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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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^ Sorry :3 I thought you were talking about the forest or something like that, like that we are able to go there and catch anything we wanted. Anyways, thanks ~

Nope, forest doesn't change much at this point. Most Pokémon are available there but I can't let every species live in the same space.

Edit: I bet 10 BP that somewhere down the line there's going to be an all out brawl between Henry,Kenny, Shiro and Henry. And let's throw Alvin in there for the fun.

Edited by Chimchain
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I bet at some point he really is going to pick on Kage and Ryan...

And for some RoG fun, I have a feeling at some point, Zeke's going to sit down on his bed in the base and evaluate his current life choices since after all he's after adventure, but he doesn't really hate his family or have any ulterior motives for joining; I figure at some point that, should he realize that he's committing actual crimes, he might be a Taka unhappy about his current situation... XD

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Edit: I bet 10 BP that somewhere down the line there's going to be an all out brawl between Henry,Kenny, Shiro and Henry. And let's throw Alvin in there for the fun.

If there ever was a fight between Henry and Shiro, it'd look something more like this.

Henry: Shiro, you need to learn to toughen up; otherwise, your pokemon will never listen to you. (Removes Glasses). Punch me in the face.

Shiro: What?

Henry: I said punch me in the face.

Shiro: I really don't think I can...


(Shiro punches Henry in the face)

Henry: (Holding a hand over his left eye) Wasn't expecting to be hit that hard. Where'd you learn to punch like that?

Shiro: (Freaking out) OMG! OMG! OMG! Do you need ice? Want me to make a meal so you feel better.

Henry: I'm fine. The isn't the first black eye I ever had. Thanks to Citrine. I will take your offer up on the meal though.

Shiro: <3 One hot meal coming right up.

(As for the brawl, we shall see)

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If there ever was a fight between Henry and Shiro, it'd look something more like this.

Henry: Shiro, you need to learn to toughen up; otherwise, your pokemon will never listen to you. (Removes Glasses). Punch me in the face.

Shiro: What?

Henry: I said punch me in the face.

Shiro: I really don't think I can...


(Shun punches Henry with a Psyshock Punch into the balls)

Henry: (Holding a hand over his balls) WTH?

Shiro: (Freaking out) OMG! OMG! OMG! Do you need ice? Want me to make a meal so you feel better. Shun, what did you do?!

Shun: (Nobody yells at my master.)

(As for the brawl, we shall see)

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Backstories? Already?

I didn't expect myself to reveal mine that early either, but circumstances just presented itself well enough for me to justify it. Also, now the challenge is how Danielle is going to overcome it (and how can I write it). Support helps, but she going to need more than that. Her Mawile is going to help her once she finds him.

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@Bfroger That seems all to likely, especially Shun's attack for him

Also, about the excursion: Is it a 'hike there, camp there for the night' thing? If so, Yay Camping!

3 day excursion. And 2 nights

Edit: I'm really tempted to let Alvin crash that date XD

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I'm agreeing with Danielle/Jacob it's quite amusing

Wait we can get Dragons Straight away O.O


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So, we'll be camping... I swear to God Chim if you put Claude in with Alvin I will slaughter ya >:C

I haven't even decided yet if I'll appoint rooms or not... xD

But now that I'm thinking about it it's a tie between Claude + Alvin or Henry + Alvin... On the other hand Kenny + Henry sounds fun as well :D

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I haven't even decided yet if I'll appoint rooms or not... xD

But now that I'm thinking about it it's a tie between Claude + Alvin or Henry + Alvin... On the other hand Kenny + Henry sounds fun as well :D

But think of the fun that will ensue if you put Claude in with Ryan and Kage? Huh? You know you wanna...

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But think of the fun that will ensue if you put Claude in with Ryan and Kage? Huh? You know you wanna...

I'll probably go with rooms of 4 (boys/girls divided since it's a school) and everyone can pick roommates.

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I'll probably go with rooms of 4 (boys/girls divided since it's a school) and everyone can pick roommates.

Shiro/Robert/Kenny/Henry I could see the former two dragging Henry to be their roomate to try and fix this up (it'd be a great opportunity to reveal Henry's backstory then).





I'll probably be off dramatically. Ie Henry won't join Kenny's cabin unless he's dragged/tricked into it

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Shiro/Robert/Kenny/Henry I could see the former too dragging Henry to be their roomate to try and fix this up (it'd be a great opportunity to reveal Henry's backstory then).


Alvin/Evan/James/(Person I missed)

Pretty much how I predict it'll go.

You forgot Colin, Slade, Mareek

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