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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Nope. As long as you leave room for a Pokémon to grow it's alright. Keep in mind some moves drain energy from a Pokémon that can't handle it.

Example: Evan catches Phanphy and wants to teach it EQ (I won't do that), but this causes Phanphy to lose stamina because it takes a lot of effort. Phanphy's body can't produce such power yet so it will also fail most of the time.

Learning process: Phanphy knows Bulldoze -> Magnitude (Donphan) -> EQ.

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The description of the training facility is amazing. Pretty sure that, apart from possibly having some 'focus point' training on Voltage's Shock Wave, I'll most likely work with the 'physical' training. I say 'focus point' training because, even though Shock Wave is one of those 'always hits' moves Elekid learns by level up, it should probably be considered that the reason it 'always hits' is because it goes into a 'radial attack,' and focusing it to the target should allow for the power to be less dispersed.

Edit: Also, I'm probably going to reference the 'ORAS Dewford Gym design' in comparison to how amazing the Training facility is.

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When I was trying to build my final team, I tried to ignore the elephant in the room, but I'm going to have to do something otherwise Zuko is pretty much going to be a waste of space later on. I was wondering if I could trade Zuko in for a Skitty after the trip (I'll incorporate it into the RP). If not, can I at least swap Zuko's ability for Flash Fire? I tried working with it, but Drought is gonna hurt me in the long run.

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When I was trying to build my final team, I tried to ignore the elephant in the room, but I'm going to have to do something otherwise Zuko is pretty much going to be a waste of space later on. I was wondering if I could trade Zuko in for a Skitty after the trip (I'll incorporate it into the RP). If not, can I at least swap Zuko's ability for Flash Fire? I tried working with it, but Drought is gonna hurt me in the long run.

PM me the details about how you want to swap him out.

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Nope. As long as you leave room for a Pokémon to grow it's alright. Keep in mind some moves drain energy from a Pokémon that can't handle it.

Example: Evan catches Phanphy and wants to teach it EQ (I won't do that), but this causes Phanphy to lose stamina because it takes a lot of effort. Phanphy's body can't produce such power yet so it will also fail most of the time.

Learning process: Phanphy knows Bulldoze -> Magnitude (Donphan) -> EQ.

So, at what point will we be expected/need to be out of that stage, where we need room to grow? We can only go so far with that, especially some mons. Doux will be quite limited himself once I evolve him, which is why I'm holding off on grabbing a sun stone.

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So, at what point will we be expected/need to be out of that stage, where we need room to grow? We can only go so far with that, especially some mons. Doux will be quite limited himself once I evolve him, which is why I'm holding off on grabbing a sun stone.

Level 40. If I went with fully evolved some Pokémon would be OP at this point. So from level 40 every move that a Pokémon can learn is allowed to fill the 6 slots.

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@Commander: You do realize that Henry would be seen as heartless to trade away Zuko, especially from what you told us about the backstory. If you have to, the Ability capsule is Canon, so why wouldn't you go with that. Or was that just a brain fart?

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@Commander: You do realize that Henry would be seen as heartless to trade away Zuko, especially from what you told us about the backstory. If you have to, the Ability capsule is Canon, so why wouldn't you go with that. Or was that just a brain fart?

Shiro could act as a reminder to that. I mean, he's a wuss/Poke-lover and he would probably object after hearing what Henry wants to do. Maybe even make him change his mind ultimatively.

It's up to commander tho

Edited by Bfroger6
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Ability capsule doesn't exist in Ymora. I'll allow switches in abilities up until the start of Chapter 3. That's when the Winter Cup starts and you're stuck with whatever ability you chose.

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You people have little faith in me. I'm not simply going to trade Zuko away to some random trainer for a Skitty. It'll actually make sense when you see it. And yes, I remember Chim saying that Pokemon couldn't have multiple abilities and there weren't items.

Edit: @K_H: Evasion shouldn't be consider a stat. Speed is how a pokemon dodges. Besides, dodging attacks should be scarcely used otherwise it will be banned.

Edited by commander218
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You don't need the stat changes because you can't use that as a reason to dodge / do more damage in battle. The Facility helps with stats mainly to get certain moves right.

Edit: I'm off. My laptop is being a pain all day and I'm not sure how long it will last. I haven't really had time or the opportunity to let my friend fix it. If Jory or Snap has time and feel like moving on the situation in the lab they can do so. Redwood and Brendan / Rebecca will help out. Devin is going through the papers and Phoebe is basically doing nothing.

Edited by Chimchain
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Well, that was a decent training session for Robert. New ideas for self workouts (Appart from normal stretches, jogging, and Meditation), as well as setting in motion some combos that came to mind, Shining Stars and Flash Palm(Because of the glowy trail coming from Quick attack), and throwing in a bit of Pokedex meaning.

@Commander: I just can't understand why Henry would go through with any 'trading away,' but we'll just have to see it. And if it isn't an OC... Let's just say Robert would be willing to venture out into the forest to find where ever a Skitty is, and catch it just to be able to look over Zuko. Just an idea.

Edit: Wait, don't want to spoil anything, but does the 'trade' result from pity?

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@Turbo: I wanna say something, but at the same time I don't. My only hint is that Henry would only give Zuko to someone he trusted. While I had something different planned, I could implement a way (with Chim's permission) for Robert or another PC to get Zuko if anyone really wants him (I'd PM you how it'd work similar to what I did to Bfroger for Tal and Henry's leg). I do prefer my method of handling this, but I'm not going to turn someone down if they really don't want to see Zuko go.

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Notus resigned from the RP. This means Colin won't be involved any further in this chapter and by the end of Chapter 2 he'll leave as an exchange student. Raiza will take his place for what I had planned on the excursion so that's no problem.

This doesn't mean a spot for students opened up. Registrations are still closed and will stay that way until I've rewritten RoGs storyline.

Edit: I've decided to put Mao in the same room as Evan. Should be interesting enough I think.

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Welp, I was hoping I'd not have to do that, but real I'm way too overloaded lately and would not be able to pull Colin well enough with the few time I got.

Good luck to all of you guys, and thanks a lot for the good time I had here Chim. Your's is easily one of the best RPs in the Forums, and I'm really sad about leaving it. :(

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It sucks you have to do it but personal life comes first. And with Colin being an exchange student their is always a possibility to let him come back. xD

Btw I'm calling Henry x Raiza. Damn it, now I have to shuffle the groups back for this to happen.

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Notuuuussssss D': c'est la vie, though... but like Chim said, there's a chance he could come back if you've got the time XD

Btw I'm calling Henry x Raiza. Damn it, now I have to shuffle the groups back for this to happen.

damn it Chim don't jinx it lolwtf that was fast

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Notus, why must you break my heart? :(

Okay, jokes aside, I understand your decision. I'm going to miss you and Colin calling my PC Dani xD

@Chim: I'm going to give a post later this afternoon. Anyone present with Danielle can step in and get a chance to interact with Professor Redwood (knowing Danielle, she would prefer listening to him than going to class anyway xP)

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1) Interesting use of Thunder Wave

2) I'm quite confused as to how you turned the Pokemon TV series into a Spanish Soap Opera, but whatever.

3) How do you think Henry will react to the TV? Will he think straight to Shun?

Also, by any chance, do souls and Aura's intertwine? If not, than even Kiai might not know why Robert would be getting weaker when Lucifer eventually tries tasting his soul. Heck, maybe when that happens eventually, Robert can make a mental joke about the 'feelings that are linked to exhaustion.'

Edited by TurboAura
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2) It's a Spanish soap opera cuz those things are popular. Also, I doubt there's a Pokemon anime in that world, so yeah.

1) I was thinking of changing the T-wave part into a psychic attack. Like, she'd use Confusion to press the button.

3) Henry should get pissed probably, but I'm not entirely sure how he's gona react.

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Lol, Shun... that's why I don't like watching those kinds of things. Also I commend your ability to create your own soap opera; Ash is still as naive as ever, lol.

Aura - (n.) a supposed emanation surrounding the body of a living creature, viewed by mystics, spiritualists, and some practitioners of complementary medicine as the essence of the individual, and allegedly discernible by people with special sensibilities.

Soul - (n.) the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal; emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance.

Source: Google's dictionary

I think they're linked. Let's take a lightbulb as an example. Soul would be what powers the lightbulb, that is, electricity; the light that you would see is the aura. I assume that similar to if the flow of electricity was reduced, thus dimming the light, having less life force could possibly manifest in aura.

Btw I think, since Lucifer's just a little Litwick, he can only absorb so much for his body to hold. I think that his victims would just feel tired, maybe a little fatigued if he really likes the taste of this person's soul lol. gg chandelure then

Also, Commander, let me know if there's an inconsistency with Raiza's dialogue about that guy from Orre; I haven't played Gale of Darkness yet, and I'm just basing my knowledge off of TvTropes entries. XD

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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1) Wouldn't work irl (or very unlikely) without frying the thing

2) (gives applause)

3) Henry doesn't watch TV that much. He'll probably put it on the things to fix later list (or see if Jack the technician will fix it. I decided to give him a name.)

@Zephyr: You're pretty accurate because XD is pretty much a kid friendly version of Colosseum. I do miss Skrub though. He was my favorite Cipher grunt.

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