Sutoratosu Posted September 19, 2014 Share Posted September 19, 2014 Hello, and Welcome to Exodus: Beyond Eden. this is the OCC/ Sign up thread. REGISTRATIONS ARE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Prologue Reveal hidden contents 2500 years ago, Mankind embarked on a voyage. A voyage that was spurred by the deterioration of the Earth's climate. The winds howled with blistering heat, The Seas boiled and the Ice Caps melted and the lands were flooded. And so Man, knowing his death on the world to be imminent, turned to the stars for salvation... he cast his fate up to the heavens, in hopes of being able to carve out a better future. And so it was that the Exodus occurred. Seven Ships were built with Man's remaining resources. they were massive, able to hold many. they were equip for people to live on them for decades and centuries if needed. And these seven ships were boarded and sent into the heavens. And then Mankind, those who were left behind, accepted their fates. And then the Earth finally burned out. the Earth became a Dead World. But the Memory of Earth lived on. The Seven seeds of Earth lived on. they were known as "The Generation Arks" 100 years ago, the last of these Generation Arks finally found a habitable world. The ship had traveled for over two millenia, only held together by the boons of Relativistic travel, bestowed by maintaining a speed near that of light itself. inside the Ark, only two generations had passed. some of those who were alive to watch as they left the Earth's atmosphere now stood on the soil of a Different world. A new Home. a new Earth... A Second Chance. And they took this second chance in stride. they left their ship behind, and began to scout their new domain, over the years setting up a small settlement not far from their original landing site. And he named this Settlement "Esperanza" and he named his new world "Reamica". The World of Reamica was large and diverse. a band of thick forest ran across the middle of the globe, with cold, frigid Deserts and shifting sands to the far north, thick, humid jungles far to the south. An Ocean lies somewhere on the planets face, but as to wear, no one has any Idea. Much land has been explored since the Esperanzans arrived a century ago. But the planet remains vast, it's greatest secrets still unknown. it has been 100 years, and yet there is still only one human settlement on the planet. Expeditions by Scientist are not uncommon in the era. And it was during one of these Expeditions, far to the south, where the forest grows densest before becoming complete jungle, that the greatest discovery in the Settlement's history was made... They were ruins; Proof that someone or something had been there before them, some unknown sentient life. Teams are sent in, and what they find within the ruins are astounishing.... A place of Beauty and pure majesty... a Massive Garden . along with a thriving Eco-system eerily similar to one that might have been found on earth long ago. The Garden is soon named... Eden. And within Eden, Two heavy set metal Doors are found. Their faces bearing complex glyphs and symbols and runes. These doors are soon named "The Gates of Eden". they are huge, ten meters high and eight meters wide. and they are completely immobile. Several weeks pass since the Gates discovery. heavy research is conducted around the clock, trying to decipher the glyphs, and if possible, get the Gates open... and one day, they find the latter of their goals. They find the opening mechanism. The Area beyond the gates is a stark contrast to the Gardens of Eden. Cold, Grey, Seemingly lifeless. Countless peices of machinery lie within, strange and alien. humming, but their purpose unknown. Teams of Exo-biologist and Engineers are sent in... and disaster soon strikes. all Scientist who were sent beyond the gates soon fall ill to a mysterius pathogen and dying... it is a Virus. and it soon begins to spread throughout Ezperanza. A pandemic has blazed to life. Exo-Biologist and Genetic Scientist are unable to devise even a vaccine, much less a cure... The Virus simply proves to be too adaptable, mutating easily to survive. Left with little choice, Quarantine is declared. only one hundred years after it's founding, and all ready Esperanza is facing possible destruction. The preventative measures can only slow down the spread, not stop it. Time is ticking away slowly. There is little choice: someone must go back beyond Eden. it is were the virus came from, and therefore, perhaps that is where the cure lies as well. The team is put together. the Strategy and protocols are drafted. The Exo-suits go on... You are a member of the team. you are one of the heroes fighting to find a cure... fighting against time itself. You are one of the ones... Who must go beyond Eden. Rules What? thought this was just gonna be lawlessness and chaos? then think again, my friend. Reveal hidden contents 1. Respect your fellow Players I will say this once, and only once: This is intended to be an enjoyable and interesting experience for everyone involved. Do NOT bully other Players. Do NOT Harass them. Do NOT use Derogatory against any other player. I will have little mercy for this rule. You break it, and You will be asked to leave. There will be a strike system for keeping track of infractions. After two incidents, the transgressor will be thrown out. however, for anyone who is in Surge Story/ PSS as well as this RP, you will get only a one strike limit, and that's only because I understand full well that sometimes, we all have bad days and go off and say something stupid or take it out on someone who doesn't deserve it, and hence will provide some leniency. also, Being kicked out of this RP for breaking this rule will also result in a cascading ban from both PSS and Surge Story if you are a current participant. You all from those two have dealt with my hosting before, you know my expectations are, Ergo, you've no excuse whatsoever. 2. Respect me as the host Look, this is pretty damn simple to be honest. I am the one who has sat down for hours and hours and done extensive work in order to create and develop this world and the plot and game mechanics. When I say something regarding this, I know what I'm talking about, so all players and participants will be expected to respect my decisions and judgement in all things regarding this RP. I think that at this point, It's fair to say that I deserve the respect of every person here. I don't go disrespecting you all, and I expect the same courtesy to be shown to myself in return. Infractions of this rule will be handled on a case by case basis. 3.Don't go over the top Plain and simple. Look, Swearing is from time to time encouraged here in this story, especially when it would enhance the emotion of the situation. However, this does not constitute you going and dropping F-bombs and such every other word. In addition, This is an RP, not a Horror or Soft Porn film. Excessive gore and graphic sexual scenes are not acceptable here. Break this rule by excessive swearing, and I will ask you to edit the post. if you refuse, then I will get Hukuna Sensai to step in. If you break this rule by excessive gore/ graphic sexuality, then you will get the freaking wrath of God from me. 4. No Bunnying When you control another Person's characters or NPCs, without their prior consent to what you are doing, this is known as bunnying, and it's seen as highly disrespectful all over the RPing world. this rule applies especially to named NPCs which I generate in the story. Why? Named NPCs generated by the host are often there to serve some specific role in the plot or preform some specific action, and if you take control of them without permission, you will likely ruin the set-up of whatever is planned for that character role, which can in a sense throw a huge wrench in the works of the RP's overall plot movement if their role is significant. There is only one exception to this rule; when I specifically say in a post either on here or the IC that the NPCs in question may be controlled by the players. This rule also applies to your fellow players, although controlling them probably won't cause as monstrous an issue as seizing host characters, it is still disrespectful and bad RP etiquette. Bunny a host generated Character, and you and I will have a private talk, with Hukuna in attendance. Bunny another PC, and I will throw you out of this RP. 5.I see a Mary Sue, I kill a Mary Sue self explanatory. If I see a Mary Sue, I will not accept your character signup. If your character begins to become Sueish during the course of the story, I will kill said character off. 6.Meta game, and I will end you. another rather self explanatory rule. if you intentionally meta-game, then I will remove you. cases of it accidentally happening will be forgiven, but I'm not a moron. I am far more than intelligent enough to tell the difference between an innocent accident, and something that was fully intentional. don't test me, because you will be the one who fails. Index of Exclusive Class Skills This is the index of skills is for the exclusive job classes that Only NPCs in the story and Major Characters will have. Think of them as kinda like unobtainable classes like in a Strategy RPG. refer to the Index directly below this one to see Skills or the classes available to players. Reveal hidden contents Index of Regular Class Skills We will be using Classes in this RP. each class will have three skills total, one Primary, which serves as the Classes main purpose, one secondary, which helps during fighting/ while around enemies, and one support skill, which...well, offers support. some classes will have multiple support skills, in this case, you are allowed to choose which one you want for your character. Reveal hidden contents Primary Skills: (Each class gets one Primary Skill, Ergo, each Primary skill represents one Available class) Sniping- The individual has received extensive Sniper training. They've patience and are able to remain calm in the moment when it matters most, not allowing their adrenaline to interfere with the calculations and ruin their carefully planed shot. Long range shooting with Scope equipped Long-Range and Sniper Rifles are the weapons that these individuals excel with. Hacking-.The individual is rather tech savy and is more than capable of hacking their way into a secure system. The skill also includes a vast knowledge of electronics as well as how to set up and tear down several computer protocols and variables, which can prove rather useful beyond Eden... Reconnaissance- The Individual has been trained in the art of scouting. they are by habit quite observant of their surroundings, as well as good at retaining everything down to the smallest detail about what they scout. Explosive Weapons expert- The individual has received training in the use of Explosive weaponry. Engineering- The individual is well versed in the workings of various machinery, as well as architecture and technological innovation. They are able to repair and diagnose several Mechanical systems. (EX: figuring out how to open a certain door that requires a certain mechanism or series of mechanical switches to be flipped.) Heavy weapons Specialist- The Individual has received Training in the handling of heavy weaponry such as Machine guns and Rocket launchers. Energy-Weapons Specialist- The Individual has been trained in the use of Energetic weaponry (Lasers), and the basic science behind them. They are also easily able to repair and maintain such Armaments. Field Medicine/ Medical Training- self explanatory for the most part. advanced medical & Anatomy knowledge as well as an impressive resourcefulness and knowledge of wild medicinal plants are the things that pretty much sum up this skill. Melee Specialist- The individual has been trained in the use of various Melee and Close-range weapons, and is far more than just deadly when handed one. Secondary Skills: (Each class gets one Secondary skill, however, some classes may share a secondary Advanced Hand to Hand/ Closed Quarters combat- All soldiers receive some basic form of close combat, but those who choose to further their skills in it become experts in the craft, being quite formidable with their bare hands. Acrobatics- To a nimble warrior, the battle field and terrain offer no obstacles. skills such as wall running and general parkour are included in this skill set. Along with being able to close ground fast, Acrobatic soldiers also prove to be far harder to hit when their moving. Critical/ Analytic Thinking- The individual has been trained and conditioned for advance critical and analytic thinking, as well as advanced mathematics. Their minds are sharp like a razor. (This skill is considered a secondary because it can be useful in a fight...) Marksmanship- The individual is an expert in Ranged weaponry and firearms, able to Repair and maintain such weapons. Their aim without a scope is also quite impeccable. Supressive Fire- The Individual is able to single-handedly lay down Suppresive fire for their allies due to their high-powered weaponry. can come in quite handy strategically. Diversion- Due to the Individuals Weaponry type, they are able to cause massive diversions and buy their allies time on the field of battle, as well as cause confusion among the enemy. Support Skills: Tracking- The individual is knowledgeable of various tracking techniques that do not require gear or technology, as well as well versed as to how to hide oneself from being tracked. can come in far more handy beyond Eden than one might think... Ambidextrous- The Individual has conditioned themselves to be equally dexterous and proficient with either of their hands. this in turn makes Dual wielding melee weapons actually plausible. Stealth- The Individual knows how to make their movements silent and covert, as well as how to go on about their business without alerting hostiles to their presence. Commonly referred to as the "Art of Sneaking". Camouflage- The Individual is versed in the practice of blending into one's surroundings and remaining unseen. Are quite adapt at noticing the blending of colors and lighting, and know how to make several Camouflage suits such as Gilly suits. Drone Operator- The individual knows how to operate remote control Drones. Attention Grabber- The opposite of stealth. Attracts the attention of Enemies quite easily, which can be either beneficial or detrimental to the team depending on the circumstance. makes excellent bait though... Detonation- The user is able to place and detonate explosive charge packs, however, some opt to use Drones to accomplish this task. Turret Placement- The user is able to set up and program offensive turrets to hold fixed positions. these can be used either manually or auto-matted to attack hostiles upon detection. Shield burst- The individual has been trained in how to make the Shield generated by their Exo-suit burst outward in an electro-magnetic pulse that can stun opponents. this drains the Shield to a dangerous level when used, however. Classes Yes, we use Job Classes here... but it's different from what you might think. Reveal hidden contents Scout Reveal hidden contents Primary: Reconnaissance Secondary: Acrobatic Support: Stealth/ Tracking Weaponry: - Pistol - Tranquilizer Pistol - Recon Drones (Recon drones don't require the support skill "Drone Operator" to use due to them being rather simple compared to other Drone types) - Shot Guns Ranger Reveal hidden contents Primary: Energy-Weapons Specialist Secondary: Marksmanship Support: Stealth/ Shield Burst Weaponry: - Laser Rifle - Microwave ray - Sub-Machine guns - Pistol Shock Trooper Reveal hidden contents Primary: Melee Specialist Secondary: Hand To Hand Expertise Support: Ambidextrous/ Stealth Weaponry: -Shock Staves -Tonfa Blades -Shock Gloves (Discharge a static charge upon impact) -Pressure Gloves (Exerts a highly crushing force upon impact) -Detonation spikes (a short spike held inbetween the Middle and Ring finger, though can also be held like a knife. Stab into an enemy via a punch/ stabbing motion, then twist clockwise before letting go to arm the charge within the spike. often results in a very bloody mess.) Medic Reveal hidden contents Primary: Field Medicine/ Medical Training Secondary: Critical Analytic Thinking Support: Stealth/ Shield Burst Weaponry: -Tranquiler guns -Med Packs -Pistols Sniper Reveal hidden contents Primary: Sniping Secondary: Marksmanship Support: Stealth/ Camouflage Weaponry: -Sniper Rifles -Pistols Tank Reveal hidden contents Primary: Heavy Weapons Specialist Secondary: Suppressive Fire Support: Attention Grabber Weaponry: -Mini-Guns -Grenade Launcher -Machine Guns -Assault Rifles (for the sake of simplicity, and because the Ranger class can't use them, I'm going to classify ARs as heavy weapons in this) Blast Trooper Reveal hidden contents Primary: Explosive Weapons Expertise Secondary: Diversion Support: Detonation/ Drone Operator (Bomb bots) Weaponry: -Rocket launchers -Grenade launcher -Incendiary grenades -Flash Bangs -Sonic Grenades -C4 packs -Greek fire...(You'll see...) -Bomb bots (Drones that are rigged with internal explosives. usually driven to the target and then detonated) Engineer Reveal hidden contents Primary: Engineering Secondary: Critical Analytic Thinking Support: Drone Operator (Maintenance Drones)/ Turret Placement Weaponry: -Gun Turrets (Requires Turret Placement skill) -Shock Turrets (Requires Turret Placement skill) -Maintenance Drones (Drones fitted for manual task such as triggering mechanisms) -Arc Caster Hacker Reveal hidden contents Primary: Hacking Secondary: Critical Analytic Thinking Support: Drone Operator (Combat Drones) Weaponry: -Arc Casters (yes, like from star wars) -Tazers -Combat Drones (Drones outfitted with weaponry) How Shields Work Reveal hidden contents "Sheilds" is the term used when referring to the Electro-magnetic force field generated by an Exo-Suit. A shield is in a sense, a barrier between the suit's wearer and damage from hostiles or adverse weather such as sandstorms or heavy snow (It will actually melt snow on contact). While the suit itself is what generates the Shield, the force field is only actually activated when one puts on the Suit's helmet, creating an "Enclosed environment" whereas a Suit without a helmet on is considered an "Open Environment". (so basically, the shield is only on when you're wearing your helmet. if you take it off, then the shield automatically shuts off. this is because the Suit needs to be completely covering your body in order to properly generate the field.) As for how Shields and damage will work: Basically, The shield prevents the majority of damage from impacting the Wearer, though in some occurrences, certain forces can bypass it all together, but in most cases, it will prevent all damage to the wearer. The Shield does have a limit however, an energy limit, and if it reaches this limit; if it takes too many blows, it will be forced into automatic shut-down in order to regain energy for a restart. During this time, the Wearer is completely vulnerable to anything that might inflict harm on them. (The material of the Exo-suits themselves only provide the Protection level of Kevlar.) It is during this vulnerable stage that Players are susceptible to serious bodily injury and even death, (which is why I created the Medic class). I will keep track of everyone's shield levels at the bottom of each post. Major Characters Gen Stone Reveal hidden contents Age: 20 Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese mixed with either Caucasian or Hispanic, as to which, one can not be entirely certain. Class: Exo-Biologist Primary: Exo-Biology Secondary: Examine Support: Field Expert Weaponry: - None Personality: A kind hearted young and Idealistic woman, Gen Stone is known to be somewhat of an Altruist, often going out of her way to provide others around her with help. She is an excellent scientist despite her quite young age, staunchly following Socrates' Philosophy "Question everything" when going about her work. Despite her good nature, however, her intellect (Coupled with her natural skill set) can at times come off as condescending and a little arrogant without her meaning it to, causing some of her colleagues to secretly dislike being in her company due to harbored feelings of Inadequacy and inferiority compared to her. When deep in thought on a subject, she tends to sometimes tune out others in order to devote more attention to the issue at hand. Even despite her achievements, she prefers not be a braggart, unlike some in the scientific community... History: Gifted with an advanced intellect and reasoning capability, and considered an absolute prodigy in the Field of Genetics and Exo-Biology. taken in as an Infant by Shinjiro Stone, a prominent member of the ER known for his adherence to old Japanese tradition, and his wife, Kamaya. Following a tragic incident several years ago resulting the deaths of their parents, her adopted brother Leewald took over legal guardian ship of her and raised her himself. From a young age, Gen showed herself to be a very bright mind, moving quickly through the academic world of Esperanza and by the age of only 14 years managing to secure a full scholarship to university, where she began her studies in Genetics and Biology. She graduated two years later at the top of her class, soon afterwards being scooped up to work for the Esperanza Government. She was selected to serve as the acting Field Expert for this Venture beyond Eden due to her skill and advanced perception of Exo-Biology, two things that could prove crucial to finding the cure. Appearance: stands Approximately 5"5, approximately 53 Kg (117 Lbs.). Gen is a slender young woman with short, raven black hair and a relatively fair complexion. She has a scar running across the bridge of her nose due to an accident in her early childhood. She has Central Heterochromic eyes, With dark brown irises ringed with a vibrant Violet for about a quarter inch around the pupils visual inspiration Reveal hidden contents Additional: She's basically the young Albert Einstein of her field of study. from a scientific standpoint, there is no one more capable for this mission than her. Gen is Quad-lingual, knowing Greek, Latin, English, and Japanese all fluently. She is unaware of the fact that she and her older brother Leewald aren't related by blood. Character Theme: Reveal hidden contents Leewald (Lee) Stone Reveal hidden contents Age: 29 Sex: Male Ethnicity: Japanese Class: Esperanza Special Forces Agent (ESFA) Primary: SF Skill sets, Kenjutsu Secondary: SF Skill sets Support: SF Skill sets Weaponry: - Everything Personality: History: Appearance: Visual Inspiration: Reveal hidden contents Additional: Jace M. Bane Reveal hidden contents Age: 20 Sex: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Class: Esperanza Special Forces Agent (ESFA) Primary: SF Skill sets Secondary: SF Skill sets Support: SF Skill sets Weaponry: - Everything Current Load Out: - Chimera Rifle - Vex-Arms D-32 Tactical Shotgun - Vex-Arms D-32 Semi-automatic pistol Personality: A strong willed and determined young man, Jace wishes above all other things to be judged based only on his own actions, not his father's. He regards his Comrade's safety above his own while in the field or during operations and missions, and as such tends to take more risk onto himself as the leader. He thinks of cowardice as unforgivable, and can turn a blind eye in certain situations where the means are simply justified by the end. His superior Talent,skill set, and mental acuity makes other, older commanders feel threatened by his very existence when he's around, causing them to harbor unspoken animosity towards him. As a leader, he tries to take the teams input for minor decisions, preferring to give soldiers a voice in situations that may or may not end their lives. In major issues however, when his squadron is in danger of destruction, He trusts only his own judgement and will stand by it as law. History: The son of Dr. Garret G. Bane, a criminal infamous for his illegal experimentation of various controversial scientific theories ten years ago. Since his father's arrest and conviction for crimes against humanity and high treason, the Bane family name has been nothing but besmirched and stained. As a boy, Jace was often shunned by other children because of his father's madness, leading him to having few close friends and even fewer people he was willing to trust, given that he received similar treatment from adults as well. Angered at both his father for what he did, and the community for considering him just as horrible a human being as him just because he was Garret's offspring, and wanting to improve his family's reputation to what it once was, Jace channeled his disdain into enlisting in the ESF. or the Esperanza Special Forces, The true military of Esperanza, several cuts above the ERC and comprised of far fewer soldiers who are far better and more extensively conditioned and trained, at the age of 15, the minimum required to enter the training program. Driven by his anger, Jace soon proved to be an absolute military prodigy, far outshining all of his peers in both skill and natural ability to lead. Only 1 year after enlisting, less than half of the usual amount of time spent on the average ESF trainng, Jace was approved by the Esperanza Government to end his training and jump right to active service. Since the Age of 16 years, Jace has lead and successfully completed over 134 ESF missions, more than anyone still alive, varying from armed escorting of Research and Expedition parties, to the tracking and destruction of large predators threatening national security, to Search and Rescue, to pure Reconnaissance and intel gathering. He holds the rank of Major General, being the youngest person in history to hold the rank. There was no way in hell that the government wasn't going to send him on this, of all, missions. Appearance: Stands at approximately 5"7, Approximately 69 Kg. (153 Lbs.). Jace is a fit and strong young man, having been toned by extensively rigorous training. He's a fair complexion and His hair is a white blonde hue, cut a little longer than normal SF protocol would allow, and his eyes are a deep set green. His Exo-suit signifys him as an ESF agent by contrasting white and black coloration (ERs have either blue or grey) Visual Inspiration: Reveal hidden contents Character Theme: Reveal hidden contents Additional: Basically has the military skill, knowledge, and strategy that could easily rival any of the greatest conquerors from ancient earth. He is the CO of the team. He holds the lowest casualty record of any living ESF Commanding Officer, barely making it out of the single digits. He speaks with an Accent similiar to that of J Gatsby as portrayed in the film "The Great Gatsby" Lance Quiet Reveal hidden contents Age: 27 Sex: Male Ethnicity: Black Class: ??? Primary: Bullet Clock Secondary: Quick Draw Support: SM Sight/ Matrix Weaponry: -Hand guns Personality: A complete enigma of a person. Lance, commonly addressed by his last name, is...well, rather quiet. He is a watcher more than an actual people person, always observing things from behind his shades. He himself hardly says anything, but if spoken to, he is always unusually and collected, speaking no more than is necessary to get the point across before falling silent once again. Some people find his very presence down right unsettling. History: Who Lance is or what the hell he did before Eden is a complete mystery... even the government itself probably wouldn't be able to figure out where he came from if they cared enough right now to look into such matters. Enigma or not though, he was chosen for the mission because of the amazing things he can do when given a handgun. Appearance: Stands at 5"9. weighs (At best estimate) somewhere between 60 and 75 Kg (132 Lbs and 165 Lbs.). Lance has black hair, and is a rather slim man always seen wearing Aviators or some type of darkened lenses, and who is also always spotted with his shoulders swathed in some type of cloth that also covers his mouth and nose before flowing down his back to his ankles. He is known to keep his rather strange shroud and shades on even when wearing an exosuit. what his outfit consist of when not wearing an ES highly varies. His face is defined by sharp features... well, at least, that's what people assume from what they can see of it... His eye color is unknown Character Theme: Reveal hidden contents Additional: Probably the best gun fighter alive on the planet... though his skill does not come solely from things such as training... Ethnicities In the settlement of Esperanza, there is a somewhat diverse ethnic pool in the population. The Ethnicities existing in the city are listed below. They are organized by the Ethnicity first, then by the National Heritages available to it, in the order of left to right according to that heritages prominence. Reveal hidden contents 1. Caucasian National Heritages to choose from: - American, Canadian, British 2. Black/ Afro-American National Heritages to choose from: - American only 3. Japanese National Heritages to choose from: - Native Japanese national, American 4.Hispanic National Heritages to choose from: - Mexican, Puerto Rican, Costa Rican, Brazilian, Honduran 5.Pacific Islander National Heritages to choose from: -American only The standard language in Esperanza is English, however the languages of Japanese and Spanish are also spoken (Though Japanese is only learned by...well, Japanese for the most part. ***** Accepted Players Stats: Total PCs: 9 Number of PCs with certain Classes: Scouts: 2 (Garren Forrest, Katsumi Erdos) Rangers: 1 (Kyahnna) Shock Troopers:1 (Zero Pax) Medics: 1 (Jack Smithson) Snipers: 2 (Catrin Costanza, Whit Venerman) Tanks: 1 (Mauro Gomez) Blast Troopers: 0 Engineers: 1 (Kenshin Amano) Hackers: 1 (Sarah Answell) PCs whose names are in red have been taken over by the host due to the player leaving indefinitely Zero Pax- PC of Exlink Reveal hidden contents On 9/20/2014 at 12:40 AM, EXLink32 said: Name: Zero Pax Age: 22 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Class: Shock Trooper, Support: Ambidextrous Personality: Kind-hearted, thought can seem mean because he loves to be smug. Tends to keep to himself, when he is talking though he becomes charismatic and up beat. Backstory: Zero's father was one of the best shock troopers in the army and was sent to guard the investigators that went into eden. Zero told his father not to go because it would be too dangerous but he didn't listen. When the group came back his father wasn't with them. Soon his mother got infected and died and he was alone for many months. Before his father went into eden he trained under his father and was top in his class. When he heard about the expedition group he begged the commander to allow him to go look for his father or at least finish his job in Eden and he allowed it. He got his dad's spare arsenal of weapons that were black and blue and came with matching clothes. Appearance: He colored his hair a bright cyan color and is medium length. Dark greens eyes with black glasses/contacts. (depends if he's wearing them) wears a blue flannel jacket over a black T-Shirt, also Dark blue jeans. Black and cyan shoes. Additional: When ever someone mentions his father as in he's dead or they know where he is he goes into a rage that increases his power but make him more sloppy. Mauro "Big" Gomes- PC of Notus Reveal hidden contents On 9/20/2014 at 1:46 AM, Notus said: Name: Mauro "Big" Gomes Age: 24 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Hispanic Class: Tank Support Skill: Attention Graber Personality: Loud and funny. Life is a huge playground for Big, and even in critical situations he is able to keep calm and eventually pull a joke or two. Backstory: Big was always extremely curious about everything, and joined the ERC in order to scout expeditions and take a look at the wide world. He was very happy about his life, and was great at his job due to his physical prowess. When the Eden epidemy broke out he was worried, of course, but optimistic as always... Untill one day he came back from an expedition and found that his little sister was took into quarantine, under suspect of having contracted the virus. He volunteered to go beyond Eden as soon as the expedition was launched, and hopes to find the cure quickly and save his sister. Appearance: Mauro has been nicknamed "Big" for a reason. He's 1.90 meter tall, broad of shoulder and muscular like few people. His hair and thick beard are pitch black, his eyes and skin brown, and he always wears a smile on his face. Sarah Answell- PC of Rosesong Reveal hidden contents On 9/23/2014 at 10:19 PM, Rosesong said: Name: Sarah Answell Age: 22 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian (American) /Hispanic (Costa Rican) Class: Hacker Support Skill: N/A Personality: Sarah's mind is in constant motion; she's always thinking about the next objective or analyzing what information has already been given to her. As such, she can sometimes get ahead of herself while talking or miss what others are saying. Sarah can be quite spacey in terms of her own possessions (the good ole "Where's my glasses??"), but is able to focus when she absolutely needs to in order to get the job done. Backstory: Sarah wasn't aware that anything was wrong-- she was a carefree young woman that didn't worry about these sorts of things and hacked into programs because it was fun for her to do. That is, until she woke up one day to find her parents, two of the most well-known DPPK members in the area, gone; the disease had been suspected to have taken hold of them. They had left her a note stating they loved her but that she needed to know that she wasn't their daughter; they had taken her in when she had nowhere to go. Taking her mother's favorite ring to keep with her at all times, Sarah began hacking in earnest to try and find anything about who she had been before, getting past the walls of low-security computers. Instead, she found out about the 'beyond Eden' project and the search for a cure and refocused her attempts; she joined the ERC and is completely dedicated to saving her parents, and finding out who she is. Appearance: Sarah looks extremely lanky at 5'6". She has blonde hair with white highlights that reaches her mid-back, though no one really knows that due to her keeping it in a messy bun all the time, and sapphire blue eyes that stay hidden underneath her glasses. Sarah tends to wear semi-fitted t-shirts over jeans, citing that "Comfort should come first." While preferring not to wear anything cumbersome lest it get in the way of her work, she has her mother's ring on her right finger that she always wears. Her voice has a hard edge to it but still sounds nerdy all the same. Additional: Sarah is bilingual in English and Spanish. Garren Forest- PC of Flux Reveal hidden contents On 9/26/2014 at 11:00 PM, Flux said: Name: Garen ForrestAge: 24Gender: MaleEthnicity: Caucasian (American)Class: ScoutSupport Skill: TrackingPersonality: Somewhat quiet and gruff, but once he has made friends with somebody, he opens up a lot more. He prefers to think logically rather than making rash decisions, and as a Scout, he needs to be doubly sure of himself. He puts the safety of his allies above the mission, finding life to be the most important thing. He is very slow to anger, being a calm man, but when pushed over the line, he explodes into a rage.Backstory: Ever since his childhood, Garen has been obsessed with what information remains of the Earth from so long ago. He dreams of seeing the land that once had flowing waterfalls, hot deserts, lush forests, and vast oceans to see how it would compare to the world he was born into. He wishes to see the animals mentioned in the books he has read, though there is no hope of that for him now. The idea that humans originated somewhere else fascinates him. He considers himself a simple man, wanting little other than to explore the land around him. Garen is a man of nature, as he appreciates the life of the forests and plants around them. He spent his time learning to hunt, fish, trap, and track. Some would say he lives in the past, simplifying his entire lifestyle, wishing to see the old land, and spending all his time around nature. Appearance: Tall and muscular, Garen is the essence of the physical. He keeps his brown hair long, reaching down to his back in a ponytail. He has green eyes and a broad chin, covered in a light stubble. He prefers to wear vests and khaki pants with boots.Additional: Not really. I imagine him as a lumberjack style of man, set in a futuristic world. I thought it would be interesting and fun to RP a man that clashes with his time period, while still synchronizing with the setting. Catrin "Vixen" Costanza- PC of Hukuna Reveal hidden contents On 10/2/2014 at 4:17 AM, Hukuna said: Name: Catrin "Vixen" Costanza Age: 24 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian (British) Class: Sniper Support Skill: Camouflage. Personality: Vixen is primarily a Loner, having gone off to live in the backwoods for most her adult life. She has a strong will and will do most anything to survive if necessary. She doesn't usually look to make friends, but she can get close to people at times. She won't ever abandon a friend unless she knows they are done for. ((so basically.....she would abandon somebody she doesn't like in a heartbeat to save herself. However if you are a good friend, she will at least try to help you out. But we are talking dire situations here.)) She will almost always give people her nickname Vixen, over her real name. She rarely even tells friends her actual name. Backstory: At the age of 18 Vixen went off to make a life of her own. But not in any city or deskjob. No, Vixen was a survivalist. She went out into Wilderness, with only a Sturdy Long Rifle, and a revolver. She went out to test her resolve in all aspects and to live off the land and her own wits. She quickly learned, that to get a meal, it was best one not be seen at all, rather then sneaking up on prey. She would lie in wait for hours sometimes to get meals. She did anything to survive day to day. She would come back to the city every now and again, to get some news, or check up on old friends she hadn't talked to in a while. This is how she ended up hearing about the expedition force force headed into Eden. All Vixen could think about was trying to survive in a whole new place, one she didn't know like the back of her hand. Helping the people effected by the virus was only a sidenote to her as it wasn't what she cared about. In fact she normally wouldn't help, survival of the fittest and all, but she really wanted to get into Eden. She Joined up immediately. Appearence: Electric Blue Hair, is typically wild and messy, she takes care of it, but it has no particular style. Left eye is Brown, while the right is a similar blue to her hair. However, she tends to wear a black face mask, with a black hood and rarely shows her face. She also wears a fitted black suit((not exactly sure how to describe. Hope you get an idea of what I mean.)), as it is a good basis for camouflage in all environments, rather than just one or 2. Carries an old beaten and worn Long Rifle. It is a rather old model, more for Hunting than a military model, however it is modified heavily, having a custom fitted scope. ((Military level scope, she modified the scope rack to accept it.)). She also carries a Six-Shot revolver that is also battered and worn. Additional: Is almost always covered in something head to toe, though will take off her mask during down time or to eat. Can speak a little of all common languages, but isn't a master, knows just enough to get by, but couldn't hold a conversation. Kenshin Amano- PC of Typhlosionrulez Reveal hidden contents On 9/23/2014 at 1:06 PM, typhlosionrulez said: Name: Kenshin Amano Age: 18 Gender:Male Ethnicity: Japanese-American Class: Engineer Support Skill: Drone Operator Personality: Kenshin is a taciturn,an introvert, and calculating young man. he spends most of his time building/improving his inventions rather than interacting with humans. He prefers logical reasoning over rushing into things, Kenshin is overthinker you might say. Backstory: Kenshin was the foster child of two brilliant engineers. He grew up as loner and spends most his time studying and share his parent's passion about machinery rather than playing like normal kids do. in result, Kenshin's knowledge about machinery grew exponentially as he becomes more and more attach to technology, as he becomes more cynical about people. on his 13th birthday, he receives a gift from his parents, a hovering AI drone., which is shape like a ball. Kenshin modified this sphere through the years and added some special features and becomes his trusted companion. at the age of 18, he was intrigue about the events in Eden and decided to join in the ERC for the sake of exploration and in his pursue of knowledge. although Kenshin may lack combat training, he compensates things by his superior engineering skills and his power of observation. well if doesn't convinced you,his customize attack drone and his high powered arc caster on his back will probably change your mind. Appearance: 5'5 in height, squinty eyes due to his Japanese trait, slick black hair, pale skin, wears a formal attire mostly a suit and tie. Additional: He doesn't like to be call short or peepsqueak, or he'll paralyze your ass with his customize Arc caster. He has a pet surveillance drone(an orb) that always orbit around his side. Serving as a scout and as an energy conduit, This drone can redirect lightning attacks and can absorb them as well, it can also amp his Arc caster's chain lightning attacks, create EMPs and can create electromagnetic shield as defense, this orb-like drone is consider as Kenshin's primary weapon and will attack at his command. Kyahnna- PC of King Murdoc Reveal hidden contents On 9/21/2014 at 3:41 AM, King Murdoc said: Name: Kyahnna Age: 19 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Native Japanese/Caucasian (British) Class: Ranger Support Skill: Shield Burst Personality: Brash and almost reckless, Kyahnna's usual approach to an issue to to blast it to bits or use the threat of that particular action to make the issue deal with itself. She takes joy in action and gets impatient when she can't get into any, though she's pretty good at masking this for a while when required. She doesn't think a life lived cautiously is one worth living. Despite all this, she's perfectly capable of working on a detailed plan; she simply prefers direct responses. Backstory: Kyahnna's parents were almost stereotypical members of the upper class; a bit conservative, rather overprotective, and insistent upon their daughter following in their footsteps. However, it was readily apparent from an early age that this lifestyle would fit her about as well as a pair of gym shorts fits a rhinoceros. Kyahnna was constantly pressed into dresses and drilled with lessons in courtesy, along with an expensive education, and she invariably found a way to evade most of her lessons. When the opportunity to join the ranger corps presented itself, she leapt at it, quickly becoming known for her excellent markspanship and her daring in training. Appearance: Her facial features and skin tone are pretty much exactly between her two backgrounds. She has fairly fine, somewhat delicate-looking features that belie her personality. Her hair is also dyed a bright white. She's fairly fit due to her natural propensity for physical exertion. Kyahnna tends toward the short side, coming in at about 5'3". Additional: She has an educated-sounding English accent. She's also a big fan of rushing recklessly into situations, but she's not stupid, just incredibly impatient. She's a crack shot and specializes in laser rifles with a pistol as her sidearm. imma finish this later dw Jack Smithson- PC of K_H Reveal hidden contents On 10/9/2014 at 1:20 AM, K_H said: It's a bit of a Last-Minute Decision, but i've decided i'll try this out. Name: Jack "Tallboy" Smithson Age: 18 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Causcausian (American) Class: Medic Support: Stealth Personality: Kind of shy, but is somewhat flexible in his Plans. Prefers to get in a situation only if it is required, but is willing and eager to lend a hand to his comrades. Backstory: Jack comes from an Upper-Middle-Class family. Jack's father was one of the better Medics that went into Eden, and Jack was curious as to why his father hasn't returned yet, so he decided to try to get into Eden by joining the Armed Forces, following in the footsteps of his Father. His mother helped him out in his studies, helping him to be above average in his classes. Appearance: tall, Short Brown hair, Blue eyes, fair-skinned, semi-lean build, firm jawline, semi-bushy eyebrows, and a small mustache. Additional: He's called "Tallboy" for a reason! (He's just under six feet tall.) Katsumi Erdos- PC of Snap Crackle Pop Reveal hidden contents On 9/30/2014 at 1:55 AM, Snap Crackle Pop said: Name: Katsumi Erdos Age: 20 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Japanese (American)/ Caucasian (Canadian) Class: Scout Support Skill: Tracking Personality: Katsumi is a very upbeat individual and is generally very cheery and optimistic. She's generally very good to be with, but may annoy some people due to her argumentative streak and she really loves to play the devil's advocate. Being pretty creative she thinks quickly on her feet but she can seem a bit arrogant. Loving efficiency and having a tendency to generalize, Katsumi may be a bit quick to judge a person. If she has to repeat herself, she can get a bit snippy, but she’s generally calm and doesn’t take many things personally. She also has some ADHD, so she notices a lot of things but she has difficulty focusing, particularly if she is not interested .She wears a spinner ring on her left ring finger that she uses quite often due to her inability to sit still for too long. She joined the ERC mainly because she’s very adventurous and has always been curious of the whole world of Esperanza. She also has a very deep desire to help people and would willingly give her life up for a good cause. Backstory: Katsumi has lived a generally plain life, her parents were both middle class and she had never really had much hardship. She was, from a young age, always fixated with joining the ERC, and she did just that as soon as she came of age to do so. With the outbreak of the virus, she lost her father and some of her good friends. Even without the virus hitting per personally, Katsumi was devastated by the death and destruction it brought forth; she became resolved do as much as she could to try to find the solution. And so she joined the expedition. Appearance: Kind of short and small, but also well-toned, seeing at how she had joined the Esperanza Ranger Core. She has a very distinctive face, being a mix of both Japanese and Caucasian features, distinctive, but in a good way, one could say. Her hair is raven black, cut short and barely jaw length with some shorter and some longer strands, it normally looks like it hasn’t been combed given the texture. Both of her eyes are brown, but one is a lighter hazel-y shade and the other is a dark reddish brown. Additional: She's fluent in both English and Japanese, but she has a preference for English. Whit Venerman- PC of Dobby Reveal hidden contents On 10/28/2014 at 10:31 PM, A Happy Elf said: Name: Whit Venerman Age: 22 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Class: Sniper Support Skill: Stealth Personality: Practical, calm and emotionless is how he seems to most. Whit is a man who believes in a poker faces use, and will only drop his for a select few. This is because he always maintains a distance from events, emotionally and physically, thus his choice in Class. That said, he isn’t heartless. He also has a severe weakness for women personally, though this doesn’t affect his performance., Backstory: Raised by his father alone, a minor official in the Ministry of Defense, he grew up as normally as one could in Esperanza, going through all the teenage dramas and such whilst working for the good of the colony. It was during these teenage years that he decided keeping a distance is better than getting personally involved. Due to his fathers posiition, he was used to some mmilitary lifestyle and had access to some spare weapons to practice with. He took a liking to the sniper rifle and worked with it, eventually coming to have a considerble degree of skill and coming to be where he is now. Appearance: 5”4, with short, cropped brown hair. He has no distinctive features except for a simple silver band he inherited from his dead mother He has forgettable features that are often arranged into a flat, unexpressive face. Additional: As mentioned earlier, he can’t handle women well, partly due to his experiences as a teen, and also the fact that there was no women in the household.. Furthermore, he hasn’t experienced much life outside of the military or the Upper City, so may be somewhat ignorant of some of Esperanzas society. Sign-up sheets Name: Age: (Must be between 18 and 24) Gender: Ethnicity: you are free to mix and match any two available. Class: what job class are they? Support Skill: If their selected class has more than one support skill, which do you want your character to have? Personality: Give an in depth description of your character's persona and general mind set. Backstory: Include a history of your Character's life before being selected to venture beyond Eden. (you all don't have the proper information for a back story yet, but I'm working on it.) Appearance: Give an in depth description of what they look like. Additional: Anything else that should be known about this person? The Power of Music Main theme of this RP Reveal hidden contents Soundtrack for beyond the Gates of Eden Reveal hidden contents "Garden of Bliss"- theme of Eden Reveal hidden contents INDEX OF CHAPTERS: Part 1: The Gates Chapter 1- Into the Unknown Chapter 2- The Complex Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 19, 2014 Author Share Posted September 19, 2014 ESPERANZA In this post, all information regarding the settlement of Esperanza will be put up. The History of the City of Esperanza Reveal hidden contents January 22, 2421: On Earth,The International Star Project has reached full fruition, all seven of the agreed upon Generation Arks have been completed and are ready to be occupied and sent on their voyage. February 20, 2421: The Arks have been occupied. "The Exodus" occurs as all members of ISP authorize the ships launch that very day. as per the ISP charter, no country has sent it's nation's constitution with the colonist, but have all sent copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the hope that Humanity will truly be able to begin anew, and without having to ever repeat some of the mistakes it made on earth. August 27, 2428: The earth has reached it's calculated limit for how long it's resources can last. With the environment having been completely desecrated and the world thrown into complete shambles following the dissolution of ISP after the completion of it's goal. Humanity's last days on the planet are filled with violence and warfare over the scarce natural resources remaining. It is not long before the remaining populace on the planet begin to die off in swaths from war and starvation and natural disasters. January 1, 2430: It is the Dawn of a new year. For the first time in many decades, it is snowing. No humans are left alive on Earth. Now, the Generation Arks launched nine years ago truly hold the keys to Mankind's future. For the next 2500 years, they will drift through space, slowly but surely speeding towards a new star system and planet to call home, Each generation passing down it's solemn mission to the next as the populace increases at a strictly monitored and regulated pace. there is no communication possible between those on-board the different Arks. December 13, 4921: At 4:58 AM, Star Standard Time, a habital world is detected by the instruments onboard the US Generation Ark. It has been nearly two and a half millennia since The Exodus occured, yet only Fifty years have passed inside the ship due to the relativistic effects of near light speed travel. The Co-Captain, Clemont A. Johnson, immediately uses the ships scientific instruments to scan the Planet's atmosphere. When results return as being perfect for human habitation, he immediately wakes Captain Fedrick C. Johnson, his grand father. The ships course is immediately adjusted to enter just beyond the Planets gravity. December 25, 4921: The Colonist onboard Generation Ark 07-US have received the best Christmas present anyone could ever hope for... a new world to call home. The Ship's engines are shut off as it draws closer to the planet, and gradually it begins to slow to a halt just above the atmosphere. Scout ships are sent out to take recon of the surface, and they report an abundance of forest on the globe, as well as deserts and jungles with an abundance of liquid fresh water and streams and rivers. One scout ship even reports having found a liquid ocean, but all communication with the crew is lost before the transmission can be completed. That aside, however, everyone is ecstatic about their fortune. December 26, 4921: Captain Fedrick C. Johnson, age 87, disembarks from Generation Ark 07-US and descends with a foundation party to the planet's surface. They land atop a small plateau in the middle of the vast forest, and decide that it is here they will establish their colony. On the Captains orders, a team of architects and environmental experts begin to draft up construction plans for the settlement. December 30, 4921: Construction of the settlement has began. the Drone that formerly were used for maintaining the exterior of the ship are now re-purposed for terrestrial construction work. Reconnaissance continues, and several Exo-Biologist have been sent into the surrounding forest area to observe the planet's ecosystem. It is found that, surprisingly, the planet's ecosystem has many species either identical to or similar to those found on earth prior to the environment's destruction. May 23, 4922: The Settlement's construction is complete. The Colonist begin to transfer down from the ship, which has remained in the planets orbit, and down to the surface in scheduled shifts. July 1, 4922: The transfer is complete. All colonist have been successfully implanted into the settlement. A constitution is drafted for the town, the name Ezperanza is bestowed after a much heated debate. The Ministry council is established, and the Ministers of Science, Commerce, Demographics, Defense, Exploration, and Environment are chosen from a pool of volunteers experienced in their relevant fields. The Planet is given an official name, an anagram of "America" it is called: "Reamica" Esperanza... has risen. December 2, 4922: Captain Fredrick C. Johnson dies of natural causes. as many held him as the founding figure of the colony, a public funeral is held in the Town Hall. a memorial is erected outside the capital building in his honor. ~ Over the next one hundred years, the Settlement of Esperanza grows from a small town of barely 23,456 inhabitants, to a small city of just over 69,878 inhabitants. Many lands are explored, and is discovered that there are more biomes on the world than just desert and forest and jungle. Far to the west, a large mountain range is discovered in the year 4967. beyond that, it is unknown, as the original exploration team was not equip to cross the range, and another one has yet to be approved to return for further recon, however it is theorized by the gradual loss of forest density as one moves towards the range that some type of grassland exists beyond... another key discovery comes long after it... one that will threaten Esperanza like it has never been before.~ April 14, 5021: At 5:38 PM, Reamica time, Ruins are discovered far to the south of Esperanza. Word is sent back, and authorization to enter is given. What Expeditionist find beyond... is amazing. A lush and beautiful garden, inhabited by countless non predatory species of animal found on earth, and some completely alien. Exo-Biologist have an absolute field day. The Garden is soon named "Eden". April 30, 5021: Two huge doors are discovered in Eden. They are not operable, despite the attempts of engineers to find the mechanism to do so. The search begins. June 2, 5021: The mechanism is finally found. the doors slowly grind open, revealing something unexpected beyond; an area made of metal with machinery silently humming. strange computer banks are scattered throughout the room, along with various, alien canisters on the floor. The Ministry of Exploration gives authorization to go within. Disaster soon strikes thereafter, though no one knows until several nights later... June 5, 5021: Professor Matthew Glipsby has just returned from the site of the Ruins. And that night, he dies mysteriously in the Esperanza Medical ward, after having been admitted following his complaining of severe headache, nausea, and chest pain along with the development of a blood laced cough. An autopsy reveals that the blood vessels in his lungs had burst, resulting in massive internal bleeding; the man had literally drowned in his own blood. something else is also discovered... an unknown microbe... a Virus strain. a full report is filed immediately, and the other scientist who reutrned with Glipsby are detained and taken into medical custody. over the next two days, all six die identically to Glipsby. a full investigation is launched. June 7, 5021: It is determined after several scientist still at the ruins site die that the pathogen originated from there. several individuals who had contact with the returning scientist two days prior begin to fall ill, as do several of those who had physical interaction with them. The Ministry Council establishes full quarantine in hopes of stopping the spread from getting any further, but they are too late. Over the next two months, the Virus, designated as "The Scourge of Eden" tears through the settlement. It can be contained to a certain degree, but the city is in dire need of a cure. The spread can not be stopped. the number of those dead rises by the day. soon, over twenty thousand have perished, over a third of the population... September 12, 5021: enough. this can not continue. The Ministry council is left no choice. The best individuals in the Esperanza ranger core are chosen, along with several scientist, and are breifed on their mission; the enter beyond the doors of Eden, and uncover the cure to this plague if it exist. at 6:00 AM, they are loaded onto a Wayflier... and flown out to the objective location. The fight has begun. your fight has begun. Onto you, the future is entrusted now. Do not fail. The Ministry Council Esperanza has been governed by the Ministry Council since it's founding, and it is responsible for all matters regarding the settlement and it's affairs. There are Six Ministries which make up the Government of Esperanza, each of them is responsible for a different field. Meetings of the council are held on a regularly scheduled basis, unless an emergency session needs to be called. The Council is lead by an elected official known as the Prime Minister. the different ministries tend to work together in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency. The Ministry of Defense Reveal hidden contents Current Minister: Charles E. Gilbs The MoD is responsible for all security and defense matters in Esperanza. They operate and finance the Public Peace Keeping force, as well as the Esperanza Ranger Core, which serves as the closest thing the Settlement has to a military. They are also the Ministry tasked with Criminal Justice and the management of the Esperanza Prosecutive Court System, along with the operation and funding of Detainment centers (a nicer word for Jails, basically) in the city. Organizations and Agencies: The Esperanza Ranger Core (ERC) - The Closest thing that Esperanza has to a Military force, the ERC is assembled on a volunteer basis, and serves as the Exterior security force of the City, guarding the perimeter and patrolling outlying areas, as well as being dispatched on missions beyond the settlements borders, such as to guard Expedition teams or investigate certain sites. Though it is technically named for the original Soldier type that it trained, it has since expanded it's training regiment to prepare a variety of combat specialties. The Department of Public Peace Keeping (the DPPK) - The Internal Security force of Esperanza, where areas the ERC is responsible for the perimeter and outside territories, the DPPK is responsible for keeping the streets safe and upholding the laws passed by the Ministry Council. They are the equivalent of Police. The Department of Criminal Justice (the DCJ) - This DCJ is responsible for the handling of Criminal Cases within the Esperanza Court systems, as well as the Funding and Operation of all of the Criminal Detainment Facilities in Esperanza. They are also responsible for the rehabilitation and parole of Convicts... along with handling Capitol Punishment or Exile if necessary The Ministry of Commerce Reveal hidden contents Current Minister: Mark A. Goldberg The MoC is responsible for all Financial and Economic matters in Esperanza. They operate and manage all of the banks within the city, as well as the Currency Mint and the Government Vaults. They are responsible for coordinating with the Department of Demographics in order to monitor the wealth gap and ensure it does not grow too large or small, but rather remains balanced enough to facilitate legitimate competition within the financial markets. It also handles the drafting and funding of the Government budget each year, with input from the other Ministries. The Ministry of Science Reveal hidden contents coming soon The Ministry of Exploration Reveal hidden contents coming soon The Ministry of Environment Reveal hidden contents coming soon The Ministry of Demographics Reveal hidden contents coming soon The Upper and Lower City Esperanza is split into two sections, known as the Upper and Lower city. The Upper city consist of the original site of the settlement, atop the Forest Plateau on which Johnson and the Foundation team landed one hundred years ago. The Lower City consist of the rest of the settlement which expanded outward from the plateau in the century following the colony's establishment. While there is no real wealth gap in between the two sectors worth mentioning since Cash flow of individuals is monitored very closely in Esperanza, it should be noted that the more elite of society tend to occupy the upper city, those with careers in government and scientific pursuit, as well as many of the civil servants of the city, and many crucial buildings and infrastructure is located here. The Lower City serves to house the rest of the populace and the majority of the businesses within the settlement, and is where the majority of the population density resides. The Upper City Reveal hidden contents The Original site of Esperanza, Naturally fortified, the Upper city is positioned safely on the high reaches of the small plateau on which Captain Johnson and his men landed. Many key buildings, such as the Capital Building, along with several pieces of key infrastructure are located here. Here lives the Affluent and Social Elites of the Esperanzan people. Notable Buildings located here: The Capitol Building - The First building erected during the Settlement's founding, The Capitol building is a sleek, marble and glass edifice which has towered above the city since Time immemorial. It is here that the Ministry Council Conducts it's meetings. While from it's appearance outwardly, it seems to be an office building reminiscent of thousands of years ago on Pre-Exodus Earth, The majority of the building is actually allotted to storage space for vital and emergency supplies for the city, including a host of stored crop seeds, frozen embryos of multiple livestock species, and many other items. On the top floor lies the Ministry meeting chambers. Do not let it's mostly glass construction fool you, if push comes to shove, this place has been engineered to withstand Armageddon itself with all it's stored contents intact and unharmed. The Bureau of Defense - The Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense. It's rather hard to miss given the fact that it's the jet black dome structure with countless windows and solar panel arrays ringing it's upper levels. Even though it's outward appearance does not exactly suggest as much, it is fully equip to withstand an attack of any type, including from the air and guerrilla styled warfare. It's outer Edifice is made of Classified, highly durable alloy, along with a base of structurally enhanced black marble, rendering the exterior walls impervious to gun and even mortar fire. Beneath the building lies the majority of the Settlement's major weaponry and military equipment, as well as four fully functional Armories for both the ERC and the DPPK. Further in underneath these facilities, are two massive back-up generators which each could power the entire city on their own if needed. The building is powered entirely by the solar array on it's roof during times of peace, but transitions to a small, separate backup generator in the center of the building during times of crisis when these Panels could be destroyed or render inoperable. In addition, a number of Classified defense systems are rigged all throughout the exterior, each equip with an AI capable of detecting whether discharging the weapons are necessary. Push come to shove, if all hell ever breaks lose in Esperanza, this is definitely where you would want to go. Because who ever is after you will most certainly die if they don't give up right then and there. The Bureau of Commerce - The Headquarters of the Ministry of Commerce. It is wrought of pure white marble, and is a large, octagonal building with several entrances along it's eight outer walls. The upper levels of the building house the actual MoC offices, while at the subterranean levels, the Esperanzan mint is located, far below the building, as well as the Settlements vaults, which are filled with currency along with precious metals such as gold and silver... and, rumor has it, even a hoard of Precious gems. But don't even think about it... this place is located just across the street from the Bureau of Defense, and is actually within full range of the weapon systems installed on it's edifice. Try to rob it, and if you miraculously survive the extremely tight security beneath the building, you'll get to be arrested as soon as you make your get away and charged with High Treason! Yay, what fun! or if you aren't that lucky, then you'll just be blown to bits by the automated weapon systems on the BoD. The Bureau of Science and Advancement - The Headquarters of the Ministry of Science. Constructed completely of glass and steel, it's exterior is completely covered in Windows and glass panels and like the Capitol Building, resembles an Ancient Sky Scrapper, albeit one with a twisted build, reaching up towards the heavens like a braided rope of glass and metal. The spike, it is often called. The above ground levels house the actual offices of the Ministry, while beneath it expands a massive subterranean Laboratory complex deep into the earth, spreading out all underneath the city. It is here that all major Scientific Research commissioned by the Government is conducted. Not even the Prime Minister himself knows exactly what goes on down there. The Bureau of Exploration - The Headquarters of the Ministry of Exploration. Constructed of glass and steel, just as the Bureau of Science and Advancement, unlike them though, the building consists of two massive, twin towers connected by a ground floor level and several walkways spanning in between the heights. All data gathered from expeditions is stored on the computers housed in this building's systems. In addition there is an underground Garage housing all types of Exploration gear and equipment beneath the building, with entrances and exits leading out of the city and deep into the vast forest beyond. The Environmental Bureau - Headquarters for the Ministry of Environment. It's architecture is designed to use soft, natural shapes in the building's construction, mainly arches and domes, coupled with a few angles here and there. The building is multi tiered with twenty floors total, with several roof top gardens and atriums interspersed within. It is here that all data pertaining directly to the state of the environment is monitored and stored for future examination. The Bureau of Demographics -A building resembling a City Hall of sorts, Headquarters for the Ministry of Demographics. Unlike the other bureau buildings, however, this is not just one single building, but is rather a whole complex of them nestled in the corner of the Upper City. It is here that all public records are stored in massive databases, along with information pertaining to the public education system and much, much more to do with society. Also houses a complete record of the Settlement's history. The Middle City Reveal hidden contents -Info Coming Soon- The Lower City Reveal hidden contents ~Info Coming Soon~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 19, 2014 Author Share Posted September 19, 2014 "YOUR GEAR AND YOU: A SOLDIER'S GUIDE TO EQUIPMENT" Laser Weaponry Reveal hidden contents Lasers are generated by stimulating a "gain medium"; this substance was charged with electricity, radiation or even by chemical reaction so as to release energy in the form of photons. The gain medium can come in the form of a solid (often a crystal), liquid or gas. The "gain medium," when charged, sees the rapid excitement of its constituent atoms. These atoms would experience increases in electron energy levels. Said electrons, seeking equilibrium, then released photons, or packets of electromagnetic radiation, so as to self-stabilize. The produced radiation, reflected and amplified by the Optical Cavity, could then be released as a high-powered and potentially destructive beam of coherent radiation. The output coupler was responsible for the release of the beam from the optical cavity. ^This above description is stolen straight from Wookiepedia... because I can't think of a better way to explain it myself. So... basically here's how Laser Rifles work: The Trigger is depressed by the operator, sending a signal to the Component within the rifle responsible for electricity generation. This Component, which utilizes a powerful Magnetic Rotation system to generate power, then activates immediately after. The Electricity created by it is then channeled into the "Gain Medium" of the Rifle, which in Standard issue ones (Which is what everyone who is a ranger will have) are a Special type of Crystal mined from beneath Esperanza. The Gain Medium, having been stimulated by the Electricity, generates the Radiation (Photons in this case) that will be discharged for the shot. These Photons then project into the Optical Cavity. Inside the Optical Cavity, the photons are reflected and amplified to the point of destructive power. Once Amplified, this Beam of Coherent and destructive Radiation is released in the form of a "Laser" from the Output Coupler at the end of the Rifle's barrel. There are two modes on ERC Standard Issue Laser Rifles; Burst and Sweep. Burst mode, as it's name implies, fires a Single Laser bolt which burns through the target on contact, and can potentially explode if it collides with highly flammable material or substances. It Consumes little power and as such does not cause fast Overheating of the Power Unit in the Rifle. Sweep mode, unlike Burst mode, fires one, continuous Laser Beam which as the name implies, can then be used to sweep targets and burn through them (Think of it as a very long range Laser Cutter basically). Sweep mode causes significantly more destruction to targets than Burst mode does for obvious reasons, but unlike Burst mode, it also takes up copious amounts of electricity in order to sustain it, and as such can easily cause the Power Unit of the Rifle to overheat after several seconds of using this mode. How one cycles between Burst and Sweep on a Standard issue rifle is by flicking the switch just above the Trigger Guard between either "B" for Burst and "S" for Sweep. Switching this switch exchanges which lenses are used in the Output Coupler, which ultimately determines which form the beam generated will take. Laser Rifles are single shot only while on Burst mode; they are not currently capable of full or even semi auto-automatic fire (though the government is working to try to change that...). They almost never overheat while in Burst Mode, but are guaranteed to on Sweep mode. when a LR's power unit overheats, it will require at least 5 minutes to cool, and is rendered completely unusable the entire cool down period. The reason they do not overheat during Burst mode is because the Power Unit generates the electricity and then shuts back down a moment afterwards; while in Sweep mode, the Power Unit must be keep active the entire time the beam is maintained. Laser Rifles are far more accurate and have a far longer range than Guns do, as they are not affected by variables in the environment such as wind direction and speed and humidity. There shots travel in straight lines, and do not at all curve as bullet trajectories do. The only thing determining whether a shot hit's it's intended mark or not depends on how well the shooter can aim and whether or not the shot is reflected by something. (Yes, bullets actually curve, folks. Looks can be pretty deceiving, right?) The only reason Guns are even still around is because of the LRs lack of Semi and Full Auto Fire capabilities. The processes taking place within a LR take less than half a second at the very most. additionally, Lasers fired from LRs require a special type of mirror/ reflective surface in order to be deflected. Exo-Suits Reveal hidden contents ^Standard Issue Exo Suit of the ESF BEYOND THE GATES OF EDEN Here, all information regarding the world beyond Eden will be posted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 19, 2014 Author Share Posted September 19, 2014 THE WORLD OF REAMICA here, all information regarding the world and geography of Reamica as a whole will be posted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 (edited) Name: Zero Pax Age: 22 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Class: Shock Trooper, Support: Ambidextrous Personality: Kind-hearted, thought can seem mean because he loves to be smug. Tends to keep to himself, when he is talking though he becomes charismatic and up beat. Backstory: Zero's father was one of the best shock troopers in the army and was sent to guard the investigators that went into eden. Zero told his father not to go because it would be too dangerous but he didn't listen. When the group came back his father wasn't with them. Soon his mother got infected and died and he was alone for many months. Before his father went into eden he trained under his father and was top in his class. When he heard about the expedition group he begged the commander to allow him to go look for his father or at least finish his job in Eden and he allowed it. He got his dad's spare arsenal of weapons that were black and blue and came with matching clothes. Appearance: He colored his hair a bright cyan color and is medium length. Dark greens eyes with black glasses/contacts. (depends if he's wearing them) wears a blue flannel jacket over a black T-Shirt, also Dark blue jeans. Black and cyan shoes. Additional: When ever someone mentions his father as in he's dead or they know where he is he goes into a rage that increases his power but make him more sloppy. Edited September 21, 2014 by EXLink32 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Bagel Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 Name: Kal Vasher age:23 class:engineer ethnicity:Hispanic personality:Solemn,silent and cold. He doesn't want to bother people with his problems. Only when challenged by a serious problem does a more capable personality show. Usually not good at working with groups other than with close friends.When his mind is set on something he is known to be very reliable. Back story: (want to create after some others so i can get a general feel of the story) Apearance: Medium-long black curly hair, greasy and often covers his eyes. Dark brown eyes and wears an over sized black sweater, worn brown pants and old work boots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 (edited) Name: Mauro "Big" Gomes Age: 24 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Hispanic Class: Tank Support Skill: Attention Graber Personality: Loud and funny. Life is a huge playground for Big, and even in critical situations he is able to keep calm and eventually pull a joke or two. Backstory: Big was always extremely curious about everything, and joined the ERC in order to scout expeditions and take a look at the wide world. He was very happy about his life, and was great at his job due to his physical prowess. When the Eden epidemy broke out he was worried, of course, but optimistic as always... Untill one day he came back from an expedition and found that his little sister was took into quarantine, under suspect of having contracted the virus. He volunteered to go beyond Eden as soon as the expedition was launched, and hopes to find the cure quickly and save his sister. Appearance: Mauro has been nicknamed "Big" for a reason. He's 1.90 meter tall, broad of shoulder and muscular like few people. His hair and thick beard are pitch black, his eyes and skin brown, and he always wears a smile on his face. Edited September 22, 2014 by Notus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 wow... and here I was under the impression that must people around here could actually read. oh whatever... you guys can just edit in the back-story once I get the info up tomorrow... but just to make it known, the reason I said to wait for me to say you could begin submissions is because you all don't have any information on Esperanza yet... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN!!! @Sir_Bagel Looks alright so far. You'll be accepted as soon as you get a back-story up. Also, you need to specify which support skill Kal has since the Engineer class has two to choose from. @Exlink Same thing for you, get up a backstory and you'll be accepted. and also, you need to specify which support skill Zero will have. Hopefully some more people who said they were interested before will begin showing up... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted September 21, 2014 Share Posted September 21, 2014 OK I updated it, if there's anything i need to tweak tell me <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted September 21, 2014 Share Posted September 21, 2014 Name: Kyahnna Age: 19 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Native Japanese/Caucasian (British) Class: Ranger Support Skill: Shield Burst Personality: Brash and almost reckless, Kyahnna's usual approach to an issue to to blast it to bits or use the threat of that particular action to make the issue deal with itself. She takes joy in action and gets impatient when she can't get into any, though she's pretty good at masking this for a while when required. She doesn't think a life lived cautiously is one worth living. Despite all this, she's perfectly capable of working on a detailed plan; she simply prefers direct responses. Backstory: Kyahnna's parents were almost stereotypical members of the upper class; a bit conservative, rather overprotective, and insistent upon their daughter following in their footsteps. However, it was readily apparent from an early age that this lifestyle would fit her about as well as a pair of gym shorts fits a rhinoceros. Kyahnna was constantly pressed into dresses and drilled with lessons in courtesy, along with an expensive education, and she invariably found a way to evade most of her lessons. When the opportunity to join the ranger corps presented itself, she leapt at it, quickly becoming known for her excellent markspanship and her daring in training. Appearance: Her facial features and skin tone are pretty much exactly between her two backgrounds. She has fairly fine, somewhat delicate-looking features that belie her personality. Her hair is also dyed a bright white. She's fairly fit due to her natural propensity for physical exertion. Kyahnna tends toward the short side, coming in at about 5'3". Additional: She has an educated-sounding English accent. She's also a big fan of rushing recklessly into situations, but she's not stupid, just incredibly impatient. She's a crack shot and specializes in laser rifles with a pistol as her sidearm. imma finish this later dw Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted September 21, 2014 Share Posted September 21, 2014 So, do we have to pick from the classes, or can we mix-and-match skills? I like shock trooper, but would prefer acrobatics over hand-to-hand. I'm assuming that's not possible though? Also, are we limited to the weapons listed on a class, or is there some "wiggle room?" For example, using a broadsword or something on a melee class rather than a staff? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 21, 2014 Author Share Posted September 21, 2014 On 9/21/2014 at 3:47 PM, Flux said: So, do we have to pick from the classes, or can we mix-and-match skills? I like shock trooper, but would prefer acrobatics over hand-to-hand. I'm assuming that's not possible though? Also, are we limited to the weapons listed on a class, or is there some "wiggle room?" For example, using a broadsword or something on a melee class rather than a staff? No Mixing and Matching skills, I'm afraid. while that was how I was gonna have it in the beginning, I eventually came to realize early on while developing this that it would most likely devolve into a complete mess from everyone trying to go after what they thought of as the "Best or Coolest" skills. So yes, You are strictly limited to the skills alloted to the specific class you choose. This way, Everyone can feel like they at least have some role on the team, bring something to the table that only they can. so if you choose Shock Trooper, you're gonna have to settle for the skills it has, so no, Acrobatics on a Shock Trooper is not possible. This is also because I set up the classes to each have certain strengths and weaknesses in a fight. As for weapons, yes, for the most part you are limited to the weapons listed. But I don't really see how this can be an issue seeing as how I already gave the Shock Trooper class a bladed weapon to use. (The tonfa blades are configured so that the handle can be moved from a 90 degree angle to 180, making a straight hilt that it can be held normally by.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted September 22, 2014 Share Posted September 22, 2014 I'm still working on a character for this. Hopefully I get it finished tomorrow since the rest of the week I'm going to be pretty busy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 22, 2014 Author Share Posted September 22, 2014 Alright... and sorry bout how slow things are going right now guys... shouldn't be too long till I have all the details for Esperanza up for you. after that you'll have all you need for a good backstory. (You can submit a signup now and just choose to edit in the back story later if you want...or you can wait like some of you are already. It's your choice) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted September 22, 2014 Share Posted September 22, 2014 Edited the first post, character ready! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 (edited) Name: Kenshin Amano Age: 18 Gender:Male Ethnicity: Japanese-American Class: Engineer Support Skill: Drone Operator Personality: Kenshin is a taciturn,an introvert, and calculating young man. he spends most of his time building/improving his inventions rather than interacting with humans. He prefers logical reasoning over rushing into things, Kenshin is overthinker you might say. Backstory: Kenshin was the foster child of two brilliant engineers. He grew up as loner and spends most his time studying and share his parent's passion about machinery rather than playing like normal kids do. in result, Kenshin's knowledge about machinery grew exponentially as he becomes more and more attach to technology, as he becomes more cynical about people. on his 13th birthday, he receives a gift from his parents, a hovering AI drone., which is shape like a ball. Kenshin modified this sphere through the years and added some special features and becomes his trusted companion. at the age of 18, he was intrigue about the events in Eden and decided to join in the ERC for the sake of exploration and in his pursue of knowledge. although Kenshin may lack combat training, he compensates things by his superior engineering skills and his power of observation. well if doesn't convinced you,his customize attack drone and his high powered arc caster on his back will probably change your mind. Appearance: 5'5 in height, squinty eyes due to his Japanese trait, slick black hair, pale skin, wears a formal attire mostly a suit and tie. Additional: He doesn't like to be call short or peepsqueak, or he'll paralyze your ass with his customize Arc caster. He has a pet surveillance drone(an orb) that always orbit around his side. Serving as a scout and as an energy conduit, This drone can redirect lightning attacks and can absorb them as well, it can also amp his Arc caster's chain lightning attacks, create EMPs and can create electromagnetic shield as defense, this orb-like drone is consider as Kenshin's primary weapon and will attack at his command. Edited October 2, 2014 by typhlosionrulez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 Typh, if you take a look at the chronologic details, you'll see it's impossible for the char to have lived on Earth. There's probably no Earth born people alive in Esperanza at the current point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 23, 2014 Author Share Posted September 23, 2014 There aren't. There were some when the colonist first set foot on the planet, but anyone with actual direct hailing from Earth has long since all died. You have to remember, biologically speaking, it's been 150 years or so between the time that the Founding Generation embarked, and the beginning of the story. (It's 2500 years chronologically) The Nationalities listed under the Ethnicities tab really doesn't mean a whole lot in the current era of esperanza, but they did back when things were first getting started. they eventually got over their issues and stopped caring whose ancestors came from which country that was on a planet trillions of miles away and was destroyed before they were even born. Very few individuals still actually care about National Heritage beyond it's historic value in the history of man. so yeah, Back Story is gonna need work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 i'll finish mine in the next few days Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rosesong Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 Name: Sarah Answell Age: 22 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian (American) /Hispanic (Costa Rican) Class: Hacker Support Skill: N/A Personality: Sarah's mind is in constant motion; she's always thinking about the next objective or analyzing what information has already been given to her. As such, she can sometimes get ahead of herself while talking or miss what others are saying. Sarah can be quite spacey in terms of her own possessions (the good ole "Where's my glasses??"), but is able to focus when she absolutely needs to in order to get the job done. Backstory: Sarah wasn't aware that anything was wrong-- she was a carefree young woman that didn't worry about these sorts of things and hacked into programs because it was fun for her to do. That is, until she woke up one day to find her parents, two of the most well-known DPPK members in the area, gone; the disease had been suspected to have taken hold of them. They had left her a note stating they loved her but that she needed to know that she wasn't their daughter; they had taken her in when she had nowhere to go. Taking her mother's favorite ring to keep with her at all times, Sarah began hacking in earnest to try and find anything about who she had been before, getting past the walls of low-security computers. Instead, she found out about the 'beyond Eden' project and the search for a cure and refocused her attempts; she joined the ERC and is completely dedicated to saving her parents, and finding out who she is. Appearance: Sarah looks extremely lanky at 5'6". She has blonde hair with white highlights that reaches her mid-back, though no one really knows that due to her keeping it in a messy bun all the time, and sapphire blue eyes that stay hidden underneath her glasses. Sarah tends to wear semi-fitted t-shirts over jeans, citing that "Comfort should come first." While preferring not to wear anything cumbersome lest it get in the way of her work, she has her mother's ring on her right finger that she always wears. Her voice has a hard edge to it but still sounds nerdy all the same. Additional: Sarah is bilingual in English and Spanish. Err, I think I'm done... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted September 23, 2014 Author Share Posted September 23, 2014 ^Accepted, Rose. Alright, here's the list of all Currently accepted Characters: Sarah Answell- Rosesong Zero Pax- Exlink Mauro "Big" Gomes- Notus Here are the Characters still in progress/ needs editing Kal Vasher- Sir_Bagel Kyahnna- Murdoc Kenshin Amano- Typhlosion (needs editing) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snap Crackle Pop Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 I'm fixing up a character who will soon be in~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted September 24, 2014 Share Posted September 24, 2014 Hey, much peoplez already, nice! (And Ethic, just to correct a thingy, name's Mauro) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted September 25, 2014 Share Posted September 25, 2014 I'll be putting a character up at some point, just haven't gotten around to it yet. As you may or may not have noticed, I've been absent on the forums the past few days... Hopefully I can get back into the flow of things sometime soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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