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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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They would be the first thing swiped of course gotta keep the victim defensless,especially since Henry himself can't touch Vale

In all seriousness,if he did swipe the balls,he'd probably steal a few items in Henry's room first and THEN swipe the balls when Henry comes in while making his escape.

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  On 4/4/2015 at 10:40 PM, Azeria said:

They would be the first thing swiped of course gotta keep the victim defensless,especially since Henry himself can't touch Vale

In all seriousness,if he did swipe the balls,he'd probably steal a few items in Henry's room first and THEN swipe the balls when Henry comes in.

I really don't recommend it (I'm referring to swiping a couple of Henry's Pokemon). I mean it might sound like a fun/funny idea, but you really, really don't want to see the darkside of Henry and Rosie (trust me, that Pokemon getting the living hell beaten out of him would be the least of your worries).

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Well then,it stays to the items in Henry's room then........
Interesting thingy,Vale was the name I was gunna give Absol but that fell off after a while so Recycling it for Sableye!

Now,to find a fitting moveset for him for the start...I'm thinking something along the lines of this:

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All of the moves are ones Sableye can gain before level 20,and fit with how it's a thief so would level 19 be too high for him?

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Azery, those moves are okay (though I don't know why you don't have Leer added on...that is partially useful to it and you have one moveslot left). I mean Sableye is one of those Pokemon where as long as you don't run its best moves right away (especially Wil-O-Wisp) it'd be okay. Best trick to a new mon is to always start weak and show growth, but don't always force them to be usable right away. The more members you have, the weaker your overall team is.

Let's just give an example: I'm considering having Henry obtained his sixth Pokemon already and pushing back Paradox's and Techie's incorporation into the team a bit longer. Let's say the Level cap is 38. I'd probably then make my levels:

33 for Rosie, 31 for Gypsy, 36 for Burrows, 23 for Paradox, 20 for Techie (no change), and 31 for the sixth member. A big chunk of the experience went to Paradox which really made the other four members suffer in levels.

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I'll be mainly running Level up moves for Vale(Since it has a shiton of movetutor and it's best moves to choose from)Till about the mid 40's(?)where he'll get better moves such as Recover and perhaps WoW but for now,we'll have this Shadow Sneakin thief. If Item's were allowed in battles,he'd have thief for sure lol.

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So yeah, I decided to just go ahead and intro Sebastian even though it's likely gonna be a long while before he joins up with Mareek. In all likelyhood, he'll end up being by far the most dangerous of all the kid's companions given the mind games he can play...

And yes, that whole "Bond" thing is an allusion to Anna from Reborn. Since I'm ninety percent sure her ace (barring jirachi) is a Gothitelle.

Here's his set for anyone curious:


Gothorita (M)- Sebastian (yes, he comes with his own name, hence no quote marks. only one on the team to do so other than Azelstan. And yes, there is a reason he has a name already despite being a wild mon...Same as there will be a reason as to why Azelstan will)

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Again, just introing him now so that I can have it set up already until such time as he'd be able to come in and actually be a few levels underneath the cap.

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Well I got nothing for Henry to do right now considering most people are kind of doing their own thing. I might show off a little bit of Paradox training if everyone else stays preoccupied.

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Zerron the moveset's fine but i've gotta wonder;why isnt Future Sight a part of it? I mean considering the mon's role it'd fit perfectly along with the fact that it only does damage 2 turns later AND it learns it at level 31 so I've gotta wonder there.

Anyways,In the end,I might just have Gourgeist or Trevenant instead of Glutonious......

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  On 4/5/2015 at 3:50 PM, Azeria said:

Zerron the moveset's fine but i've gotta wonder; why not Future Sight? I mean considering the mon's role it'd fit perfectly along with the fact that it only does damage 2 turns later so I've gotta wonder there.

Anyways,In the end,I might just have Gourgeist or Trevenant instead of Glutonious......

Because, the same reason why I won't be running it on any of the psychic types on Mareek's squad- I can run the moves of Confusion and later on Psychic in far more versatile and creative ways than I honestly can with the mechanics of the move Future sight.

Remember, those two are basically the mon using telekinesis to preform the attack/ action... Future sight on the other-hand is basically just forming a bolt of psychic energy to attack and then delaying it's deployment for a few minutes. etc... so yeah, in my eyes: TK>Sending Attacks into the future. I mean it, I can think of a crap ton of different ways Confusion/Psychic can be fired/ used... from actual displays of telekinetic force all the way to harmful telepathic force... (IE, Confusion's name sake) but only about three or four theoretical uses for FS

Plus, he doesn't need to explicitly run Future Sight to necessarily view the future.

EDIT: I find myself tempted to perhaps try to have Sebastian use double slap on pierre at somepoint in the future- preferably when he's still a Gothorita so that he'll be short... like a half-man XD:

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Wait for Pierre to piss Mareek off when he has Obtained Sebastian,let Sebastian come out and Smack the Hell out of him.......that or have Java paralyze him with a small amount of Discharge lol.

I took a look at Gourgeist and Trevenants movesets and by the lord are they large.......Can't really decide between them lol. Gourgeist has the fire moves and crazy bulk while Trevenant has the ground ones along with drain punch and Leech Seed,Curse AND Will-o-Wisp......

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  On 4/5/2015 at 4:19 PM, Azeria said:

Wait for Pierre to piss Mareek off when he has Obtained Sebastian,let Sebastian come out and Smack the Hell out of him.......that or have Java paralyze him with a small amount of Discharge lol.

I took a look at Gourgeist and Trevenants movesets and by the lord are they large.......Can't really decide between them lol. Gourgeist has the fire moves and crazy bulk while Trevenant has the ground ones along with drain punch and Leech Seed,Curse AND Will-o-Wisp......

That's the most likely plans, lols XD

Though that reminds me, I have to revisit the whole "No mons in combat thing" he's got going... cause in all honestly, I'd think it be better to change his personal moral to that of it being wrong to use them as Lethals Weapons/ giving kill orders... like his brother supposedly did in his eyes. though small stuff like the Slap or to a much lesser degree, the shock, might be a bit more acceptable to him if the mon agrees fully to it or does it of their own accord because someone's being a major dick.

EDIT: you know what, I'm gonna take that out of his personality listing and instead keep it to myself and let it come across throughout the writing rather than existing as an outright statement. It's really gonna depend on the situation more than anything else... since he's a bit crazy deep down inside, just like his mother...


EDIT2: also, azery, Gourgeist gets role play... you can pull shananegins with it like I did by stealing Lucifer's flash fire during the fight between what's her face and Raiza (Lols, can't even recall the NPCs name XD)

EDIT3: or you know what? maybe I'll get Galen to pull a tryion and slap the kid Pierre at some point instead- since I can honestly see him getting that fed up with his constant behavior at some point. and he'd probably lead into it by saying something Tyrion might too XD and I will play the same song from that above video too... XD

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  On 4/5/2015 at 4:24 PM, Faust said:

That's the most likely plans, lols XD

Though that reminds me, I have to revisit the whole "No mons in combat thing" he's got going... cause in all honestly, I'd think it be better to change his personal moral to that of it being wrong to use them as Lethals Weapons/ giving kill orders... like his brother supposedly did in his eyes. though small stuff like the Slap or to a much lesser degree, the shock, might be a bit more acceptable to him if the mon agrees fully to it or does it of their own accord because someone's being a major dick.

EDIT: you know what, I'm gonna take that out of his personality listing and instead keep it to myself and let it come across throughout the writing rather than existing as an outright statement. It's really gonna depend on the situation more than anything else...

EDIT: also, azery, Gourgeist gets role play... you can pull shananegins with it like I did by stealing Lucifer's flash fire during the fight between what's her face and Raiza (Lols, can't even recall the NPCs name XD)

Wait it gets what......sorry Trevenant but Role Play would be such a troll move........and with that,there's the 5 ghost types:Dusknoir,Chandelure,Sableye,Froslass and Gourgeist along with 5 other mons:Ferrothorn,Dragonite,Golduck,Scizor and Magmortar...Yeah,that team fits just fine.....

I'll warn ya all in advance,Infernus the Magmortar is gunna be an insane motherfucker both in and outside of battle. Think of him as a crazy clown but 100x more deadly since he'll do everything to burn or electrocute his enemies into a crisp-not to mention killing stuff wouldnt be a problem for him.......It wouldnt even be that hard since Magmar's live in lava and Magmortar can shoot fireballs with a temperature over 3600 degrees fahrenheit.

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  On 4/5/2015 at 4:38 PM, Azeria said:

Wait it gets what......sorry Trevenant but Role Play would be such a troll move........and with that,there's the 5 ghost types:Dusknoir,Chandelure,Sableye,Froslass and Gourgeist along with 5 other mons:Ferrothorn,Dragonite,Golduck,Scizor and Magmortar...Yeah,that team fits just fine.....

I'll warn ya all in advance,Infernus the Magmortar is gunna be an insane motherfucker both in and outside of battle. Think of him as a crazy clown but 100x more deadly since he'll do everything to burn or electrocute his enemies into a crisp-not to mention killing stuff wouldnt be a problem for him.......It wouldnt even be that hard since Magmar's live in lava and Magmortar can shoot fireballs with a temperature over 3600 degrees fahrenheit.

You do realize if a Pokemon goes too far, you could lose that Pokemon or get expelled, correct? It was left untold, but Henry really cracked down on Zuko because of the dangers he alone could bring.

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  On 4/5/2015 at 4:47 PM, Commander said:

You do realize if a Pokemon goes too far, you could lose that Pokemon or get expelled, correct? It was left untold, but Henry really cracked down on Zuko because of the dangers he alone could bring.

This right here. Don't your little shits go cray-cray now... it won't end well for you. at all. Which is why I keep Erce's mindset and priorities limited to defending mareek, and to keep defending until the threat stops, one way or another. Attacking pre-emptively or whatever is certainly off limits for her character. the same will go for Brienne and Azelstan both, as well as Jeor, and even nemo when he starts acting like the male version of Carol, though there's going to be some conflict between him and everyone else in the group about it before things finally smooth over.

at the end of the day, your PC WILL be held responsible for the actions of his team. just like a Commanding officer is held responsible for the conduct of his men. being a bit hands off with the training methods and dynamic is fine, but letting them run amok wherever they so please and do whatever they so please... is not.

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I'm pulling out the tight leash part from Legion onto Infernus,though pulling a bit of Ash's Charizard wouldnt really hurt here.....Like he's a really nice Magby but once he evolves into Magmar he just grows violent for a while even into the Magmortar state. All I really need now....is how he'd be obtained,as an Egg or just a wild Magby that decided to roam around?

Edit:Hmm....I'll just rehaul that part actually got a better idea on how he would be obtained...Since Magmar are known to be sluggish in coldish areas,howabout a magby that wandered into the icy area and it was being terrorised by some of the water types there...causing him to gain a fear of battling in general for a while.

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  On 4/5/2015 at 4:57 PM, Zephyrus the Priestess said:

Faust, if you don't mind, I'll come up with a reply tomorrow. Tried to write one tonight and it got suuuuper draggy ._.

Eh, no prob zeph. We all get like that sometime, take your time B)

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  On 4/5/2015 at 4:54 PM, Azeria said:

I'm pulling out the tight leash part from Legion onto Infernus,though pulling a bit of Ash's Charizard wouldnt really hurt here.....Like he's a really nice Magby but once he evolves into Magmar he just grows violent for a while even into the Magmortar state. All I really need now....is how he'd be obtained,as an Egg or just a wild Magby that decided to roam around?

Charizard was not exactly violent, but more proud than anything (sometimes he'd scare Ash off, but he never did anything to hurt anyone iirc). He didn't listen to Ash because he actually had a brain and realized he was an idiot he felt Ash wasn't good enough. Whenever he saw a tough opponent, his pride kicked in and actually put up a fight. This Magmortar is a different story. You say he actually enjoys (that's not the word I'm looking for but it's the best thing I can think of) hurting people and Pokemon.

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I was actually going for someone that's really short tempered but I guess the description was offputting and pretty wrong there lol. I'll rehaul him to just getting angered easily after evolving into Magmortar(I'd imagine one would have a short temper aleast...)Anyways that's him taken care off.....now off to Froslass and Gourgeist since I've got no Idea what to with them personality wise currently lol.

Edit 1:...So i took a look at Gourgeists's description in both its pokedex entry and Bulbapedias's description of it...."It enwraps its prey in its hairlike arms. It sings joyfully as it observes the suffering of its prey."-Pokemon Y

It'd actually be Ironic for James to obtain a Gourgeist considering what he said to Henry about Malicous Ghost types....

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  On 4/5/2015 at 5:12 PM, Azeria said:

Edit 1:...So i took a look at Gourgeists's description in both its pokedex entry and Bulbapedias's description of it...."It enwraps its prey in its hairlike arms. It sings joyfully as it observes the suffering of its prey."-Pokemon Y

It'd actually be Ironic for James to obtain a Gourgeist considering what he said to Henry about Malicous Ghost types....

Well of course...it also says they lay curses on people via singing a requiem.

why do you think Kylie's(?) had to be recalled in her and Raiza's talk after the match in round one? XD Though... Kylies was only doing it in retaliation because her trainer had damn near been flambeed... she was rather decently controlled more or less aside from that...

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  On 4/5/2015 at 5:21 PM, Faust said:

Well of course...it also says they lay curses on people via singing a requiem.

why do you think Katie's(?) had to be recalled in her and Raiza's talk after the match in round one? XD

Best part about it is that they can't even get curse or Perish Song lol....Game Freak get your stuff toghether with these movepools yo......

I think I'll interperet this one as being really hard to controll at times-especially when agitated-but being sweet and nice when in her normal mood....Tsundere Gourgeist lol

Onwards to Froslass...which barely has anything for me to go off.....Besides that Pokedex lore but that doesnt actually make much sense since unless every Snorunt is a women who died on an icy mountain-considering that the species has a 50/50 gender thing it's not likely-it's not much to think about...

Edit 1:Oh yeah,there's that one anime episode where Froslass goes through a shiton of lenghts to get her child-a snorunt- back.....I think I'll go with a motherly Froslass here

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  On 4/5/2015 at 5:27 PM, Azeria said:

Best part about it is that they can't even get curse or Perish Song lol....Game Freak get your stuff toghether with these movepools yo......

I think I'll interperet this one as being really hard to controll at times-especially when agitated-but being sweet and nice when in her normal moods....Tsundere Gourgeist lol

Onwards to Froslass...which barely has anything for me to go off.....

They never will, and you know they won't.

For example, it says that the Gothitelle line draws it's immense psychic power from the starlight and such... and yet, Gothitelle does not have access to the move Moonblast or even at the very least, Dazzling Gleam. The moons not a star, I know, but still, it's a celestial body often used in astrology, so...why not? same with DG, it's a fearsome blast of energy that produces a crap ton of light as a result (which is how I justify a burst of light actually being able to do damage at all, because the luminescence is a by product of the energy being used.)

and there's a lot of other examples...

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So Whimsicott and Oddish can learn Moonblast,but not something really connected to Stars and other Astral Bodies?

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Even Sableye gets Dazzling Gleam.....

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Yeah... don't rub it in.

And this will come up later on between them, I'm sure... likely with a conversation with Java and Sebastian as to why the hell he can't comprehend the use of the move "Moonblast"... watch, I'm making a note right now.

EDIT: no moonblast is okay though... I got a nasty little combo planned in the future called "Star Fall", one called "Sith Lightning", and a third called "Hell's gate" all for ol Seby to use... gotta love HP fire...

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whimsicott makes sense because A: It's a fairy and B: Day night cycles affect plants too. Plus Whimsicott is the representative of Aries in the Unova horoscope so it has an additional link to celestial bodies there. I know my Doux dammit

Also, does Gourgeist earn Perish song? with that talk of cursing with requiems it makes sense

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