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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Is that a 'DangerZone' joke? DKD.

Either way, unless Kenny(K_H) has a problem with it, I kinda want Mega Lucario.

If he does, I'll get something like a Medicham.

Evan's mega is going to be Medicham. Didn't I mention he's getting one? It's his fourth / fifth.

Yeah, she shall become a Frosslass.

Also, I seem to be the one stalling Chim's updates... sorray for that

No problem.

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I was gonna get Mega Lucario.



So yeah. feel free to also have a Mega Lucario, Turbo. The way that I plan on getting a Lucarionite allows me to get more than one of that Mega Stone.

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Soldiers, Stratos just had a rage quit after reading all this and realizing he needs to tear apart and reconstruct Mareek's team again. I hope your happy.

Well, Soldiers. Guess I might as well take care of this for the mad man while he's raging:

Here's the kid's team...





You know what, soldiers? no. I'm refusing to comply with this. Stratos may want to have some set in stone plan now, but he's not here.

Lightning is quick and spontaneous, Cadets, and that's how Mareek's team is going to be assembled: Based on what it needs at that particular moment in order to adapt and be effective on the field of battle.

But The Mega Scizor still stands, Soldiers.

How about a nice Electric type? Electivire or Jolteon are always nice to have.

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It seems like mega slowbro may be my guy for mega. Buuuuuuuuuuut then again, I may be different and not go for a mega. I'll totes get a legends consent to work with me instead

Also, I don't think anyone has gone for one of my picked pokemon except for Evan having a cleffa, but I only picked Clefable because my criteria at the time was that they had to "Smile"

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It seems like mega slowbro may be my guy for mega. Buuuuuuuuuuut then again, I may be different and not go for a mega. I'll totes get a legends consent to work with me instead

Chim said "No Legendaries"...

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Kind of like Eve's Dig in Surge Story, the one that nearly got you kicked out of the army, eh, Surge? :Kappa:

We will never speak of that ever again, Soldier. It never happened as far as I'm concerned.

How about a nice Electric type? Electivire or Jolteon are always nice to have.

I like the way you think, Sergeant Chimchain.

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@Bfroger: I will now have a Mega Glalie named Freddie Krueger and he shall haunt the night and stalk Shiro

Noooo, Shiro's gunna be scurred of that thing ;o; before his Buneary smashes it into pieces with a Focus Punch and his Druddigon and Shun burn the remains using their Fire type moves

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If that happens I can only hope it won't stay Pikachu forever. That thing annoys the hell out of me.

Rest assured, Sergeant, I know the issues of the Glass Cannon Syndrome that plagues the Pikachu species. There's no use in prolonging it's suffering by denying the GAO contact with a thunder stone

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Rest assured, Sergeant, I know the issues of the Glass Cannon Syndrome that plagues the Pikachu species. There's no use in prolonging it's suffering by denying the GAO contact with a thunder stone

That's what i meant when i posted what i did. however, Ash and his Pikachu would tend to disagree with you, and look how far they've traveled. Ash might not have won any of the Leagues other than the Orange League, but he's gone as far as Kalos!

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Noooo, Shiro's gunna be scurred of that thing ;o; before his Buneary smashes it into pieces with a Focus Punch and his Druddigon and Shun burn the remains using their Fire type moves

Sorry, but now I have to do it. Freddie is going to replace Deerling as the fifth member. One of these days we're going to have Henry and Shiro accidentally mix them up and Shiro has Freddie and Henry has Tal for a fight.

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Btw is Shiro going to answer that question or not? If he's staying silent even after Henry explains everything I'll start working on the next update.

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Btw is Shiro going to answer that question or not? If he's staying silent even after Henry explains everything I'll start working on the next update.

Sorray, I was taking a shower :3

Now I can update

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Btw is Shiro going to answer that question or not? If he's staying silent even after Henry explains everything I'll start working on the next update.

I had Henry get his revenge on Shiro. He has forgiven Shiro for nearly killing him by pretty much putting him as a deer(ling) in headlights.

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Not to be a party pooper, but what about Azery?

He hasn't posted in a few days. Last time he ignored my attempt to start an event and he's doing things on his own.

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