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Hello, and Welcome to Exodus: Beyond Eden. this is the OCC/ Sign up thread.



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What? thought this was just gonna be lawlessness and chaos? then think again, my friend.

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Index of Exclusive Class Skills

This is the index of skills is for the exclusive job classes that Only NPCs in the story and Major Characters will have. Think of them as kinda like unobtainable classes like in a Strategy RPG. refer to the Index directly below this one to see Skills or the classes available to players.

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Index of Regular Class Skills

We will be using Classes in this RP. each class will have three skills total, one Primary, which serves as the Classes main purpose, one secondary, which helps during fighting/ while around enemies, and one support skill, which...well, offers support. some classes will have multiple support skills, in this case, you are allowed to choose which one you want for your character.

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Yes, we use Job Classes here... but it's different from what you might think.

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How Shields Work

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Major Characters

Gen Stone

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Leewald (Lee) Stone

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Jace M. Bane

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Lance Quiet

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In the settlement of Esperanza, there is a somewhat diverse ethnic pool in the population. The Ethnicities existing in the city are listed below. They are organized by the Ethnicity first, then by the National Heritages available to it, in the order of left to right according to that heritages prominence.

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Accepted Players


Total PCs: 9

Number of PCs with certain Classes:

Scouts: 2 (Garren Forrest, Katsumi Erdos)

Rangers: 1 (Kyahnna)

Shock Troopers:1 (Zero Pax)

Medics: 1 (Jack Smithson)

Snipers: 2 (Catrin Costanza, Whit Venerman)

Tanks: 1 (Mauro Gomez)

Blast Troopers: 0

Engineers: 1 (Kenshin Amano)

Hackers: 1 (Sarah Answell)

PCs whose names are in red have been taken over by the host due to the player leaving indefinitely

Zero Pax- PC of Exlink

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Mauro "Big" Gomes- PC of Notus

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Sarah Answell- PC of Rosesong

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Garren Forest- PC of Flux

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Catrin "Vixen" Costanza- PC of Hukuna

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Kenshin Amano- PC of Typhlosionrulez

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Kyahnna- PC of King Murdoc

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Jack Smithson- PC of K_H

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Katsumi Erdos- PC of Snap Crackle Pop

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Whit Venerman- PC of Dobby

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Sign-up sheets


Age: (Must be between 18 and 24)


Ethnicity: you are free to mix and match any two available.

Class: what job class are they?

Support Skill: If their selected class has more than one support skill, which do you want your character to have?

Personality: Give an in depth description of your character's persona and general mind set.

Backstory: Include a history of your Character's life before being selected to venture beyond Eden. (you all don't have the proper information for a back story yet, but I'm working on it.)

Appearance: Give an in depth description of what they look like.

Additional: Anything else that should be known about this person?

The Power of Music

Main theme of this RP

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Soundtrack for beyond the Gates of Eden

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Part 1: The Gates

Chapter 1- Into the Unknown

Chapter 2- The Complex

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In this post, all information regarding the settlement of Esperanza will be put up.

The History of the City of Esperanza

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The Ministry Council

Esperanza has been governed by the Ministry Council since it's founding, and it is responsible for all matters regarding the settlement and it's affairs.

There are Six Ministries which make up the Government of Esperanza, each of them is responsible for a different field. Meetings of the council are held on a regularly scheduled basis, unless an emergency session needs to be called. The Council is lead by an elected official known as the Prime Minister. the different ministries tend to work together in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency.

The Ministry of Defense

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The Ministry of Commerce

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The Ministry of Science

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The Ministry of Exploration

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The Ministry of Environment

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The Ministry of Demographics

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The Upper and Lower City

Esperanza is split into two sections, known as the Upper and Lower city. The Upper city consist of the original site of the settlement, atop the Forest Plateau on which Johnson and the Foundation team landed one hundred years ago. The Lower City consist of the rest of the settlement which expanded outward from the plateau in the century following the colony's establishment. While there is no real wealth gap in between the two sectors worth mentioning since Cash flow of individuals is monitored very closely in Esperanza, it should be noted that the more elite of society tend to occupy the upper city, those with careers in government and scientific pursuit, as well as many of the civil servants of the city, and many crucial buildings and infrastructure is located here. The Lower City serves to house the rest of the populace and the majority of the businesses within the settlement, and is where the majority of the population density resides.

The Upper City

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The Middle City

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The Lower City

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Laser Weaponry

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Here, all information regarding the world beyond Eden will be posted

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Name: Zero Pax

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Class: Shock Trooper, Support: Ambidextrous

Personality: Kind-hearted, thought can seem mean because he loves to be smug. Tends to keep to himself, when he is talking though he becomes charismatic and up beat.

Backstory: Zero's father was one of the best shock troopers in the army and was sent to guard the investigators that went into eden. Zero told his father not to go because it would be too dangerous but he didn't listen. When the group came back his father wasn't with them. Soon his mother got infected and died and he was alone for many months. Before his father went into eden he trained under his father and was top in his class. When he heard about the expedition group he begged the commander to allow him to go look for his father or at least finish his job in Eden and he allowed it. He got his dad's spare arsenal of weapons that were black and blue and came with matching clothes.

Appearance: He colored his hair a bright cyan color and is medium length. Dark greens eyes with black glasses/contacts. (depends if he's wearing them) wears a blue flannel jacket over a black T-Shirt, also Dark blue jeans. Black and cyan shoes.

Additional: When ever someone mentions his father as in he's dead or they know where he is he goes into a rage that increases his power but make him more sloppy.

Edited by EXLink32
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Name: Kal Vasher




personality:Solemn,silent and cold. He doesn't want to bother people with his problems. Only when challenged by a serious problem does a more capable personality show. Usually not good at working with groups other than with close friends.When his mind is set on something he is known to be very reliable.

Back story: (want to create after some others so i can get a general feel of the story)

Apearance: Medium-long black curly hair, greasy and often covers his eyes. Dark brown eyes and wears an over sized black sweater, worn brown pants and old work boots.

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Name: Mauro "Big" Gomes

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Class: Tank

Support Skill: Attention Graber

Personality: Loud and funny. Life is a huge playground for Big, and even in critical situations he is able to keep calm and eventually pull a joke or two.

Backstory: Big was always extremely curious about everything, and joined the ERC in order to scout expeditions and take a look at the wide world. He was very happy about his life, and was great at his job due to his physical prowess. When the Eden epidemy broke out he was worried, of course, but optimistic as always... Untill one day he came back from an expedition and found that his little sister was took into quarantine, under suspect of having contracted the virus. He volunteered to go beyond Eden as soon as the expedition was launched, and hopes to find the cure quickly and save his sister.

Appearance: Mauro has been nicknamed "Big" for a reason. He's 1.90 meter tall, broad of shoulder and muscular like few people. His hair and thick beard are pitch black, his eyes and skin brown, and he always wears a smile on his face.

Edited by Notus
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wow... and here I was under the impression that must people around here could actually read.

oh whatever... you guys can just edit in the back-story once I get the info up tomorrow...

but just to make it known, the reason I said to wait for me to say you could begin submissions is because you all don't have any information on Esperanza yet...

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@Sir_Bagel Looks alright so far. You'll be accepted as soon as you get a back-story up. Also, you need to specify which support skill Kal has since the Engineer class has two to choose from.

@Exlink Same thing for you, get up a backstory and you'll be accepted. and also, you need to specify which support skill Zero will have.

Hopefully some more people who said they were interested before will begin showing up...

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Name: Kyahnna

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Native Japanese/Caucasian (British)

Class: Ranger

Support Skill: Shield Burst

Personality: Brash and almost reckless, Kyahnna's usual approach to an issue to to blast it to bits or use the threat of that particular action to make the issue deal with itself. She takes joy in action and gets impatient when she can't get into any, though she's pretty good at masking this for a while when required. She doesn't think a life lived cautiously is one worth living. Despite all this, she's perfectly capable of working on a detailed plan; she simply prefers direct responses.

Backstory: Kyahnna's parents were almost stereotypical members of the upper class; a bit conservative, rather overprotective, and insistent upon their daughter following in their footsteps. However, it was readily apparent from an early age that this lifestyle would fit her about as well as a pair of gym shorts fits a rhinoceros. Kyahnna was constantly pressed into dresses and drilled with lessons in courtesy, along with an expensive education, and she invariably found a way to evade most of her lessons. When the opportunity to join the ranger corps presented itself, she leapt at it, quickly becoming known for her excellent markspanship and her daring in training.

Appearance: Her facial features and skin tone are pretty much exactly between her two backgrounds. She has fairly fine, somewhat delicate-looking features that belie her personality. Her hair is also dyed a bright white. She's fairly fit due to her natural propensity for physical exertion. Kyahnna tends toward the short side, coming in at about 5'3".

Additional: She has an educated-sounding English accent. She's also a big fan of rushing recklessly into situations, but she's not stupid, just incredibly impatient. She's a crack shot and specializes in laser rifles with a pistol as her sidearm.

imma finish this later dw

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So, do we have to pick from the classes, or can we mix-and-match skills? I like shock trooper, but would prefer acrobatics over hand-to-hand. I'm assuming that's not possible though? Also, are we limited to the weapons listed on a class, or is there some "wiggle room?" For example, using a broadsword or something on a melee class rather than a staff?

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  On 9/21/2014 at 3:47 PM, Flux said:

So, do we have to pick from the classes, or can we mix-and-match skills? I like shock trooper, but would prefer acrobatics over hand-to-hand. I'm assuming that's not possible though? Also, are we limited to the weapons listed on a class, or is there some "wiggle room?" For example, using a broadsword or something on a melee class rather than a staff?

No Mixing and Matching skills, I'm afraid. while that was how I was gonna have it in the beginning, I eventually came to realize early on while developing this that it would most likely devolve into a complete mess from everyone trying to go after what they thought of as the "Best or Coolest" skills.

So yes, You are strictly limited to the skills alloted to the specific class you choose. This way, Everyone can feel like they at least have some role on the team, bring something to the table that only they can. so if you choose Shock Trooper, you're gonna have to settle for the skills it has, so no, Acrobatics on a Shock Trooper is not possible. This is also because I set up the classes to each have certain strengths and weaknesses in a fight.

As for weapons, yes, for the most part you are limited to the weapons listed. But I don't really see how this can be an issue seeing as how I already gave the Shock Trooper class a bladed weapon to use. (The tonfa blades are configured so that the handle can be moved from a 90 degree angle to 180, making a straight hilt that it can be held normally by.)

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Alright... and sorry bout how slow things are going right now guys... shouldn't be too long till I have all the details for Esperanza up for you. after that you'll have all you need for a good backstory.

(You can submit a signup now and just choose to edit in the back story later if you want...or you can wait like some of you are already. It's your choice)

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Name: Kenshin Amano

Age: 18


Ethnicity: Japanese-American

Class: Engineer

Support Skill: Drone Operator

Personality: Kenshin is a taciturn,an introvert, and calculating young man. he spends most of his time building/improving his inventions rather than interacting with humans. He prefers logical reasoning over rushing into things, Kenshin is overthinker you might say.

Backstory: Kenshin was the foster child of two brilliant engineers. He grew up as loner and spends most his time studying and share his parent's passion about machinery rather than playing like normal kids do. in result, Kenshin's knowledge about machinery grew exponentially as he becomes more and more attach to technology, as he becomes more cynical about people.

on his 13th birthday, he receives a gift from his parents, a hovering AI drone., which is shape like a ball. Kenshin modified this sphere through the years and added some special features and becomes his trusted companion. at the age of 18, he was intrigue about the events in Eden and decided to join in the ERC for the sake of exploration and in his pursue of knowledge.

although Kenshin may lack combat training, he compensates things by his superior engineering skills and his power of observation. well if doesn't convinced you,his customize attack drone and his high powered arc caster on his back will probably change your mind.

Appearance: 5'5 in height, squinty eyes due to his Japanese trait, slick black hair, pale skin, wears a formal attire mostly a suit and tie.

Additional: He doesn't like to be call short or peepsqueak, or he'll paralyze your ass with his customize Arc caster. He has a pet surveillance drone(an orb) that always orbit around his side. Serving as a scout and as an energy conduit, This drone can redirect lightning attacks and can absorb them as well, it can also amp his Arc caster's chain lightning attacks, create EMPs and can create electromagnetic shield as defense, this orb-like drone is consider as Kenshin's primary weapon and will attack at his command.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Typh, if you take a look at the chronologic details, you'll see it's impossible for the char to have lived on Earth. There's probably no Earth born people alive in Esperanza at the current point.

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There aren't. There were some when the colonist first set foot on the planet, but anyone with actual direct hailing from Earth has long since all died. You have to remember, biologically speaking, it's been 150 years or so between the time that the Founding Generation embarked, and the beginning of the story. (It's 2500 years chronologically)

The Nationalities listed under the Ethnicities tab really doesn't mean a whole lot in the current era of esperanza, but they did back when things were first getting started. they eventually got over their issues and stopped caring whose ancestors came from which country that was on a planet trillions of miles away and was destroyed before they were even born. Very few individuals still actually care about National Heritage beyond it's historic value in the history of man.

so yeah, Back Story is gonna need work.

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Name: Sarah Answell

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasian (American) /Hispanic (Costa Rican)

Class: Hacker

Support Skill: N/A

Personality: Sarah's mind is in constant motion; she's always thinking about the next objective or analyzing what information has already been given to her. As such, she can sometimes get ahead of herself while talking or miss what others are saying. Sarah can be quite spacey in terms of her own possessions (the good ole "Where's my glasses??"), but is able to focus when she absolutely needs to in order to get the job done.

Backstory: Sarah wasn't aware that anything was wrong-- she was a carefree young woman that didn't worry about these sorts of things and hacked into programs because it was fun for her to do. That is, until she woke up one day to find her parents, two of the most well-known DPPK members in the area, gone; the disease had been suspected to have taken hold of them. They had left her a note stating they loved her but that she needed to know that she wasn't their daughter; they had taken her in when she had nowhere to go. Taking her mother's favorite ring to keep with her at all times, Sarah began hacking in earnest to try and find anything about who she had been before, getting past the walls of low-security computers. Instead, she found out about the 'beyond Eden' project and the search for a cure and refocused her attempts; she joined the ERC and is completely dedicated to saving her parents, and finding out who she is.

Appearance: Sarah looks extremely lanky at 5'6". She has blonde hair with white highlights that reaches her mid-back, though no one really knows that due to her keeping it in a messy bun all the time, and sapphire blue eyes that stay hidden underneath her glasses. Sarah tends to wear semi-fitted t-shirts over jeans, citing that "Comfort should come first." While preferring not to wear anything cumbersome lest it get in the way of her work, she has her mother's ring on her right finger that she always wears. Her voice has a hard edge to it but still sounds nerdy all the same.

Additional: Sarah is bilingual in English and Spanish.

Err, I think I'm done...

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^Accepted, Rose.

Alright, here's the list of all Currently accepted Characters:

Sarah Answell- Rosesong

Zero Pax- Exlink

Mauro "Big" Gomes- Notus

Here are the Characters still in progress/ needs editing

Kal Vasher- Sir_Bagel

Kyahnna- Murdoc

Kenshin Amano- Typhlosion (needs editing)

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I'll be putting a character up at some point, just haven't gotten around to it yet. As you may or may not have noticed, I've been absent on the forums the past few days... Hopefully I can get back into the flow of things sometime soon.

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