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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Alright flying on Devin's Flygon it is. (Not the same one that carried Claude and Sissy around because he'll rob you from Pokéblocks)

Yes. It's always been available.

... You all know where I'm going after this Hydreigon battle then...

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Ok so, here is my application. I hope it is ok! To give a bit of twist to it, and open some interesting possibilities for character development down the road, I'll describe the personalities of my Pokemon as well.

Name: Mao Addams
Age: 15
Birthday: February 24
Not particularly tall and decently muscular, Mao has red eyes and white air (a side effect of being albino). His most distinctive traits are the huge glasses he wears all the time, and that have the tendency of shining scaringly whenever he goes into full-on pervert mode, and the red coat he is never seen without, which he wears casually over his shoulders without bothering to put his arms through the sleeves, so that it looks more like a cape than a coat. He could even look rather attractive and cool, wasn't it for certain... Quirks, for lack of a better term, of his personality, which tend to turn others off.
Program: Trainer
Starter: Chespin
Hometown: Mao hails from Cyllage City in the Kalos region. His mother was originally from Castelia city in the Unova region, and in fact his aunt still lives there.

Growing up alone with his mother, Mao soon demonstrated an analytic, scientific mind, with a strong inclination for researches and experiments. However, since he was spoiled throughout his childood and then left mostly on his own as his mother had to go to work, he also developed your typical delinquent behaviour, with a tendency to reject authority and rules, and a love for pranks. Unfortunately, these two sides of his personality soon collided, resulting in his bizarre passion for condicting researches on absolutely silly subjects, for example "skirt lifting" or "prank phone calling": he strongly believes to be a genius (he even claims to have a 1.8 million IQ), so he always puts his best efforts in such researches. Needless to say, this "quirk" of his soon came in to contact with the dominant reality of his surroundings: Pokemon. How to bring how the potential of Pokemon and how to get them to be stronger and stronger soon became a focal aspect of Mao's "researches", as his neighbors soon found out when, at the age of 10, he tried to forcefully evolve his mother's Rhydon by installing two cannons in its arms. When questioned about this, he simply said "ehi, Rhyperior does have cannons in its arms, right? I merely tried to speed up the process!".

As mentioned earlier, he grew up with his mother alone. He claims that his father is no other than the mysterious champion of Ymora (but that's most likely a lie, given his tendency to overexaggerating any aspect of his life to make it sound more dramatic and important, see the 1.8 million IQ thing above) and he also claims that, in order to "avenge the honour of his mother, who was seduced and abandoned" (again, notice the contraddiction: he usually focuses only of his researches and doesn't give a damn about other people's feelings, specially not his mother's), he must defeat said champion. After doing a lot of research (read: playing a lot of videogames), Mao came to a conclusion: the champion of a region is always defeated by a heroic kid who started his journey with a single starter, and became powerful by wielding the power of friendship. Therefore, in order to achieve his goal of defeating the Ymora champion, all he needs to do is to become a heroic kid himself, and victory will be assured. This is what motivated him into grabbing a starter and the two Pokemon that had been with him as his "guinea pigs" in his younger days, and head to Pokemon Academy.
According to his research, about 78% of the powers of a hero are derived from, in his words, "this mysterious quantity called love". Unfortunately, he has no understanding of concepts like "friendship" and "love", and all his attempts at determining their chemical formulas (via his usual "experiments", of course) have ended in failure. Because of this, he tends to get extremely excited when someone displays such "quantities", as they "give him the opportunity to observe them first-hand". This along with his tendency to drool whenever he gets particularly excited about an idea or a research, and his habit of staying very close to the people he is "examining", often make people think he is some kind of a pervert.
All in all, his quirks, his inability (or rather, refusal) to understand friendship and love, and his fixation with becoming the champion (which he justifies with the whole "the current champion is my disappeared dad and I hold a grudge to him" lie) are all aspects of the same problem: for all his claims of being a genius, he is but a kid who feels terribly lonely, and is desperately trying to attract some attention.


Almaz the Chespin (male)

Level ??? (will depend on the levels other people's Pokemon end the second chapter at)
Ability: Bulletproof
Moves: Vine Whip - Roll Out - Bite - Pin Missile - Curse - Spikes
Almaz is an unlucky and kinda clumsy Pokemon, who often finds himself in the most absurd and comically painful situations. Despite being the butt of all the jokes and the funny situations involving Mao and his experiments, Almaz retains a happy-go-lucky attitude, and is loyal to his trainer. It helps that Mao is not particularly cruel to him (again, Mao's passion for experimenting on Pokemon and even other people will always be played for laughs), and that Chespin as a species are more than capable of enduring pain.
Geoffrey the Elgyem (male)
Level ??? (see above)
Ability: Analytic
Moves: Confusion - Psybeam - Hidden Power (Fighting) - Headbutt - Nasty Plot - Disable
Mao's most loyal and trusted Pokemon, Geoffrey shares his "mad scientist" personality and enjoys exerimenting and researching just as Mao does (which is symbolyzed, gameplay-wise, by the fact that he has the ability Analytic and the move Nasty Plot), which is why he often acts as Mao's right-hand "man" and assistant, helping him with his experiments and researches. As Elgyem as a species can emit beeping sounds (reminiscent of R2D2 from Star Wars), Mao has taught Geoffrey a way of communicating: by modulating lond and short beeping sounds, Geoffrey can now "speak" using Morse code.
Sapphire the Buneary (female)
Level ??? (see above)
Ability: Limber
Moves: Fake Out - Frustration - Quick Attack - Jump Kick - Agility - Baton Pass
Sapphire is the powerhouse of Mao's team: despite being quite frail, she packs some serious punch and hits like a truck, which allows her to stand up to Pokemon that are bigger and stronger than her. While Mao is generally happy about this, and sees it as an example of his experiments being successful ("I brought out her true power with using my scientific skills and my 1.8 million IQ!"), he fails to realize that Sapphire's power is actually a bad thing. The reason why she hits so hard is that she packs some seriously powerful Frustration which means, if you know how the move works, that she hates Mao. And in fact, she does hate him with a passion: she absolutely loathe being with him, she used to enjoy her life in Castelia City when she was little, and when her trainer (Mao's aunt) gave her to Mao as a gift, she was not happy. She hates the guy's luck of understanding or sympathy, she hates his fixation with experiments, and she hates how her team-mates won't stand up and do anything about it. She attempts to either run away from Mao or just turn on him whenever she is given the occasion, and of course she refuses to obey him in battle, and just spams Frustration in the hope that he will understand just how much she hates him (and this often leads to her getting hurt, as she will keep on spamming Frustration regardless of the orders she is given, even against Rock/Steel/Ghost Pokemon). Unfortunately Mao doesn't seem to get it, and whenever he sees her behaving like this, he just writes it off by saying stuff like "she cannot fully control her power yet" and "I need to fix her up some more", which leads to some more "experiments" being conducted, and her hating him even more...

P.S.: In case the sheer lenght of her entry doesn't make it clear enough yes, Sapphire the Buneary will play the biggest role in Mao's character development going forward... ;)
Also I hate how limitations on Egg Moves will prevent my Pawniard/Bisharp from ever learning Sucker Punch <.<
EDIT: is it just me, or there's something wrong with the Spoiler code?
Edited by Tomas Elliot
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To hell because you left 2 innocent students to be buried alive.

Plz, Hell will fear Danielle and her teasing ways and kick her out.

@Tomas: I'm going to like seeing your character already. (I still miss your PC from the RP I met you in)

And I think someone in another part of the forums mentioned something about the Spoiler tags being weird, but I'm not sure about the date of that post.

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Heh. it looks like Mao will get along nicely with Kenny, as well as being able to learn a thing or two from him in terms of Friendship.

Edited by K_H
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Bleh, everyone's gonna have a Bisharp. I like Bisharp but variety is needed...

I had to redesign my team twice after looking at what people picked (I want an interesting team, not the best). Excadrill is the only one I'm not willing to change because it works so well for Henry (and I love it's personality)...and for something in year 2.

@Thomas: Already moved Mao to the third spot of people Henry hates the most. I can already tell you those two will not get along (even though a battle would have a hilarious outcome).

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Ok so, here is my application. I hope it is ok! To give a bit of twist to it, and open some interesting possibilities for character development down the road, I'll describe the personalities of my Pokemon as well.

Name: Mao Addams
Age: 15
Birthday: February 24
Not particularly tall and decently muscular, Mao has red eyes and white air (a side effect of being albino). His most distinctive traits are the huge glasses he wears all the time, and that have the tendency of shining scaringly whenever he goes into full-on pervert mode, and the red coat he is never seen without, which he wears casually over his shoulders without bothering to put his arms through the sleeves, so that it looks more like a cape than a coat. He could even look rather attractive and cool, wasn't it for certain... Quirks, for lack of a better term, of his personality, which tend to turn others off.
Program: Trainer
Starter: Fennekin
Hometown: Mao hails from Cyllage City in the Kalos region. His mother was originally from Castelia city in the Unova region, and in fact his aunt still lives there.

Growing up alone with his mother, Mao soon demonstrated an analytic, scientific mind, with a strong inclination for researches and experiments. However, since he was spoiled throughout his childood and then left mostly on his own as his mother had to go to work, he also developed your typical delinquent behaviour, with a tendency to reject authority and rules, and a love for pranks. Unfortunately, these two sides of his personality soon collided, resulting in his bizarre passion for condicting researches on absolutely silly subjects, for example "skirt lifting" or "prank phone calling": he strongly believes to be a genius (he even claims to have a 1.8 million IQ), so he always puts his best efforts in such researches. Needless to say, this "quirk" of his soon came in to contact with the dominant reality of his surroundings: Pokemon. How to bring how the potential of Pokemon and how to get them to be stronger and stronger soon became a focal aspect of Mao's "researches", as his neighbors soon found out when, at the age of 10, he tried to forcefully evolve his mother's Rhydon by installing two cannons in its arms. When questioned about this, he simply said "ehi, Rhyperior does have cannons in its arms, right? I merely tried to speed up the process!".

As mentioned earlier, he grew up with his mother alone. He claims that his father is no other than the mysterious champion of Ymora (but that's most likely a lie, given his tendency to overexaggerating any aspect of his life to make it sound more dramatic and important, see the 1.8 million IQ thing above) and he also claims that, in order to "avenge the honour of his mother, who was seduced and abandoned" (again, notice the contraddiction: he usually focuses only of his researches and doesn't give a damn about other people's feelings, specially not his mother's), he must defeat said champion. After doing a lot of research (read: playing a lot of videogames), Mao came to a conclusion: the champion of a region is always defeated by a heroic kid who started his journey with a single starter, and became powerful by wielding the power of friendship. Therefore, in order to achieve his goal of defeating the Ymora champion, all he needs to do is to become a heroic kid himself, and victory will be assured. This is what motivated him into grabbing a starter and the two Pokemon that had been with him as his "guinea pigs" in his younger days, and head to Pokemon Academy.
According to his research, about 78% of the powers of a hero are derived from, in his words, "this mysterious quantity called love". Unfortunately, he has no understanding of concepts like "friendship" and "love", and all his attempts at determining their chemical formulas (via his usual "experiments", of course) have ended in failure. Because of this, he tends to get extremely excited when someone displays such "quantities", as they "give him the opportunity to observe them first-hand". This along with his tendency to drool whenever he gets particularly excited about an idea or a research, and his habit of staying very close to the people he is "examining", often make people think he is some kind of a pervert.
All in all, his quirks, his inability (or rather, refusal) to understand friendship and love, and his fixation with becoming the champion (which he justifies with the whole "the current champion is my disappeared dad and I hold a grudge to him" lie) are all aspects of the same problem: for all his claims of being a genius, he is but a kid who feels terribly lonely, and is desperately trying to attract some attention.


Beryl the Fennekin (female)

Level ??? (will depend on the levels other people's Pokemon end the second chapter at)
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Scratch - Ember - Fire Spin - Psybeam - Will-O-Wisp - Magic Coat
A happy-go-lucky, cheerful, playful Pokemon, Beryl enjoys being the center of attention. Because of this, she enjoys being around Mao, as his "experiments" are mostly harmless and played for laugh: she doesn't understand what these "experiments" are, and given that they are rarely painful, she simply sees them as an occasion for receiving attention from Mao. This side of her personality also applies in battle, when she will sometimes disobey Mao's orders just for the sake of showing off her flashier moves, in order to attract attention. She is not exactly vain, she just really likes the spotlight: Mao will sometimes comment she would have been more suited to be in contests rather than in battles.
Almaz the Pawniard (male)
Level ??? (see above)
Ability: Defiant
Moves: Fury Cutter - Feint Attack - Metal Claw - Assurance - Swords Dance - Torment
Almaz the Pawniard is Mao's go-to Pokemon in most battles, because it is rather powerful and because it is, among his 3 initial party Pokemon, the only one to always obey his orders. It is a very serious and silent Pokemon, who always complies to Mao's every order without questioning: he also appears to be very annoyed by the behaviour of his two female companions, and will sometimes scold them for disobeying Mao. Between this strict personality of his and the fact that Pawniards as a species are mostly expressionless, telling what's going through his mind is absolutely impossible.
Sapphire the Buneary (female)
Level ??? (see above)
Ability: Limber
Moves: Fake Out - Frustration - Quick Attack - Jump Kick - Agility - Baton Pass
Sapphire is the powerhouse of Mao's team: despite being quite frail, she packs some serious punch and hits like a truck, which allows her to stand up to Pokemon that are bigger and stronger than her. While Mao is generally happy about this, and sees it as an example of his experiments being successful ("I brought out her true power with using my scientific skills and my 1.8 million IQ!"), he fails to realize that Sapphire's power is actually a bad thing. The reason why she hits so hard is that she packs some seriously powerful Frustration which means, if you know how the move works, that she hates Mao. And in fact, she does hate him with a passion: she absolutely loathe being with him, she used to enjoy her life in Castelia City when she was little, and when her trainer (Mao's aunt) gave her to Mao as a gift, she was not happy. She hates the guy's luck of understanding or sympathy, she hates his fixation with experiments, and she hates how her team-mates won't stand up and do anything about it. She attempts to either run away from Mao or just turn on him whenever she is given the occasion, and of course she refuses to obey him in battle, and just spams Frustration in the hope that he will understand just how much she hates him (and this often leads to her getting hurt, as she will keep on spamming Frustration regardless of the orders she is given, even against Rock/Steel/Ghost Pokemon). Unfortunately Mao doesn't seem to get it, and whenever he sees her behaving like this, he just writes it off by saying stuff like "she cannot fully control her power yet" and "I need to fix her up some more", which leads to some more "experiments" being conducted, and her hating him even more...

P.S.: In case the sheer lenght of her entry doesn't make it clear enough yes, Sapphire the Buneary will play the biggest role in Mao's character development going forward... ;)
Also I hate how limitations on Egg Moves will prevent my Pawniard/Bisharp from ever learning Sucker Punch <.<
EDIT: is it just me, or there's something wrong with the Spoiler code?

Full-on pervert mode? I approve. (Claude finally has some competition)

Two remarks though: Pawniard can learn Sucker Punch through special training or level up later on when it isn't OP. (It isn't now anyway). This count for everyone as I only gave them to start.

Second: If you want to be an exchange student you'll have to attend a previous school. All regions are using the new system so I guess you could mention the Kalos branch. This can also explain were Mao got that Buneary for example. Or that Fennekin. (Pawniard being a present is fine).

Edit: You are accepted. Forgot to mention the most important part. xD

Edited by Chimchain
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I had to redesign my team twice after looking at what people picked (I want an interesting team, not the best). Excadrill is the only one I'm not willing to change because it works so well for Henry (and I love it's personality)...and for something in year 2.

@Thomas: Already moved Mao to the third spot of people Henry hates the most. I can already tell you those two will not get along (even though a battle would have a hilarious outcome).

Oh, just know Henry's not alone. If he gets too, err, 'in character' through something like that, he'd be clocked faster than Alvin.(And thrown if he actually hurt one of Robert's Pokemon through 'experiments') Then again, it's obvious that Mao is meant to be like that at first. Just needs to understand friendship. Edited by TurboAura
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Is anyone else planning on using Charizard? I know a lot of people wanted to use Sceptile, so I opted for my second favorite starter.

Just out of curiosity, what are all of your favorite starters? Mine are:

1. Treecko

2. Charmander

3. Turtwig

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No digging huh? Guess Evan and Robert are going to survive to see another day.

And update is coming. Not really sure if I'm going to reveal everything at once or start some student / teacher interaction first.

Oh and:

1. Chimchar

2. Bulbasaur / Squirtle (I can't choose, sue me)

3. Mudkip

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Not me. I already chose Ivysaur (still thinking if I should have it evolved or not).

My favorite starters are Torchic, Cyndaquil and Bulbasaur. Torchic and Cyndaquil are switched sometimes so I'll leave it like that.

@Commander: You can say that Danielle got to Henry's spot and whatnot if you get to post before me.

Edited by DarkLight
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Full-on pervert mode? I approve. (Claude finally has some competition)

Since when was Claude a "Full on pervert"?! Yeah, he takes notice of people, but he isn't THAT bad

Also, fave starters are the sinnoh trio, Chim, Turt and Pip, in that order.

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I guess I'll reveal some Pokémon I planned:

Lana: Torterra and Gastrodon are joining her. I haven't planned the rest yet. Possible candidates: Excadrill, Hippowdon, Gliscor

Alvin: Galvantula and Pinsir. Maybe Heracross or Beedrill.

Evan: Donphan and Medicham. Probably Houndoom as well.

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@Darklight: I'm going to cue Devin heading this way in my next post so we can finally end this battle.

As for my favorite starter: Eevee (XD starter lol)




Edit: I was so PO when they announced Mega Beedrill because I totally would've switched Gypsy with a Weedle if I knew about it

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This is my team, set in stone for the most part. If you want some variety, please refrain from using these pokemon on your teams.











As for my favorite starters

1. Torchic (first pokemon)

2. Froakie (Protean OP)

3. Piplup (Water and Steel. I'll take it.)

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Here's my Fav Starters:

Oshawott (First one ever, It just seems to resonate with me, and Samurott looks awesome.)

Fennekin (My heart just melted when i first saw it.)

Cyndaquil (Typhlosion. What more do i have to say?)

Also, here's my Team (Mostly set in stone.):













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