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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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I know... but no one loves Pidove's line all that much. It's a just pidgeon, afterall... ain't got nothing really too special to set it apart from his cousin Swellow in terms of having some impressive, awe inspiring trait that brings all the fan boys to barn. Hence, Murica bird is more deserving of his place, would've been better if they'd lowered the Evo level for him and swapped those two's places in the games.

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@Turbo: So I'm not the only one looking at Magnet Rise. Raichu (still not named) will be learning that in the mid 50s to 60s if you want to reference that. The earliest I'd say is in the 40s because Burrows goes from decent to major threat at that point.

Also, why does Bird Jesus get no love? I mean that Mega is not something to laugh at.

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  On 3/10/2015 at 12:00 AM, Commander said:

@Turbo: So I'm not the only one looking at Magnet Rise. Raichu (still not named) will be learning that in the mid 50s to 60s if you want to reference that. The earliest I'd say is in the 40s because Burrows goes from decent to major threat at that point.

Also, why does Bird Jesus get no love? I mean that Mega is not something to laugh at.

Okay, 50-60 seems like a good level range for Magnet Rise then.

And I dunno why no one else appreciates 'Bird Jesus,' especially with it's Mega. I just know that it wouldn't fit with my team plans.

Edited by TurboAura
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  On 3/10/2015 at 12:43 AM, TurboAura said:

Okay, 50-60 seems like a good level range for Magnet Rise then.

And I dunno why no one else appreciates 'Bird Jesus,' especially with it's Mega. I just know that it wouldn't fit with my team plans.

Late 40s is good enough.

I was thinking about adding a Flying type for Evan but I have no idea which one. Yanmega is the only one I could come up with to add something unique. Any suggestions?

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But Chim you already have two flying types.

Hawlucha, Aerodactyl (aka the king of the sky), Drifblim, Swanna/Pelipper, and Tropius are all the ones that pop out at me as unique.

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I might already end up with giving Evan 2 fighting types so no Hawlucha.

Aerodactyl might be interesting. I did consider a rock type with T-tar or Cradily.

Drifblim only adds to Evan's future weakness against Ghost Types.

Swanna might be a decent option. I'm also considering Seismitoad so I'm not sure if I want to add a third water type.

Pelipper sucks.

Tropius... never considered the banana tree. I did potentially give it to another (minor) character alongside the Shiftry and Ludicolo.

So far Yanmega is still winning.

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Nope I think I'm settled on the Yanmega. Either him or a Noctowl.

I got:

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These six will probably be his main team except maybe the last one.

The other 4 aren't decided yet. I have potential candidates but that's a looooong list. If the Skarmory stays he's going to be one of the main six.

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...poor Alucard(Or whatever you called Zubat)....i might just have James take it in if it's going. instead of Staraptor(I love both of them but Crobat's my Brobat B-])

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I forgot. I think I named him Vlad but I'm not sure. EIther way the Zubat is only there to act as a messenger so it won't stay. If anyone wants it you can go right ahead and approach Evan when the time comes.

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I, too am planning on getting a Golurk, but i'm planning on having it be a more "unarmed combat"-style fighter. (as in, no weapons used by the 'Mon other than its' moves.)

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What, are we coming up with main teams of six now? I was just gonna have Mareek more or less just always carry around the "Senior" members of the team (Scizor, Marowak, Porygon-Z, Xatu) and then swap out the last two slots with whoever's needed.

And I heard someone mention aegislash and knights... which reminds me...

I've been thinking up of all the shows I could make Mon versions of for this to use as references and allusions and such, kinda like the whole ashes to ashes soap opera thing- So far I've got... (Original on the left, parody on the right)

(AMC) "The Walking Dead"- "Snake Wood"

Would probably follow the basic plot and premise of the TV series walking dead, just setting it up with mons and such. I'm thinking that Occupied Pokeballs dropped by panicking people as they fled would likely replace the majority the guns and actual weaponry

(HBO) "Game of Thrones"- "Game of Aegislash"

freaking epic... When you play the game of Aegislash, you win, or you die. There is no middle ground.

And that's it so far...

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Well, I really don't need a Crobat considering Gypsy of all things. Also, I was going to call Aerodactyl Alucard because he kind of looked like Dracula.

Edit: As for the team, Year 1 will focus on the main six while Year 2 focuses mostly on the new guys and Rosie with a couple cameos from the original six.

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It'd be Similar for James:Dusknoir,Tytaniell and Liona being the mains while Luna (Insert Crobat Nickname) and Gengar will be part of the usual rotation...There's also the fact that i might replace Houndoom with Sableye or Mismagius since i already have Gengar that can go mega while Chandelure is a fire type....ideas,ideas.

Also,Zerron.What would Xatu's nickname be?

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Oracle. Unless I decide to change it to delphi or find something better. Why do you ask?

Anyways...if we gotta nail down six who will be obtained during the first year, then I guess the list would likely be...








screw it, Swiss gets upgraded to Senior membership...

-Maganium/ something in the meganium line


uh...damn it...makin' me choose...


well, the last slot of the six is a toss up between either the florges line or the Slaking line... or I might just stop at Meganium and only have him get five for year one instead of six...and don't don't bother making any comment about the triple ice weakness, like I said, I have oh so many wonderfully, wonderfully mind altering tricks up my sleeves...

And I came up with a few more shows: Breaking Bad, Last Week Tonight, and possibly the big bang theory... I'm honestly considering have 'Rare Candy' be the major focus of the breaking bad parody.

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Slaking Line

I wanna see Mareek deal with a lazy ass Slakoth that doesnt wanna do shit....remember though,it will hold a grudge for those that try to bully it...one it will exact when it evolves into the almighty beast Vigoroth

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