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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Yeah, I kind of realized Shiro and Robert were still there and I'll edit it when the time comes (depending on if they stay or not). I love how I can still make Henry do things you wouldn't expect. (I definitely like this version of Henry better than the one I originally intended on using).

Edited by commander218
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Chimchain, about support moves that boost stats:

Are they gonna be used with the same effects as they would in PO where you'd just get a boost and that's it; or are we gonna do it more like the anime where they have more of a strategic advantage than just that? (EX: like how I used Agility to manuever behind Slade's magnemite)

I'm 90% sure that I already know what your answer is gonna be, but just making sure.

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Yeah, I kind of realized Shiro and Robert were still there and I'll edit it when the time comes (depending on if they stay or not). I love how I can still make Henry do things you wouldn't expect. (I definitely like this version of Henry better than the one I originally intended on using).

Reading more-indepthly, Seems like Shiro went to heal his Pokes, so I guess Robert is there with him until Bfrooger's next post.

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Reading more-indepthly, Seems like Shiro went to heal his Pokes, so I guess Robert is there with him until Bfrooger's next post.

I kind of wanted to get the battle started so IDK if you guys stayed and watched or left for the pokemon center (I'll change that part if needed).

@K_H: I'm sorry that it looked like I used multiple moves instead of one, but that was too good of strategy that I doubt I'll be able to use after this fight. (I gave up Roar on Zuko just to be able to do that).

@Exlink (or anyone else): I'm not sure if it will affect your fields, but Zuko used Drought. That could really change the tides in some battles if it does affect the whole area. (cough*Flare*cough). We'll let Chimchain decide what happens.

Edited by commander218
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@Exlink (or anyone else): I'm not sure if it will affect your fields, but Zuko used Drought. That could really change the tides in some battles if it does affect the whole area. (cough*Flare*cough). We'll let Chimchain decide what happens.

I'd say this fight with Slade was already over because of Mareek and Erce's Zephyr Beat Tactic and that the sun won't help you... but with that paralysis, things are gonna be thrown off a little...all of his tactics to take care of Erce's vulnerability to fire relied on being able to be far faster and agile...

Oh, and by the way, Exlink, ZB is a tactic consisting of three components, so after that Vacuum wave, there'll be a lightning Quick Double Hit or Fury Cutter coming from the opposite direction next in order to finish... or, that's what I would say, if it weren't for that damn Paralysis...

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@K_H: Normally I wouldn't say anything, but a Venonat Bug Bite would do 70% of Zorua's HP with MAX DEF EVS at minimum. That and Dark Pulse is technically illegal (can be learned by TM so you won't be SOL). The Riolu part is justifiable, but I'd like a better explanation about the Zorua damage. I'm not saying to change it, but JUSTIFY the damage instead of putting down a number. It's kind of unfair my pokemon will only each have 50% HP at the start of this, but yours will have most of their HP after one round. (If you had something like a Shuckle or Aerodactyl, this would be a different story).

Edit: I'll try to work with it, but you're stretching the anime logic a little bit. Yeah, that battlefield thing is impossible as even the anime mentions Zorua only knows how to transform. I can only think of a couple legendaries capable to do something like this. (I really hate complaining btw).

Edited by commander218
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Well... seems you're smarter than I thought. don't take that as an insult.

It's obvious Mareek can't possibly win this unless moves in this RP are restriced by PP... but I doubt that, so...

You're gonna work for this victory.

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Usually, the philosophy is play-to-lose; e.g., the other players toss attacks/etc your way, and then you decide if you take the hit hard or not (or at all.) For example, in that situation:

1. You state what your Shinx does (use Fire Fang)

2. I see this, and decide that it hits, but doesn't burn (which is reasonable). If you set it up really well and/or the situation called for it, I would take a crit or a flinch.

3. I do whatever I do and the process repeats.

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Well... seems you're smarter than I thought. don't take that as an insult.

It's obvious Mareek can't possibly win this unless moves in this RP are restriced by PP... but I doubt that, so...

You're gonna work for this victory.

ZB Tactic's one weakness.... Lock-On :o -gasp-

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@Chim, if Henry can't do that move, I'll change my post to have him surrender instead of that. I really, really, really didn't want to have to use a move like that, but it's Zuko's only offensive egg move that he doesn't learn naturally (or is worthwhile). I do have an alternative solution to the issue, but I'd have to know if hitting Zorua would break this "illusion." If not, I give up.

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Nah man, Feroces is a clever lil shit. I know it may seem like I shouldn't have expected a stop. But I never truly did. What Ryan told Feroces to do all along was to let al'Thor come to him so he could grab al'Thor in his mouth and do some shit.

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I would probably say that would be a tie, because your kitten KO'd beldum. . . by catching 300lbs of metal with its face.

Nah man, he'll just have a sore jaw for the next two weeks.

Edit: When he evolves into a Metagross, he's going to weigh a TON (Oh god, that joke was aweful)

Edited by commander218
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I would probably say that would be a tie, because your kitten KO'd beldum. . . by catching 300lbs of metal with its face.

Beldum's weight is actually 209.9 lbs, meaning you were off by about 90 pounds. Still, I agree, Feroces should be down after that too.

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it would be kinda ironic if that happened actually; given the fact that he didn't get Detention, or any punishment for that matter, after burning the Dorm and fleeing into the woods last night. seems a bit ridiculous when you think about it actually...

"Oh, you burned your living quarters and then fled into the woods afterwards. Alright no detention for you."

then they turn right around and say:

"Oh... you got impatient and started a battle somewhere you weren't supposed to; Detention for you, young lad!"

EDIT: Nevermind... seems Exlink has surprised me with Slade.

Redwood sees the burning the dorm down as an honest mistake by a rookie trainer. He did put out the fire himself and his backstory (running away from home) gave Redwood and Devin the impression Slade runs away from his problems. That's the reason why he didn't get detention.

(And I stated somewhere that Phoebe said he wasn't the first and probably not the last. And she flooded an entire hallway in her first year as a teacher)

Chimchain, about support moves that boost stats:

Are they gonna be used with the same effects as they would in PO where you'd just get a boost and that's it; or are we gonna do it more like the anime where they have more of a strategic advantage than just that? (EX: like how I used Agility to manuever behind Slade's magnemite)

I'm 90% sure that I already know what your answer is gonna be, but just making sure.

Both. You can use Agility to raise its overall speed or on a short term basis to dodge an attack. Just don't abuse it but I don't think you will.

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