henry is going to be hella pessimistic in this chapter)

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Henry, you douche :P

You let Shiro drop down to 27 BP while you're up there bathing in your pools full of BP! You should be ashamed :v

@Turbo: Ookie, curry and rice for Robert. But what are we gonna do about Kenny though :I

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Henry, you douche :P

You let Shiro drop down to 27 BP while you're up there bathing in your pools full of BP! You should be ashamed :v

@Turbo: Ookie, curry and rice for Robert. But what are we gonna do about Kenny though :I

Slade spent half of his to buy supplies how do you think he feels ;~;

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^ Slade doesn't have a roomie with an insane amount of BP, who doesn't know on what to spend them

XD I'm joking tho. It's quite alright. Shiro's gonna stash some BP during contests and such stuff

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^ Slade doesn't have a roomie with an insane amount of BP, who doesn't know on what to spend them

XD I'm joking tho. It's quite alright. Shiro's gonna stash some BP during contests and such stuff

Some random trainers get cocky thinking Henry will be an easy win just because he's a coordinator (btw all coordinators lost their battles). Since he has prior experience, Henry can shut quit a few of them up in a double battle (loses about half his single fights). As for contests, Henry's going to have a hard time getting past that preliminary round.

Edit: I'm not trying to sound arrogant or sueish, this is just a fun little way for me to tease Shiro's low amount of BP. (I'm pretty sure I'll allow Bfroger to leech some of Henry's BP). Once we get full and reserve teams, Henry's going to have plenty of very hungry mouths to feed.

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Team currently

Shade,Duskull,Level 19




Night Shade



Confuse Ray


Tytaniell,Ferroseed,Level 18




Gyro Ball

Leech Seed


Metal Claw

Pin Misille

Also i have a cool strategy in mind for James when he gets Golett

That Duskull has 3 support moves instead of 2...

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  • Support Squad

My team:

Doux: Lvl 20

Mega Drain

Fairy Wind


Leech seed

Stun spore

Cotton spore

(I really don't know what else to do with Douxs moveset, seeing as these are all lvl up moves and whimsi IS a support mon)

Lancelot: Lvl 18





Fury Cutter

Fury Attack

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Poor Lana. Ignored by her roommate AND locked inside...

@Dobby: It's fine in Douxs case. But Duskull already knows WoW so that's why I'm not allowing it to know 3 support moves.

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I'm confused. I thought Lana and Danielle are in separate rooms? Or is it like two bedrooms joined together by a living room?

As for Danielle:

Avis, the Murkrow: Level 18



Wing Attack

Steel Wing



Corona, the Larvesta: Level 20


Flame Charge

Leech Life

Take Down

Morning Sun

String Shot

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I'm confused. I thought Lana and Danielle are in separate rooms? Or is it like two bedrooms joined together by a living room?

How else can you have the same room number? xD

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Poor Lana. Ignored by her roommate AND locked inside...

I know Stratos wants to ship his PC with her, but you have to admit the forever alone jokes are priceless.

Edit: It's not intentional. She's just kind of invisible.

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