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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Poor girl. And no, Alvin won't even look at her unless she starts to dress up like a Vespiquen.

Henry may have a little too much fun messing with Alvin now.

@commander: Shiro didn't run away (yet). He would turn back and follow the group when someone says something to him.

Is something like this going to happen every time I post T_T. I'll fix it, but Henry ain't gonna stop Shiro (maybe someone else will).

You're dead to me


On a different note: If you ask Henry the right questions, you'll get some very interesting responses. One of the more humorous ones is Fairy Types.

Edit: @Chim's Last Post: Reborn is next to Orre so I guess you could refrence it, but can we have Florinia instead of Fern (though it would be fun beating the crap out of his Budew with Vulpix).

Edited by commander218
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Commander, I hate to say it, but it seems like you've been assuming some stuff a bit with Henry. I've seen in a few of your posts that Henry has caught onto some things that he has no business knowing, unless he had your perspective as a reader. Like with your last post, Claude probably isn't one of the least nervous, but outside of a shaky smile, there's no way Henry could have perceived Claudesl nerves outside of being like the super observant guys in a crime/drama, and I have to say, it's a bit obnoxious to me >.<

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Commander, I hate to say it, but it seems like you've been assuming some stuff a bit with Henry. I've seen in a few of your posts that Henry has caught onto some things that he has no business knowing, unless he had your perspective as a reader. Like with your last post, Claude probably isn't one of the least nervous, but outside of a shaky smile, there's no way Henry could have perceived Claudesl nerves outside of being like the super observant guys in a crime/drama, and I have to say, it's a bit obnoxious to me >.<

Sometimes, I can't tell if it's something that's internal or external. I'll try backing off of that stuff a bit from now on.

Edit: Henry heard Shiro, but thought it was Lana. I don't know how that works either.

Edited by commander218
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Sometimes, I can't tell if it's something that's internal or external. I'll try backing off of that stuff a bit from now on.

Edit: Poor Lana

Lana has brown hair, not blonde xD

Edited by Chimchain
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Lana has brown hair, not blonde xD

Still not as bad as when I almost wrote Shiro's name as Wally. I keep getting Lana and Luna mixed up. There's like one letter difference.

Edit: I'm trying to think of a witty nickname for Henry to call Lana so that I don't mix her up (I probably still will dozens of times).

Chim, you don't mind me calling her Citrine, do you?

Edited by commander218
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Feel free to nickname her if that helps. But what does it mean? xD

And I'm updating. The first to ninja, like always happens when I'm updating, gets detention.

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When Redwood is referring to getting a pokemon, is he talking about starters or is he referring to everyone getting a pokemon (regardless, he kind of reminds me of Oprah right there. You get a Pokemon, you get a Pokemon, and you and you and you, but the rest of you all get detention).

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When Redwood is referring to getting a pokemon, is he talking about starters or is he referring to everyone getting a pokemon (regardless, he kind of reminds me of Oprah right there. You get a Pokemon, you get a Pokemon, and you and you and you, but the rest of you all get detention).

Everyone gets to choose a second Pokémon.

Stahp, people, youre just spreading the spoiler!!! I hadnt even noticed it until you guys started quoting it...

And now Im also spoiled ;-;

You know I was kidding with that spoiler right?

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Welp, good to know all you 'gate guys' are getting in. Robert might even make a 'formal' conversation to Shiro after the speech, apologizing for listening to Devin and not being there to help once he sees how roughed up he is, with -Quote "Whatever you had to go through"-, likely offering a free punch on Robert to release the stress Shiro had to go through.

Edited by TurboAura
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Welp, good to know all you 'gate guys' are getting in. Robert might even make a 'formal' conversation to Shiro after the speech, apologizing for listening to Devin and not being there to help once he sees how roughed up he is, with -Quote "Whatever you had to go through"-, likely offering a free punch on Robert to release the stress Shiro had to go through.

I can already tell you how that would end.

Shiro: "I..."

Henry: "I volunteer!" (Punches Robert in the stomach) "Wow, that did make me feel better."

Robert: (laying on the ground) "This was a bad idea."

Shiro: "Are you going to be okay?"

Henry: "He'll be fine. I didn't even hit him that hard."

@Bfroger: If you do it, make sure it looks something like this

Edited by commander218
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I can already tell you how that would end.

Shiro: "I..."

Henry: "I volunteer!" (Punches Robert in the stomach) "Wow, that did make me feel better."

Robert: (laying on the ground) "This was a bad idea."

Shiro: "Are you going to be okay?"

Henry: "He'll be fine. I didn't even hit him that hard."

Guess that'd be good enough, sense Robert and Henry were both presented the same situation, and Robert 'folded'
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@EXLink: He fought higher level Pokémon so yes, he can have max 2 levels.

Everyone will sooner or later face a similar battle and that's the only time you can gain more xp than usual.

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