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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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All right, I've received the go from Boss Chim.

Name: Raiza Kestrel Marson
Age: 14
Birthday: December 13


Program: Trainer
Starter: Litwick, M, Candlejack Lucifer
Hometown: Pallet Town Valley City (this is, according to Chim, where Lana lives)
Background: Raiza lived in a haunted house. No, really-- her parents were Breeders, particularly of the ghost type. Living near a fellow Breeding Facility that happened to specialize in Ground-types, Raiza often visited the Pokemon there while her parents would go and talk to the owners for some boring grown-up and probably business-y kind of business. She'd often bring her blue violin along and play there-- it was better than playing for clients and visitors that came to their house for breeding and whatnot, anyway-- which usually lured out the Pokemon to listen to her contently... not that she was a professional or a prodigy, of course, but at the very least she knew how to not make an irritating squeaky noise while bowing. The girl who lived at this Breeding Facility would always come out to play with the resident Pokemon; this girl's name was Lana. Eh, she was nice. At least she didn't try to bother her with requests as to what to play. The Marsons knew about Raiza's dreams of being a Trainer or a Coordinator (because she thought that waiting for Pokemon Eggs to hatch and crossbreeding Pokemon was pretty boring in comparison) and, in an attempt to win her over, bred a Chandelure with the neighboring Breeders' Gastrodon for a Litwick egg, which they proudly presented to their daughter. That changed her views on waiting for eggs to hatch-- day by day she stuck to it, even talking to it instead of people (which wasn't new; she didn't really care much for socialization, though she and her family got along okay, but, you know, she was content with them just being there). When the day finally came that the Litwick hatched, Raiza fell in love with it even more, although it was probably sucking out her soul with every moment she hugged it. That was okay, she never had a soul anyway, she still loved little Lucifer anyway. Her parents saw this and expectantly asked her again about her aspirations, only to be met with a "Nah, still going for Trainer." Dismayed, though outwardly showing support for their only child, they signed her up for the Ymora Academy as promised, but for the Breeder program. Looking through the documents out of boredom, Raiza found this out and changed it promptly to the Trainer program and mailed it right afterward.

Miscellaneous notes: She tends to say "pon" at the end of every sentence for the hell of it. ALSO DID YOU GUYS KNOW "RAIZA" OR "RAISSA" OR WHATEVER IS A COMMON FILIPINO NAME


Lucifer the Litwick, M


Lv. 25

Ability: Flash Fire


> Flame Burst

> Confuse Ray

> Energy Ball
> Clear Smog

- Calm Mind

- Minimize

Rogue the Sneasel, F


Lv. 25

Ability: Keen Eye


> Ice Punch
> Feint Attack
> Aerial Ace
> Icy Wind

- Agility

- Hone Claws

Toothless the Deino, M


Lv. 25

Ability: Hustle


> Earth Power

> Fire Fang
> Crunch
> Dragonbreath
- Screech

- Thunder Wave

Achlyx the Skorupi, F


Lv. 16

Ability: Sniper


> Pin Missile
> Pursuit
> Poison Tail
> Bite
- Acupressure

- Screech

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Wait, I can make 'em 20 already?

Pfeh, don't you count me out just yet. I'll show you the power... of... DARKNESS (and that one ghost-fire type)!!!

... really though, my team's just gonna be composed of the obviously misunderstood Pokemon (so yes, I am going for a Deino after all)

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Oh, okay. Should I feel bad for making them both level 20 lol.

That reminds me, what level would the wild Deino be?

15-20. Same as the ones you currently have. And yes, Evan will still kick your ass though.

Only exception is Kenny. I said most wild Pokémon in that garden were under level 10. (Because it's a garden and they don't battle trainers to raise their levels), but he still wanted a stalking Eevee. So that one is max 10.

Edited by Chimchain
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Oh, okay. Should I feel bad for making them both level 20 lol.

That reminds me, what level would the wild Deino be?

Personally they all shouldn't be the same level or have them really close in level. I mean how are you going to evenly train pokemon all at once?

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15-20. Same as the ones you currently have. And yes, Evan will still kick your ass though.

Only exception is Kenny. I said most wild Pokémon in that garden were under level 10. (Because it's a garden and they don't battle trainers to raise their levels), but he still wanted a stalking Eevee. So that one is max 10.

That's cause Evan's got so much angst in him that Raiza'd just rather not even battle him in the first place. XD

Personally they all shouldn't be the same level or have them really close in level. I mean how are you going to evenly train pokemon all at once?

I... pit them against wild Pokemon or Trainers in the Academy... like in the games...? But if it's not a legit enough reasoning, I'll step down my levels if I must.

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Oh, y'know, should I happen to be in battle with Slade, I could play Ex's game and say that Lucifer as a ghost has the ability to become transparent in terms of matter so that nothing would hit... just so he'd know how it feels C:

jk, that makes my Pokemon OP and I don't want that to happen lol

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Chim, you do realize that speaking thy devil's name makes it appear, correct? Do you WANT that?

I mentioned before that Slade is facing Evan so I can interfere when necessary. If that Magnemite acts like that again it's over and Slade has to pick another Pokémon.

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I mentioned before that Slade is facing Evan so I can interfere when necessary. If that Magnemite acts like that again it's over and Slade has to pick another Pokémon.

TBH I'm not sure about keeping him in the first place, every time I mess up it hurts me a little bit inside. So I'm probably going to change him anyways even thought I'm sad about it, it has to be done.

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