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whether it's like superheated water, steam, etc, either way, still quite destructive... and painful.

Though... this would be a lot easier if I knew anything about or comprehended physics... or even cared much about it.

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What I like about Fantasy Worlds, as long as I have a semi good reason, I can be like.....magic lelz and be done with it. It can be done to an extent in a Sci-fi world, but people are likely to ask how the hell something works. ((and mind you, it isn't because I am lazy, it is because I like to just throw things out to really keep players on their toes, and it is a bit harder when I am asked to explain myself lol.))

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If you want me to come up with a good handwave explanation for something, let me know. I love physics.

Alright then, Murdoc, have at it, please.

Now... if you could figure out something about the weaponization of plasma... I want something able to destroy/cut threw matter like a Lightsaber can; though it's stated that a Lightsaber's blade is pure energy... and if Plasma technically isn't pure energy... well, you get where I'm going, don't really know how I can continue the BS train on that particular idea now.

((just To give some context about what I'm thinking about when I say "Plasma Weapons of Mass Destruction" I'm thinking of something like a Nuke, capable of inflicting large amounts of loss of life and damage over a very large area, but that would lack the fallout and drastic environmental consequences of detonating a Nuke, which would pretty much leave the fact that other people can retaliate against you for an attack with the same tech as the only deterrent for using the weapon. What I envisioned was that somehow, the same tech used for Lightsabers in SW could maybe be turned into...I don't know, some type of explosive energy charge that could destroy anything it touched upon detonation and leaves no trace of it behind... so basically, a Nuke... just a Nuke that doesn't royally fuck up the environment))

So... Challenge accepted Murdoc?

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It's currently impossible with modern technology, but if you could project a sort of electromagnetic field, it could contain plasma. If it lost power, however, the plasma would basically do whatever the hell it wanted, so it would probably just sort of blow up and melt everything in a small radius. As for how the plasma is generated, you could probably pass an electric current through a gas to ionize it; the more current, the hotter the plasma. Throwing projectiles of it would probably be achieved by using what amounts to a railgun; move a magnetic charge along the barrel rapidly and the plasma follows it.

((I actually don't know that much about plasma lol))

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Well... in that case... I guess I'll just have to be vague and substitute "Plasma" for "Highly Classified Energy" and make it so that this "highly classified Energy" is the thing outlawed instead of Plasma and is the thing used on ships, though in all honestly, Ships can just use giant versions of Laser Weapons... or maybe I could just say it was Lasers and outlaw that instead but that would be kinda foolish given that I'm pretty sure what I'm thinking off can't exactly be accomplished by Lasers and the fact that I've kinda given them to a class as a primary weapon...

Soooooo... I think I'm going to have to end up stealing a page from one Mr.Orson Scott Card and uuuuse... The Molecular Disruption Device...or at least something similiar to it since that's pretty much the closest thing to what I keep thinking off for this whole "Nuke without causing the Fallout" because I honestly don't care about the irradiated land surrounding the blast site, I just want to give the folks of ancient earth a way to eliminate the massive fall out that would result from the blast and block out the sun light and cause Nuclear Winter...

I... don't know. Any suggestions? ((And at this point, Since I'm thinking of just replacing it with something else, I'm probably just justify you all suddenly finding Plasma weapons at some point by just say that Humans never gave any thought as to how to turn plasma into a WMD... but the folks who built Eden and the ruins did))

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Plasma still makes sense for this; it's IMMENSELY destructive if we're talking the kind you would find in a star. A bolt of lightning exposes you to plasma for a fraction of a second and has the capacity to blast trees apart and instantly kill people. If you threw a chunk of it at someone there wouldn't be much left of the afflicted area.

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Type they find in a star, eh? alright, I think it could be... maybe reasonable to have tech evolved that far by the 2330's (When I'm thinking off for all this mess with Weapon Grade Plasma to happen) Though, to be able to generate that much heat to equal a star, they'd have to be pretty damn advanced... so advanced that they would probably be an actively star fairing society by then...

Though wait... Stars...Stars...STARS... Maybe... Star Shard? Now I'm just going crazy... but what if they could...somehow capture part of a star and farm the plasma from that? though the amount of scientific advancement required... again, it would cause some HUGE Tech inconsistency's in history, inconsistency's so large that it would pretty much up-heave the entire basis of the very plot of this RP because Humanity would've been able to get off of earth and expand outwards much sooner than they did...think about it, first they have to actually get to star, the closest one is the sun, then they have to withstand the heat of the star... then find some way to break off a part of it, contain it safely...yeah, major possible plot breaking things...

*Reborn acheivement system* "Stratos has just aquired a new acheivement: getting trapped in logic circles by his own writting!"

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Well, keep in mind that there is a titanic amount of plasma in a star. Assuming that we've developed the ability to generate and use energy much more efficiently than we can now (think today vs. the 1700s), it's not unreasonable to say that we could develop a handheld weapon capable of tossing small amounts at people, or a warhead that dispersed a larger amount over a city-wide area.

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Certainly this girl knows what she is doing, not many of them are carrying arc casters, only him and the girl. another engineer perhaps? well whatever her profession is, she seems to be trustworthy. as for the other members, they seem to be a bit shady for the engineer's eyes. Kenshin has trust issues in his team for the time being.

B-but... Garen's like the least shady guy there is...

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It doesn't matter, soldier. everyone had better learn to start trusting each other pretty quick if they want to live. I'm not going to be as forgiving in this RP as I am in Surge Story and, to a lesser degree than that, PSS. Dysfunctional military squadrons never do well in the field. It's like Major Bane said:

"I'm not saying any of you have to be friends. I'm not saying any of you have to even like each other, in fact, I'll be blunt: some of you could be completely at each others throats for all I care; so long as when shit hits the fan, oh, and it most certainly will, let me tell you here and now, you'll have each other's backs without question."

- Jace Michael Bane, Major(O-4)of the Esperanza Special Forces

Murphy's law will be deployed a considerable amount more in this story if I see stupidity going on anywhere.

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On the contrary, Kenshin can be the most reliable member of the team, if he wasn't so cynic and talks so little.(as his bio shows..for now). as for Garen ill be observing him soon in Kenshin's judgmental thoughts. :P ((to be honest, its really hard for me to roleplay this character, since most of my IC are pretty outspoken to share what they feel.))

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Soldiers, let me set the record straight real quick before we proceed any further in this RP: The Exo Suits are somewhat akin to Stormtrooper armor, not Mecha suits or any of that nonsense. I'll go further into detail later.

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