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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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@Stratos Yea I see why you're kinda pissed and I kinda agree, and you got some in depth look on Slade's back story I highlight the words in depth for a reason. Yes you got the general back story but is everyone going to know exact details, nope only Slade. Though it's nothing too important, that's why in depth is bolded. :ph34r:

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I may have just ignored one of my previous posts and had Henry do this newer one. If no one wakes him up, I may actually have him sleep through the whole Danielle fight (she'll definitely be happy about that). This would be the second time Henry stayed behind instead of helping the Shiro rescue team out (I'm seeing a pattern here).

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"Psychic is the only move allowed to [levitate and/or move] other Pokemon; Confusion just holds them in place."



*rage quits cause that essentially messes our trio's plans to get inside the rich guy's estate T____T*

That's only in battle to balance things out. Feel free to go on with your plan regardless. It's just so people won't use confusion to keep their partner pokemon from getting hit

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Welp. I completely missed that. Need some coffee now...

Maybe we could try scaling the cliff? If confusion does keep things in place that would make it easy to make a make shift ladder, or other forms of making a foot hold. And there shouldn't be much of a chance for them to fall and kill themselves either.

If we shut down the electricity from the root source then the pad lock would be easy to fix, unless there is a back up generator.... Or break the connection...

Aaaand I just saw what Commander posted xD

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It's over 7m high with a 3m high fencing, if I remember what Chim's post said correctly... so unfortunately we'll have to go over the higher walls. But if we're still allowed to carry each other with Confusion then I guess our plan's still intact XD That's phase one, which is for getting inside anyway and having them destroy the gate lock (we'll have to send tons of 'mons inside to keep the dogs at bay though)... Which leads us to phase two, which is essentially storming the house, stealing stuff, without getting caught as much as possible (Chim says it'll be hell here, so I assume it'll be a dog-eat-dog sort of situation). Phase three is getting out... which we haven't given much thought to. I don't suppose we could use Tangela again as sort a means of rappelling down the cliff face? At the same time we'll still need to keep the staff and dogs distracted too so that Tangela doesn't get beaten up/we don't get sent hurtling to our deaths abruptly because Disney Deaths don't make sense in reality.

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I think i made the Ferroseed + Duskull tactic a bit too strong :/,I'll make it less powerfull next time as that was just a curbstomping.

Anyways,are you gunna skip to the trip with the dragons after Day 2?

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I think i made the Ferroseed + Duskull tactic a bit too strong :/,I'll make it less powerfull next time as that was just a curbstomping.

Anyways,are you gunna skip to the trip with the dragons after Day 2?

Yes. We're almost there. After Danielle vs Jacob battle I'm close to starting chapter 2.

@RoG members: I love how you're all overthinking things xD There is a very simple solution that won't alert anyone. (yet)

@Battle rules and stuff: Just use common sense. Moves do the exact thing that their description says. You can use the animation that they use in the anime if you want. I'm pretty sure someone will speak up if I missed something that's OP.

And just use some unusual tactics to throw your opponent off. In the battle between Evan and Alvin I was pretty much ready to destroy Evan, but then I thought of something to counter it. Plus I think it fits a personality like Alvin well to assume he already won and then self-destruct.

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Also for Future Reference just call me Azery,it's the name i'm actually known by

am starting to think that 4 ghosts are enough for James,Can't have him being to specialized.

I'm thinking a Porygon given to him later in the year would be good.Like in March or something.

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Quick question about the 'Time-Skip.' How big is the level-skip caused by that?

I'll always mention between which levels they are. It's not going to be a big skip since students can't always train so I was thinking somewhere between 15-20.

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So will we gain any pokemon during the timeskip or is it just gunna be our current teams but highr leveled?

Also are there any Golett in the Academy Forest?

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I was wondering about the Golett as well. (Not that i'm going to get one right away, but it's for future reference.)

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So will we gain any pokemon during the timeskip or is it just gunna be our current teams but highr leveled?

Also are there any Golett in the Academy Forest?

Current teams but higher leveled. I'll give you all a chance later to go into the forest. (Mainly so I don't overlook the Pokémon you caught)

And yes. They are there.

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And yes. They are there.

*Sees this*

My reaction:



oh man, this is gonna be great!

all of you out there, you guys better watch out for Magnitude and Rollout, because i'm gonna get a Golett! (It's my favorite Ghost Type! how could i possibly pass up an opportunity to get one at some point?!)

Speaking of Future Pokemon, are Fennekin available in the Forest?

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Current teams but higher leveled. I'll give you all a chance later to go into the forest. (Mainly so I don't overlook the Pokémon you caught).

Well, Forest excursion with pokeballs. Just say where Shroomish'es are and I'll have Robert go in that direction.

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@RoG members: I love how you're all overthinking things xD There is a very simple solution that won't alert anyone. (yet)

Do we... pose as a bunch of pizza delivery guys? Business partners, may haps?

Pizza-related business partners?

Quick question about the 'Time-Skip.' How big is the level-skip caused by that?

Oh yeah, same here, since we skipped... two weeks, iirc (also, how many levels would a Lv 8 Pokemon have gained from beating a Lv 16 mon?)

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So, I put it in the interest thread, but imma put what I'm looking at for a final team.










And one more interesting mon to use...

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I'm also gonna re-iterate my list of what i think i'll have as my final team, but it's not final, and not in order except for the first two:

Lucario (Able to Mega-Evolve)










There'll be a bit of Character Development with one of these! you'll see what i mean when we get to that point.

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ehh,i've been teetering on what James would use but the first 8 are set




Porygon(Yes i know it's not a ghost but he will get 4 ghosts eventually)






Not in any order

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Speaking of Future Pokemon, are Fennekin available in the Forest?

Yes, but they are rare. And the forest isn't the only place available to catch Pokémon.

Well, Forest excursion with pokeballs. Just say where Shroomish'es are and I'll have Robert go in that direction.

Shroomish are everywhere. I was thinking to do that, but that would stretch chapter 1 and is kinda unnecessary. After the dragons there are enough opportunities to go in there.

Do we... pose as a bunch of pizza delivery guys? Business partners, may haps?

Pizza-related business partners?

Oh yeah, same here, since we skipped... two weeks, iirc (also, how many levels would a Lv 8 Pokemon have gained from beating a Lv 16 mon?)


RoG members received some harsh training. Your Pokémon would be around level 15-20 now (in 2 weeks, students in 6). I do this since you have less opportunity to train and have battles. I try to keep it around the same levels eventually when you face each other. Should be by the end of chapter 3/ start chapter 4 depending how things go.

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