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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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I'm just hoping that Pheobe and her water pokemon can tag team with Ryan and Glacien to put out the fire.

Wasn't the fire already put out, with the 'random gallon of water by the door', as well as the Ariados crawling out the window?

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Oh well, guess we'll probably not have have the fun of watching while the guy's room gets Hydro Pumped by a Blastoise (and Water Gunned by a Mudkip XD)... still, I'm guessing Colin just found his favourite teacher!

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Dayum. Sexuality is playin a role in this here RP. I mean, Claudes the suave/pervy character that every school show has.

Let's just hope this doesn't turn from an RP to a 'fanfic.' My OC better not get any guy hitting on him seriously, I 'swear to Arceus!'
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Wow 1 day without PC access... Ok: here we go:

@Whoever mentioned berries (Too lazy to go back): You have access to them, you just can't use them in battles.

Normally, you can find in the cuboard under the sink (heck, my house and dorm hallway have fire extinguishers). inb4 Phoebe tells them where it is

Fire extinguishers are there, I just wanted Phoebe to go wild

I know! Dwebble. Give Alvin a Dwebble capture(That is, if you just wanna mess with Claude)

Already planned that one as soon as you mentioned 'afraid of rock types'. He will also get a Galvantula.

team idea is coming together

what was the policy on fossil mons again?

They run around in the forest. You just have to look hard. (Tyrantrum is the only one that isn't there)

I'm probably going to have to cancel my entry to this RP actually... I think I'm just to busy to be able to keep up with it right now. It's unfortunate, as this looks like it could be really good. Best of luck, Chimchain.


Wow, guess Chimchain's busyness has halted the RP, atleast compared to how it was going until now.

Anywho... So... I've come up with some ideas of how the 'Ralt's, forest, help' thing could go once we get Shiro knowing what's happening.
1) The more 'last stake' idea is hoping Shun's able to hold out till whenever the gates initially open.
2) Possibly having to rely on one of the 'Higher up's to get Shun
3) If Shiro's and Shun's bond is strong enough, maybe we can get some kind of telepathic-call out to Shun being how Ralts has it's 'read feelings' thing
4) If none of these ideas feel moral / fitting , maybe Shun is found by one of the 'protecters,' and he'll be safe until the gates open, allowing us to find him safe but have to be act carefully against said Protector to know that we can be trusted.

Anyone who has any feel about the 'situation' can put in their 2 cents. Ultimately though, if Chimchain has a different idea, that is likely how it will go.

1) The gates will open, but only when I say so.

2) I've been keeping the 'higher up's' away every time you encounter one. (Like Redwood taking off, same will happen to the rest). And yes, this is for a reason.

3) Nope. Not going to work.

4) Same as above

Hmm... I thought we were gonna go get some help, possibly from Tyron (since he's trying to talk to Shiro anyways). Until we do that, we can just hope Shun can survive against a swarm of Spinarak for long enough (which is higly unlikely as Spinarak learn Shadow Sneak so he can't really escape them or use his own Shadow Sneak cuz they'd get him the moment he entered the shadows). I guess he'd be safe if he got to the forest lake and Lapras (since Steelix is on the mountain, Trevenant only appears during the night and Sawsbuck is gone from what I heard [might be wrong]).

Having Shiro try to "resonate" with Shun would be futile as Shun wouldn't be able to escape safely anyways.

Tyron has other plans. In my next update I'm going to move some people to the Contest Hall. Shun won't be attacked by Spinarak (too predictable). He would be safe with Lapras, but she's too far. Sawsbuck is gone, Trevenant doesn't care.

Oh well, guess we'll probably not have have the fun of watching while the guy's room gets Hydro Pumped by a Blastoise (and Water Gunned by a Mudkip XD)... still, I'm guessing Colin just found his favourite teacher!

I was totally planning that


Ryan's favorite teacher is gonna be Devin for many reasons. Totally not weird for closet bisexuals to have teacher crushes...

He's 48... Just.. I don't know what to say to this.

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Lol, rrading these comments made me think about possibilities for Shiro :P

He either ends up making out with Shun once he evolves or Shiro turns out to be a girl later on :P

Jk, Shiro is a straight guy, and not a gay furry (how do you spell that?)

EDIT: Kewl, Chim is back

Edited by Bfroger6
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Yes, but I think I need a co-host for this to keep the activity going. Not that I can't handle it, but more like timezones are a pain for this one. Even though I live in the center of the world

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I would prefer not to update the RoG thread yet until Snap's character gave Brian a response. hurrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy

I know. I was waiting for some more interaction there.

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Ok I just read everything. K_H and Commander: If any teacher saw that battle... Devin and Redwood would flip to say the least.

I agree full heartedily. I mean, Zuko trying to burn Kenny directly? A trainer punching a pokemon in mid air. I half-expected having to a teacher- exploding compared to the fight in the Hall.

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I agree full heartedily. I mean, Zuko trying to burn Kenny directly? A trainer punching a pokemon in mid air. I half-expected having to a teacher- exploding compared to the fight in the Hall.

Let me tell you what happens when a BS battle like that happens when I'm online:

Option 1: You battle like that in the forest: Sawsbuck will annihilate you. He will attack you directly and your PC will end up severely injured.

Option 2: You battle like that anywhere else: A teacher (most likely Devin) will annihilate you. You will be severly punished (as school policy is to teach students how to be responsible with Pokémon), your Pokémon will be taken away from you for a while and they will keep a close eye on you.

If you do it again: So many thing will happen to your PC. Blacklist, danger to train Pokémon, ... No Pokémon for a very, very long time.

Strike 3: you are out.

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Let's just hope this doesn't turn from an RP to a 'fanfic.' My OC better not get any guy hitting on him seriously, I 'swear to Arceus!'

Claude now has a mission in life

Also, What did Claude ever do to you guys? Why subject him to a DWEBBLE!

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Ok I just read everything. K_H and Commander: If any teacher saw that battle... Devin and Redwood would flip to say the least.

I kind of based it on how people of Orre would fight if they were in an anime (they would play dirty as hell). Zuko would attack a trainer as a means of getting away because a Pokemon usually would protect its trainer and stealing pokemon (or stealing in general) is very common in the poor town of Pyrite. Yes, my trainer is from Phenac City, but Pyrite plays a bigger role in his story.

Edit: Hell no would I even think anything like that for an official match or pretty much any battle after the first one. I even had my PC say "I'm not going to hear the end of this."

Edited by commander218
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Pfftt chim, ever heard that love is blind? It's all just for fun anyway, and in no way is it meant to be an insult or anything. xp

It's still weird xD You can do it, but Devin won't respond to it. He'll just feel awkward.

I kind of based it on how people of Orre would fight if they were in an anime (they would play dirty as hell). Zuko would attack a trainer as a means of getting away because a Pokemon usually would protect its trainer and stealing pokemon (or stealing in general) is very common in the poor town of Pyrite. Yes, my trainer is from Phenac City, but Pyrite plays a bigger role in his story.

Don't care. The entire system that I use in this RP is because of things like this happening in the past. It's about the only thing you can do that's a guaranteed ticket back home.

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