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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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this RP is lousy with Shipping.....ugh. XD Makes my skin crawl.

I should've seen it coming... teenagers... this is exactly why there are 2 separate dorms. xD

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Tacos, lousy doesn't mean you had little effort in it, in that case it meant that the RP is chock full of it. It is an expression.

Like if I say a dog is lousy with lice, it means it is lice-ridden, not that it doesn't know how to properly care for one.

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From what happened thus far, Claude has the most choice in people, but the way his character is, I really think he'll be alone in the end, content to have fun and make beautiful dreams a reality through his contest work.

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I didn't ask their birthday's because it's a student thingy for now. I might ask you when we get to something later down the road. And get inside that freaking house already

... can I just literally walk inside and say hi? Look man I'm trying here and I'm waitin' for mah RoG homies to comply D:

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... can I just literally walk inside and say hi? Look man I'm trying here and I'm waitin' for mah RoG homies to comply D:

I don't care if you guys decide to take that gate down as long as you try something xD

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is it bad that I'm feeling pressured with this mission--

anyway I can't do anything right now unless Pixel can magically stretch herself and unless Ignition were already Charizard D: actually the most I could do is to throw a rock and hope it hits the window, really...

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@Tses: Welcome to team coordinators (plus Alvin, Lana, and apparently Evan). You'll probably have a lot of fun scaring the heck out of Shiro with that Misdreavus. Other than that, you can experience Henry's immoral behavior, Shiro's awkwardness, Danielle's teasing, Claude (words cannot describe him), and much more.

Coming soon: Kenny, Henry, and Alvin will be trapped in a room doing dishes. Kenny and Henry don't get along and everyone dislikes Alvin. I can't guarantee everyone will make it out alive

@Chim: I'd lmao if the guard forgot to lock the gate. It'd certainly speed things up (Might want to consider dividing them into solo missions (they have comrades) next time).

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What you mean with apparently Evan? xD

And I haven't really considered the gate to be unlocked, but for the fun of it I'm saying it's locked.

@Zephyr: There is no pressure. Only the rest of your career as a RoG member is on the line. ^^

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I saw 'A Lucky Elf' and thought you were a new member xD

@Murdoc: I think I miss something seeing as you mentioned Redwood. I thought Kage and Ryan were still on their own.

Besides that I'm going to move it a bit forward after Jory and DarkLight reply. Devin will interfere right now (duh) and be sure to give Danielle and Jacob some time alone (not intended, he's concerned about Danielle's actions). So commander and K_H; be prepared to have some fun with Alvin soon xD

We ran back to the field.

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Yay! Danielle is not the only female anymore (aside from Lana)!

But yeah, welcome to the RP, Tse! Looking forward to your char in the IC thread.

Danielle will probably be like: "Whoo!! More reason to blackmail people!!"

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Oh my bad, forget to welcome our new friend.

Welcome to Ymora, a beautiful land of 20 millions ships between characters, only of which maybe 3 could ever work. Aside from that, we battle, drama, everything gucci under the sun. You gotta be hella fab since you're a coordinator to keep up with Claude.

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Oh my bad, forget to welcome our new friend.

Welcome to Ymora, a beautiful land of 20 millions ships between characters, only of which maybe 3 could ever work. Aside from that, we battle, drama, everything gucci under the sun. You gotta be hella fab since you're a coordinator to keep up with Claude.

When did Claude get this fabulous?! I am literally going to try and pinpoint this!

EDIT: Was it when he was in the battle using Douxs Fairy wind sig move?

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Welp, there goes any chance of me adding anything before she gets up, dang time zones. :T

Edit: right when I have an idea to deal with the time zones I get ninja'd. Let's just I was there but didn't say anything. -sigh-

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I'm getting ninja'd left and right while updating. Some people here should consider a career as a ninja.

.. Seriously though, I'm gradually becoming willing to throw a freakin' rock into the lot just to raise hell already.

You can do that. I never said you have to do it quietly.

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Would you mind if I made an NPC recruit do it? I don't really want Zeke to be blamed for the thing lol

The 15 NPC's are free to abuse as you see fit. I'm not going to control all of them since that would be a real pain.

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