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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Before I get the story moving I'll wait for some people to finish up. And since I won't have much time tomorrow, the Contest Hall thing will happen saturday I think.

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Poor Aurelia. Such a sweet and innocent girl...


"My eyes are up here". Subverted with Aurelia: "Why're you looking at my eyes"


Anyways, the real reason I made this post, and yet again it's about catching mons. It is legit to catch more than one of the same species, if they are commons like Zubat, Geodude, Pidgey, Zigzagoon... You get the point.

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Anyways, the real reason I made this post, and yet again it's about catching mons. It is legit to catch more than one of the same species, if they are commons like Zubat, Geodude, Pidgey, Zigzagoon... You get the point.

Go ahead. It's your team, but I don't think you'll get very far with a team full of Pidgey's.

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You guys are going too fast :c

Am stuck in school most of the day so am falling a bit behind

I try to include you as much as I can. However most others miss your posts and move on. Isn't there anything you can do about having a mod approve your posts first?

Hehe, it would be nice if Colin got to see Phoebe and her water types in action. Maybe he'll bump on her on his walk... XD

She's right outside so you'll probably will. Unless Stratos and EXLink can solve their little fire...

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Maybe you should work on trying to make your posts a bit longer. Maybe involve sensory details or thoughts rushing through James' head the whole time. Anything you can do to make it bigger without adding too much "fluff."

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Thanks tacos but the fact still stands that as long as i have post preview on i can't post as frequently as i hoped to

One thing you can do is kind of insert yourself into a situation and we could lightly guide them while you describe what they were doing aka fill in the details. It's kind of like how the others show bits of the scene where Vulpix was kidnapping Kage's Ralts.

@K_H: I made a post earlier so it's your move still (I was planning on editing it to fit how you wanted it to go).

@Turbo: Hope your trainer isn't scarred of a little fire because he's about to be burned (not really).

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One thing you can do is kind of insert yourself into a situation and we could lightly guide them while you describe what they were doing aka fill in the details. It's kind of like how the others show bits of the scene where Vulpix was kidnapping Kage's Ralts.

@K_H: I made a post earlier so it's your move still (I was planning on editing it to fit how you wanted it to go).

@Turbo: Hope your trainer isn't scarred of a little fire because he's about to be burned (not really).

Heh, no problem dude, heck I doubt he'll have any problem with a special hit, being on how I... oh, dang my lack of knowing how to put in a Spoiler tag. Just trust me when I say that He can 'Take the heat.'

Also, K_H, if you have a plan on how to explain the Riolu's "Sharing the problem of Shun", go right ahead.

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Btw Turbo: the gate is a normal one made of iron bars. Small Pokémon can get through.

And only skilled or powerful onces can get over it. (Like the Ariados)

And I'm updating right now.

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Send growlithe flying towards all those trapped ariados. Then he'll use take down and take out all four of them. For the fire I got a plan.

One problem with that plan, my friend...


How Is she supposed to exactly "Launch" Growlithe? because I don't see any hands on this mantis, just razor sharp scythes for arms, which have the tendency to kinda tear things apart... not really suited for picking up things. The only way I can think to send Growlithe flying that wouldn't involve physcially picking it up and actually throwing it is to use an attack like Wing Attack on it or maybe Double Hit... but both of those Ideas seem rather counter productive at the moment, all things considered (We're in the middle of a growing inferno and fighting a pack of giant spiders...yeah, Hitting an Ally at a time like this reflects nothing but pure stupidity from my perspective.).

Also, another reason why that would be counter productive:

Wing Attack (Base Power 60) x Techinicain boost (1.5x) x STAB (1.5x)= Wing Attack with total attack power of 135, factored in with the fact that you used Helping hand on her, which both the Technician ability and Stab take priority over, in that order...

Wing Attack (Total power of 135) x 1.5= 202.5 total power

we have a Wing Attack with a ridiculously high base power now. I'm pretty sure it would do some serious damage to that Growlithe.

How about we just GTFO of there and slam the door shut and go get some help, because I got nothing else in mind and pretty much none of Erce's attacks can really help to extinguish the blaze.

I try to include you as much as I can. However most others miss your posts and move on. Isn't there anything you can do about having a mod approve your posts first?

She's right outside so you'll probably will. Unless Stratos and EXLink can solve their little fire...

I doubt that we're gonna be able to fix this fiasco...

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@Turbo (too lazy to quote): I can't tell if your character took cover in shade or came out of it (if it's the former, guess who's going to the forest?)

Edit: Nevermind, I just misread it.

Double Edit (O_O): I tried changing my parts a bit to fit everyone else's better.

Edited by commander218
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Not sure if this is wrong, but, Commander, I think it was stated that students do not have access to berries.

Considering berries grow on trees, I don't think it's completely absurd for someone to carry a few (or just one) for emergency purposes (considering Henry walked most of the way here). I just wanted to give Glitch a questionable amount of experience as a trainer (even though he's a Coordinator). Regardless of what Chim says, I was planning on ending the battle after that move anyways (Henry is going to surrender).

Edited by commander218
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